
Turning the floors dirty.


The scene had only changed, as though it was running in line with the lyrics of the music that was playing... And the images again, flickered in her mind just as they came. A soft gasp left her lips that moment as her eyes flew open too.

Her heart, racing faster than the last six seconds that she'd dozed off where the blood in her, had rushed to settle down on her face, turning it warm that instant.

November's red eyes darted to look outside the window of her side in the car which had fog on it due to the rain.

Wiping off the fog that felt cold in her palm off the window, those prominent eyes of hers, looked outside through the glass as they passed by..

When November had first searched for, after she'd gotten a letter from this school, although spelling her name wrongly:research made it clear that this place was known for its occasional rainfall, unlike the last school she'd attended..

And so, vegetative propagated crops were well grown here.

A few drops of rain that touched and slid on the window, and the fog started to return, which of course, she wiped off again.

A few more minutes and the car stopped.

Her uncle who had been driving them all along, sighed," I think this is it."he announced to let her know that they'd reached. The girl quickly wore her glasses as one, she had eyesight problem and two, to reduce the intensity of her red coloured eyes because it's brightness made her look close to a vampire who'd drained completely out of blood and is seeking for whom to prey on..

November's luggages already had been sent a day before today leaving her with her school bag to carry.

The man who looked skinner than a scarecrow, stepped out of the huge gates of the university as he was the gateman. He carried an umbrella over his head that stopped him from getting wet from the rain and stood outside, beside the car.

The old man bent to look at the person at the back seat of the car.

And afterwards, he straightened, left and went to open the gates as he'd seen her face before today and when her uncle's car drove in, the gateman watched the girl's side profile through the space on which she'd wiped the fog from until she'd made the movements of opening the door to step out, under the rain without a rainshade to cover her...

The girl ran inside the tall building to avoid getting wetter than she was now.... As the strands of her hair that fell over her forehead, looked damp that it glued to her skin and dripped water. However, the round frames of her glasses weren't left untouched as dots of water now turned them slightly blurry. Stopping to clean them with the end of her blouse and afterwards, putting them back on, November could have sworn that this time around, she couldn't see a thing! The frames had happened to turn blurrier than the first time.

Anyways, as November managed to walk with her entirely blurred vision,she noticed that most of the students who were around, turned to stare at her while the man who was mopping the grounds earlier, slumped his shoulders in tiredness for they'd become all dirty again..

A bunch of girls who leaned against the walls, smirked after one of them had said something. Their eyes, looking her up and down. While some, stared at her because of her red eyes. And so she clutched the strap of her bag again..

Due to her glasses blurriness, November hadn't noticed that someone was right in front of her and so, she bumped into him.

" Watch it! "said the person with a glare while standing among her friends.

November stepped back after apologizing and made to walk away when the girl pulled her back with her backpack that'd almost caused her to trip.

A look of annoyance crossed November's features that instant, but wasn't that obvious from the smugness of her glasses that she was wearing, whilst facing the girl this time. She was slim and looked like she was in her final year in this university. Her lips were painted red while an eyeliner ran through the corners of her eyes each, that made them look like they were cat-eye.

Plus she wore this skimpy skirt that momentarily, November used it to tag her as this school slut. Not that she didn't wear skirts that were above her knees, but the girl's skirt was something beyond. To top it all, she wore heavy snickers that were trending.

Her brown hair,was let in a high ponytail that stopped to graze over the small of her back and a look of disgust coated her eyes like she'd touched the dirtiest thing on earth.

" Clean them,"

came her curt voice while keeping her eyes level with the new student. Her friends, snickered and laughed at the scene about to display whereas, drawing more eyes than the first one...

Seeing the girl bend, a smirk form on the senior's lips only to disappear when the girl's head raised to hit her on the chin with a crack!

Those who'd picked up the sound, gasped.

Bluntly apologizing again, November left like nothing happened a while ago.

However, when the senior had asked her to clean off the mud on her shoe, November had bent down not to clean them, but to pick up her eraser that'd fallen out of one of the bags on her bag as it was left agar.. that was next to girl's shoed feet.

And so, on her, trying to stand back straight, raised her head to hit the thing that had come to hover over her.