334 Who Was Framing Her? (2)

翻訳者: Atlas Studios 編集者: Atlas Studios

Carefully pulling down the car roof, Su Yanbin then drove the car toward the city area, feeling conflicted.

Leader Si had handed her over to him. Handed her over!

But how was he to deal with such a liability?

Should he drive her to his own villa? That wasn't very appropriate.

But she couldn't possibly stay in empty villas!

Or maybe he should send her to a hotel?

Reclining in her seat and sipping her soybean milk, Zhuang Nainai's gaze was fixed on the scenery outside. "Why did you come?"

Su Yanbin thought of telling her that it had been Leader Si who had sent him over, but he thought twice as he recalled Si Zhengting's orders. "Oh, I suddenly felt like eating the sour spicy noodles near the school, so I dropped by."

Zhuang Nainai grunted, then asked, "So did you get to eat it?"

"Of course I did! And it's still the same as it was."


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