
Heir of the Red Ribbon Army

An Android is awaken before his actually completion. He has only a few memories of his Family.

Necro_Majin · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

An Android with human emotions

18 steps back from me as the two Saiyans drop into a defensive stance. I stare at them and after a while I look back at the twin.

"Why,"22 say in a cold tone.

"Because I order you too," 17 says and I twitch in annoyance but Gohan reacted instantly and before I knew it. I was on the ground.

I shoot my hands out to stop him from landing more punches, locking his wrist in my tight grip before pushing him away.

"That was rude," 22 says in an angry tone sending shiver down everyone spine.

"It meant to be," Gohan says before firing a ki blast right in front of 22.

To his surprise I form a large ki in front of my hand and it absorbs the ki and returns to my body. I then look at my clothes to see my black vest and jeans were dirty now. My face then begin to show anger and the twins notice it.

"Wow you made him mad, not very smart," 17 says mocking Gohan.

"Ha!"22 shouted, while jumping after Gohan and ensuring a fast pace sparring match. Our limbs were moving to quick for any normal human to follow.

I keep up my endless onslaught until I see Gohan's energy waver for a second, and in that moment I punch him hard in the face knocking him into a building, then I fire a green ki blast after him, making the building collapse on him.

"Gohan!" Trunks shouts to his friend in a worry tone. As 17 and 18 look on pleased by 22 results..

"Glad I woke up the stud yet?" 18 ask her twin.

"Yup he seems like fun," 17 says with a smirk.

I blink in curiosity as Gohan energy signal begin to rise exponentially all of a sudden he comes darting out the ruins glowing bright gold aura. His hair was golden and eyes where green now making me wonder about it. Before I could he punches me to the ground and begin blasting me with ki blasts contentiously as I endure it. When Gohan stops, he is breathing heavily. He had no time to catch his breath as I emerge from the dust. I see that I was still in great condition to fight with my limitless energy.

"I demand to know what I did to be treated this way. But first I am going get my payback to you tenfold. Hope you are prepared because I'm not gonna hold back anymore." 22 says.

I disappear and reappear in front of Gohan and flip kick him into the air, then I chase him into the air and connect a knee kick into the stomach, a spin kick to the head, followed by a second spin kick to the jaw, followed by a third kick to the face to send him spinning, followed by another spin kick to slice the stomach, followed by a slap to the head, then I follows up with hard kick to send the Gohan flying mid-air, then chases him down and finish my attack with a final striking sky kick to send him plummeting to the ground taking massive amounts of damage. I lowered my self to Gohan to see that he returned to his normal state, I grab him by the neck and put up to my eye level.

"Finish him off 22," 18 says with a chuckle.

"Stop Please!" Trunks say with tears in his eyes and panic.

"I already didn't plan to kill him when I finish the fight but looking at his friend face made me make sure that I thinking about the right choice," 22 thinks to himself

"I have no need to take his life because I will gain nothing from that even though he deserved that beat down for attacking me for no reason at all.," 22 thinks to himself.

I look directly into the eyes of Gohan.

"Don't attack me again, or I will show you no mercy next time." 22 says as he toss Gohan away.

I fly off in another direction.

"What?" 17 says in shock letting go of Trunks while stunned by my actions. Trunks hurried to Gohan and move him to a secure location and hide their energies.

"Come back here," 18 shouts at me and follows after I ignore her with her brother following.

In a different part of the city. I land and look back as the twins land in front of me.

"Why didn't you kill him as I ordered?! 18 shouts at 22.

"One because you are not my boss and two there is no reason for me to take his life," 22 says with a cold glare at 18.

"The reason to end his life is because they are weak," 18 say.

"So you want me to kill the weak because they are weak, there is no logic in your thinking," 22 says with an annoyed look on his face. 18 opens her mouth to say something but 17 stops her.

"Don't bother our friend here seems to have his human emotion still intact even though he is an android," 17 say.

"You act like you don't have human emotions," 22 say.

"We don't, 17 how about we put this dog to sleep," 18 say.

"No need we just have to wait until the Saiyans get stronger to for 22 to join us in killing them," 17 says.

"Right 22?" 17 asked 22.

"Whatever and keep treating me like a pet and I will be the one who help return you human emotions through fear," 22 says with anger.

Time passes and in that time and I distant myself from the twins since I have no joy in attacking and killing the humans for no reason. Since I have extra time I decided to look around and look through my memories. Only to discover that my last memories is when I was being turn into an android and having cells implanted in me one was from an unidentified being sealed away in the earth. Dad always come talk to me he tell me that he kept trying to fight off becoming mad but in the end he gave up when my older brother died at the hands of Goku. I also notice that my emotions can be dull at some times.

The next day I went to a lake like area, with grass and the sky looking beautiful. A strong breeze was blowing and I sit on the ground and just take in the view until I sense some nearby me.

"Why do you follow me if you fear me," 22 say to the figure hidden in the forest.

I lean back to look at the tree to see a familiar lavender haired boy in a stance to make himself look braver.

"I'm not afraid of you!" Trunks say to 22 as 22 holds back his laughter.

"That cute," 22 says as he stands up and walk to him.

Trunks backs up every step I take to him, So I stop and decided to ask him about his friend.

"How is Gohan doing?" 22 ask and the boy looks at him in anger like he was wrong to ask that.

"You dare ask me that after you almost killed him, You monster" Trunks yelled in anger with his fist balled up.

"So I'm a monster for defending my self" 22 ask

"You three androids are monsters who prey upon the weak, kill them for no reason, and destroy everything in your path. All of my friends and Family," Trunks yelled with tears in his eyes as 22 walks until he was in front of him.

"Hey!" 22 yelled at Trunks. He snaps out of his emotions and realize 22 was in front of him and looks at 22 in fear as he wrap his arms around him hugging him close to his chest.

"I can't apologize for things I didn't take part. I only hurt your friend because he attacked me first.. I feel bad that you lost your family and friends to those two." 22 says as Trunks look into his eye and was shock and confuse by what I said.

"I...don't need your pity" Trunks says.

"It not pity it comes from my heart," 22 says .

"I got to go now and you need to do something about your energy level because I detected you a lot easier if it is not hidden," 22 say as he fly off.

Trunks POV

As Android 22 takes off. I stand in shock and hide my energy .

"Why did you help me out and spared me" Trunks asked out loud to him self and went back to capsule corp.

When I got their I went to my friend and master to talk with him.

" Gohan I saw android 22 today," Trunks say as Gohan looked surprised.

Gohan looks me up and down to see if I was hurt but he can see that I was Okay

" Did he do anything to you," Gohan ask

"I can't let him know I had breakdown and put my self in danger,"Trunks thinks to him self

"N-No" Trunks say and Gohan look at him unconvinced.

"He just talked" Trunks says.

"Did he threaten you?" Gohan asks

"No he said he has no desire in killing humans, and said he will defend him self if attacked" Trunks say to Gohan.

"Umm Gohan I think 22 might be different from 17 & 18," Trunks say and Gohan goes into a deep thought.

"You could be right, but you could be wrong. We haven't seen much of him to say for sure. I only know he packs a mean punch and I don't know the reason he spared me, he even said he will not show me mercy if we fought again." Gohan says to Trunks.

"Don't let your guard down Trunks." Gohan says.

"I won't Gohan," Trunks responded easing Gohan's worry.