
Heir Of The Night

Rio grew up like a teenager his age. However, behind it all there is a big secret, about Rio's true identity. The vampire nation continues to hunt Rio, because in his body is the Ruby of Eternity, has the greatest power that is only born once a thousand years. Because of that, several of the Wolf nation's protectors kept trying to protect Rio, until he was old enough to receive the Ruby of Eternity's power. However, no matter how well one hid a secret, it would still be revealed. His friendship with Raeni, grows the seeds of love between the two. Until in the end, Raeni was kidnapped. However, it was all meant to trap Rio. Until the moment Rio saved Raeni, that's when her identity was revealed. Rio turned into a werewolf when he saw Raeni injured. Ludra used this to attack Rio and snatch the Ruby of immortality, which was embedded in Rio's body.

arayan_xander · ファンタジー
158 Chs

Chapter 9


King Byun was covered in wounds all over his body plus he had also fallen, but no matter how injured he was, King Byun didn't let go of the weapon from his hands at all.


"Quickly leave the Rubi to me! Or I will make you suffer!" snarled the Sun King.

"If you want it then just do it, I will not fight it. But until the end of my life, I will not give that Rubi to a bad person like you."

King Byun maintains his belief, he doesn't care if he has to die at the hands of his own friends, because it is the destiny of the Gods.

God's will is extraordinary, no one can know death will come, maybe tomorrow or later among us humans no one knows.

In his last seconds, King Byun still had time to smile, as a sign that he was a true knight who would never die. Although the soul has gone, but his name will be remembered in the heart.

The Sun King pointed his bow and arrows. He aimed King Byun with such accuracy.


Flying fast, stabbed right into King Byun's heart for the second time. Exactly what he wanted. King Byun finally died too.


The sound of King Byun's last breath was heard, before he finally closed his eyes.

Arjuna came and shouted, "Master!" He was standing quite far from the place where King Byun died.

Until the end of his life, King Byun still had time to see the faces of the people who were always by his side.

Arjuna came late. If only he could arrive sooner, the arrow probably wouldn't have killed its Master.

"King of the Sun! You have gone too far this time! How could you so willingly kill my lord, without the slightest bit of resistance from him? Is that the attitude of a knight, killing a friend who doesn't want to fight him anymore?"

"What did you say? Friends? Hahaha…."

He laughed at her, finding it funny. Arjuna's bluff aimed at him was not something to be fought with muscles.

It's just the usual chump of a hungry kitten. Asking for milk and food, is nothing to the Sun King.

"What did you say just now? Try it again! I didn't hear it..."

It was not fear that the Sun King showed, and instead he reproached Arjuna with ridicule.

"Ulu… Ulu… What bullshit is that? You tell me who he is, to me? Friends?"

"What kind of friend is so selfish? If it weren't for him, it might be that the Immortal Rubi is now in my hands."

He stroked his fingers. In his imagination he imagined that the ring finger would be filled with a beautiful Ruby ring.

"I was already imagining how beautiful the Ruby of Eternity would be on this ring finger of mine."

Just imagining it already feels beautiful, let alone being able to have it will definitely be even more beautiful. So he thought.

"But!" show anger to King Byun.

"That time, if it weren't for his cunning! Maybe the Ruby would have been in my hands!" he regrets.

Human heart who knows. If in the past people were good, not necessarily now, it could be because of the situation and the wheel of life that is always spinning, causing every human nature to change.

It resulted in the Sun King himself. In the past he was known as the King of the Sickle and Wise. Everyone respects and submits to him.

He is admired by his People. Even the entire kingdom that existed imitated his leadership.

"It's not my lord's fault! What my lord said is true. You really don't deserve that ruby! You are just a tiger, who can only steal!" reproached Arjuna in a harsh tone.

His mention offended the Sun King deeply.

"Stop you! What do you call me?!" angered him by snorting his face.

"A weak Tiger… A despicable beast that comes when its prey has been uprooted by someone else, and is unarmed as well. My lord, did not wish to attack you because of the friendship between you and him, but what recompense did you give him?"

Arjuna offended him, "You even had the heart to kill him. What kind of friend are you!" said Arjuna.

Arjuna did not play with his words this time. He was not afraid to mock the Sun King even at the cost of his life.

He is on the right path, so why be afraid if he is on the right path?

"Stop you! Watch the way you talk! I've had enough of your bullshit again."

Already looking bored like the Sun King this time. Sprinkled a thousand words by Arjuna, making him start to feel tired.

