
Help Me To Become A Villain!

Fortune was still on Roseline's side when a man saved her after drifting into the river after she escaped chasing her father and the mages from the sacred temple. Unfortunately, that good fortune immediately turned for the worse when it turned out that the man was King Elliot Zuncavier, the king of the Almortaza kingdom and a black light energy mage who was one of the causes of Rosaline's mother's death. "Help me to become a villain. I want to avenge the actions of the king of the kingdom of Avantazia and my father. And I will help you with my forbidden magical energy, Your Majesty!" said Roseline when she had decided to take advantage of King Elliot Zuncavier. King Elliot Zuncavier smirked. "Good offer. But, what if I refuse, Lady? Are you going to kill me with your forbidden magic? Or are you going to try to seduce me with your charms? Interestingly, you are so brave when you are a weak prisoner in your own family, Lady." "Your Majesty, I will give you anything you want from me as long as you are willing to accept my offer." Roseline wasn't desperate to get help from King Elliot Zuncavier. She wanted to use King Elliot Zuncavier to kill her father and King Wilhem Effenberg of the kingdom of Avantazia. Then she would kill the king of the kingdom of Almortaza. But what if things don't go according to plan, especially when Roseline is captivated by King Elliot Zuncavier's charms?

VhyDheavy_Putri · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Locked Up In The Tower For Thirteen Years

Roseline Atkinson opened her eyes when the thunder roared outside. It's raining tonight with lightning flashing. Roseline gradually woke up from the golden bed where she had slept for thirteen years. Then when has been sat down, she immediately removed the thick, soft blanket that covered the lower part of her body.

A chill immediately spread in her body when her feet touched the room floor. However, this did not make Roseline then discouraged from continuing to tread. Her slow tread was directed to the small window in the place. And then, she quickly opened the curtain that covered the window.

Oh, it's raining so hard. Roseline can stare at the lightning line that often appears in the sky from this tower. Activity of looking up at the sky's darkness, Roseline doesn't only do it when it's raining, but every night she does it—at the same time, she imagines that one day she would be able to get out of this tower.

Although the tower's height was not as high as the roof of the Avantazia royal palace, it did not make Roseline able to escape. Especially when some of the guards continued to be down there, her Dad had also installed powerful magic to lock the door and all sides of the place with the help of the sacred mages. If it weren't for the horrible incident thirteen years ago, perhaps Roseline would have already become a noble daughter who shone like Emily Sun Atkinson—her half-sister.

Thirteen years ago, a catastrophe occurred in the ballroom of the western palace of the Avantazia kingdom. A group of black hooded people managed to infiltrate the place while the party was going on as if someone had given them a free pass. King Wilhem Effenberg was the primary target. Count Zerach Atkinson—Roseline's Dad—was at the party trying to help the king with his swordsmanship. But apparently, one of the black hooded people has strange black magic that is strong and large. Count Zerach Atkinson and King Wilhem Effenberg were pressed until almost death after Countess Rose Atkinson finally came to their rescue. Countess Rose could defeat all intruders with her immense blue light energy, even until make her beautiful dress had been badly damaged.

However, Countess Rose Atkinson's decision to save the king, her husband, the soldiers, and all the nobles at the ball was met with a bad response. The blue light energy magic she possessed made her identity revealed. She is a Rose Ellwort. Ellwort is a surname of a blue light energy mage that killed the previous king intending. Reportedly, Ellwort wants to usurp the throne in the Kingdom of Avantazia. The Ellwort family, which had betrayed even to the point of killing the king, had been annihilated, but apparently, they still have descendants who are still alive. And their descendants are Countess Rose Atkinson or Rose Ellwort.

King Wilhem Effenberg, who couldn't accept the fact that there was still an Ellwort who was still alive descendant, became furious. How not? His beloved father died at the hands of the head of that damn blue light mage family. The dark emotions within King Wilhem provoked him to accuse Countess Rose Atkinson or Rose Ellwort of being the mastermind behind the infiltration and attack in the ballroom of the western palace.

And Count Zerach Atkinson had to kill his wife—Rose Ellwort—or he would be considered a traitor.

In the end, Count Zerach Atkinson chose to protect himself. Inside the tower, he viciously killed Rose Ellwort. He is already immune to magic because he has been given a magic barrier pendant from a sacred mage. From the top of the tower, Count Zerach Atkinson dropped his wife's bloodied body from the stab of his sword. The king of Wilhem smiled with satisfaction after seeing Rose Ellwort's corpse fall before his eyes.

The tower, which was supposed to be a gift after seven years of marriage and would serve as a beautiful place to make love, eventually became a place of punishment for Countess Rose Atkinson. Sad, but that's what happened.

Roseline herself, who was seven years old at the time, was imprisoned in the tower because it was considered to have a destructive impact on the Avantazia Kingdom and the Atkinson Family. After all, she still had the blood of Rose Ellwort, but until now, Rosaline did not know why her Dad and the king kept her alive when she had the blood of a forbidden witch in the kingdom's land of Avantazia. Then, all the members of the Atkinson family were provided with magic barrier pendants by the sacred mage to keep them safe when they wanted to meet Rosaline.

Count Zerach Atkinson married another woman one year after Countess Rose Atkinson or Rose Ellwort died. His new wife was named Catherine Alston. Lady Catherine already has a son one year older than Roseline, Davin Cairdo. And that woman told Roseline everything that happened every time she came to the tower.

Unfortunately, the life opportunity that was given did not make Roseline feel grateful. She even thought it would be better to die than to be trapped in a tower for the rest of her life. She was given a lot of luxury goods, textbooks, and dresses by famous designers in the kingdom of Avantazia. Count Zerach Atkinson gave it all to quell Roseline's anger so Rosaline wouldn't turn into a mad mage like her mother.

But Roseline was not a stupid child. Making friends with books makes her a lot smarter. After thirteen years of languishing, it was time for her to get out of this tower. And now, she is already twenty years old. After all, she already had the magical energy she had mastered from her mother's relic book.

Yes, she found a notebook of spells and magic techniques under the bed with a message; You can't end up like Mom, only you can open this book, now do your job, Rosaline!

"Two more days...." Roseline mumbled. "If I fail, it's better just to die."

Roseline's eyes stared straight ahead with a sharp twinkle. Behind the darkness, she could find the shadow of the lush trees in the distance. In two days, she will run away, and the direction of her escape is the forest. During the ten years since starting her magic practice using the book, she believed her magic power was enough to destroy the sacred energy surrounding the tower.

Roseline had been thinking about an escape plan for a long time after hearing precisely what had happened thirteen years ago from Countess Catherine Atkinson, her stepmother. Because she also was angry with her Dad and the king who had killed her Mom. Roseline knew Countess Catherine Atkinson meant to make her suffer even more, and now Roseline would show how much she suffered by taking revenge. To avenge all their actions, of course, she must escape and go out of this tower. In two days, when Emily Sun Atkinson's birthday party is being held, Roseline will surprise them by blowing up the tower that has imprisoned her for years!

Roseline gritted her teeth. Her palms clenched tightly, and the blue light was created. If she didn't immediately quell the anger in her heart, perhaps the blue light would expand into more deadly energy.

"And if I am alive, I will continue to survive out there. I will learn how to control this energy better, and after that, I will go to Dad, sacred mages, and His Majesty the King! They must repay my mother's life with their own life." Roseline spoke confidently. When the time came, she would leave without caring about anything but herself and her mission.


Hi, Everyone. Welcome to my first English book. Thank you! ^^

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