
Hell's Apprentice

As a battle of life and death begins, 14 kids are stranded in a demonic dimension they don't understand. Will they prevail above all adversity or suffer the wrath of the powerful?

ZacCB · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter 1 - Beginnings

"My liege, are you unwell." The dark clad humanoid entered the room as he spoke. The Chapel looking building stood, dark but divine. Banners hung from the wall, a dark crimson red. The long carpet being the only path between the large metallic doors and the throne.

"Speak nothing of it, have you selected my champions?" The being sat in the throne spoke. An overbearing pressure emitted as each word exited his lips, if he were not strong enough, might've been crushed by it alone.

"Ye- Yes my liege, all 14 have been located," The humanoid said.

"Good, good, prepare to begin the ceremony," The being spoke.

The mysterious humanoid left the room, a smirk on his face. All that could be heard in the building was the sound of the metallic latch and the door closing. The being then investigated the darkness.

"Who goes there?"

Marty sat up in a cold sweat.

'Another one?'

He turned on his lamp, illuminating his room, eliminating any sense of darkness that resided there. That voice rang in his ears sending a shock down his spine. He collected his thoughts, swinging his feet over the side of his bed with a large thud. He reached over and grabbed his cup, feeling the cool liquid flow down his throat, quenching his thirst before laying down as he struggled to fall back to sleep.

*Beep Beep Beep*

The sunlight beamed onto his warm, pale skin. Marty reached over, turning off his alarm. He stood up, letting his body wake up as he stumbled over to the bathroom, splashing water onto his face. He stared into his reflection, his distinguishing green eyes brightened. He traced along his black hair that reached his chin.

'I need a haircut,' he thought.

Taking a shower his athletic body was in full view. Marty was never one for any martial arts or sports, but his father had forced him into the gym at the tender age of 11. He always struggled with the martial arts itself, so while he could accel with his lean body, his natural talent was so low he couldn't perform any notably feats with it, depressing him.

It was around that time his father would start investing educational resources into him with large amounts of tutors. Although making Marty an incredibly well-rounded person fitness and academically. He felt as if he was being crushed by his father with expectations. Nothing was ever good enough thus forcing Marty to strive more. This would backfire ending up with him being incredibly stressed and unhealthy. This was until he met Tony.

Swiping these memories from his thoughts he cleaned himself up and found himself walking towards the kitchen.

"Young master, what is it that you would like for breakfast?"

That voice was his butler, Jolyne.

"I told you to stop calling me that, just use my name," Marty responded.

Jolyne hadn't been with the family for long and was still stuck in the servant mentality she had learned while being mentored in another family.

"As you wish, Young Master Marty," Jolyne responded, her lips curling into a smile. She was only 2 years older than Marty who was only 15 so she still had some sense of humour left in her.

"ughghgh" Marty let out a mumbled set of incomprehensible sounds.

He then walked into the loungeroom where his mother sat, her morning cup of coffee in her hand and a book in her lap. Dark circles resting under her eyes.

"Mother you need more sleep, I don't even know why you still work even with Fathers money," Marty told her.

"If I wasn't working, I would be bored. I'm not suited for the sedentary life," His mother responded. "Don't take your fathers money for granted, we raised you better then to be a spoiled brat and I take pride in that."

"You say that like Father did any raising," Marty mumbled under his breath before leaving the room.

Marty returned to his quarters, getting dressed to begin his monotonous lifestyle. On his drive to school he stopped by the cemetery, laying flowers onto a nameless grave before giving a prayer. Marty was not religious but just for this special case he would give a prayer, so that if there was a higher power, they would grant his wish and pave a path for this soul.

Stepping out of the car he looked over the building of his self-proclaimed torture ground, his school, Willsbury High. A feeling of dread washed over Marty as he entered his homeroom. A familiar presence hooking his arm around Marty's neck.

"Hey, how's our friendly little murderer," The presence said.

"Fuck off Kai, I'm not in the mood," Marty responded.

"Woah, hang on a second, since when did I care if you were or were not in the mood" Kai said, knocking the wind out of Marty with a knee to the ribs.

The teacher hadn't yet walked into the room and none of the other students cared to intervene on account of who Kai was, so as long as they stayed in the corner of the room Marty was free game to Kai.

"Meet me outside the café after school, and if you don't, my friends and I might make a trip to the teachers office and let them in on a little secret," Kai said before letting go and returning to his seat.

Marty couldn't stand being blackmailed like this, but he didn't have a choice. If the school found out about his involvement in an ongoing investigation, then life would be increasingly difficult for him and his family. He decided to note this event down in his notes app, as he often did. His therapist had told him that jotting down events in the day would help him recover although Marty didn't see the point.

The rest of his day didn't fare much better, feeling like his last remaining bits of will to live were being sucked out of his body. Each class was equally boring and happy thoughts were scarce these days.

"Tony…" Marty muttered as he dug his head into his arms and felt memories slip out of his eyes and down his cheek.

*Ring Ring*

The bell signalled the school day came to a close, and the fated meeting with Kai was to begin. Marty walked across the road and down the street to the café, Gloria Chino's. Those standing beside it startled Marty, as Kai was no where to be seen but in his place was his best friend and 2 other members of the group. Malek, Steven and Jake.

"Unfortunately, Kai had a work situation so he couldn't come. But in his place here I am, ready for your weekly payment," Malek told Marty.

For the past couple months Marty had been using most of his allowance to pay off Kai. He threatened that if he didn't pay him, he would go to the school and the police.

Today was however peculiar. Marty knew he should just give them the money and get it over with, as he had done every week. This time he hesitated. Malek sensed this change in mood.

"Don't make this any worse than this has to, just hand over the money." Malek said as Steven and Jake started to walk forward, pressuring Marty.

Marty had experienced worse pressure, the being in his dream. That was real fear, the kind that made your knees weak, the kind that makes you nauseas. This was nothing in comparison, Marty was tired of this.

"No, if you want to go to the authorities then do it. But I'm taking each and every one of you fuckers with me," Marty told him in a cold, harsh tone.

Malek was surprised and seeing the fire in his eyes backed up for a split second in hesitation, but he quickly organised himself.

"Bad decision," Malek said as they dragged him into a nearby alleyway.

From the side of the café, looking out the door a small head of blonde hair could be seen.