"Haechan! Renjun!"

He no longer wanted to continue this debate, instead the Sun King summoned his two guards.

"Yes sir," said the two together.

Standing splitting King Byun, Renjun and Haechan were ready to take the Sun King's orders whenever he said.

"Quickly kill that arrogant Servant! Don't let him see the twilight for tomorrow! Hurry up!" The Sun King ordered Haechan and Renjun.

"Yes sir!" said the two in unison.

Like a guard dog called by their master to take a toy, Haechan and Renjun immediately ran towards Arjuna, with weapons full of magic in their hands.


The cheers of the two were full of passion. Arjuna did not want to lose to the two people. He also ran to defend himself and the dignity of this Kingdom.

From behind. The Sun King was ready to aim for Arjuna's heart. The arrow was aimed right at Arjuna's chest.


Flying as fast as he could, slamming right into his aged heart.

"Gotcha!" He was overjoyed when his arrow hit the target.


Before Haechan and Renjun could touch him, the Sun King first made Arjuna unable to do much.

He was as weak as a pile of cotton in the wind, and his magic also vanished in a matter of seconds.

This nation, as well as its people have a weakness that lies in their heart.

Even if they were immortals, if their "Heart" was targeted or injured then their life would end right then and there.

Similar to King Byun and Arjuna, the Sun King purposely attacked their "Hearts" and caused both of their lives to end today.

Unable to do more, Arjuna finally gave up and gave up his life today. The precipitous path he had been walking this day had ended for good.


The cry of a child as a song to accompany Arjuna's departure to (Nirmala) the paradise of the Gods.

From behind Lay came and saw everything. He arrived at the right moment, when the "Heart" had completely stopped.

Arjuna fell with an arrow stuck in the heart. He lay on the floor of the Palace with his blood as a cushion from the cold floor.

"Father!" the heat. He wanted to reach but couldn't. Lay Wants to chase him but it's hard to catch up.

Tried to run, but was too slow to walk. Until….

Ting, no.


It was already 08:00 in the morning. Lay had woken up from his long sleep. He looked sweaty as he sat on his bed.

"Dad!" he called back, as the nightmare woke him up again.

Lay looked breathless. His breath was unstable like a runner who had just finished his race.

He tried to wake up from a bad dream that had haunted him for a long time.

Wiping off all the water that wet the face, the blanket pushed aside. He scrambled out of bed.

Standing on the floor, without washing his face first Lay just left his room. I don't know where he is going, this early?

Maybe want to get ready for school? But doesn't it seem?

Lay did not go to the bathroom, nor to the dining room, but Lay just walked quickly into a room.

He opened his locked door, just walked in without a second thought.

Enter a dimly lit room. There are no LED lights that illuminate this room, but only dozens of brightly lit candles.

"Father!" he called in the silence of the room.

Who did he meet? Is he Arjuna, his father?

"Dad!" he said again, repeating it several times.

Not in human form anymore, but now Arjuna was lying in a coffin made of transparent glass.

"Father how are you?"

Lay asked him thus. He knew his father wouldn't answer him, but that was what he always asked when he arrived in this room.

The room was not big, there was only the coffin, with dozens of candles burning around the coffin.

This candle has not been extinguished for 500 years. How could that be? Of course you can, because Arjuna has been dead for 500 years, and this candle accompanies him.

"Dad… I dreamed about it again. A night where I shouldn't have seen that."

He leaned against the glass coffin, and looked at his father who was sleeping eternally inside.

Arjuna's body is still intact without any broken skeleton. Even he was still wearing a very neat suit, with a weapon in the form of a sword at his side.

"Father… To this day I still dream about it. The dream that night always reminds me of the revenge that I must do."

"Father… If I didn't come late at that time, maybe now you're still with us," he regretted being useless.

"I don't know, now Prince Rio has grown up together with Mother…. At that time I managed to save Prince Rio," he added.

"Now the Prince has grown into a teenager, he is also almost 17 years old. The next full moon is his birthday, do you still remember it?" Lay said alone without anyone answering.

"He's handsome Father. The prince became a manly man like King Byun. I have faith, that one day Prince Rio will become a leader like King Byun. I'm sure of it!"

He was not a lunatic teenager who confided in the dead alone. He was still sane and healthy in mind, it's just that when mornings like this he always came here.

This room stores the body of his father who has died.


What happened earlier was not just a dream, this is what actually happened. Lay, no longer live in the world of immortality like before. Now he has lived in the human world and is a 17 year old teenager.

He in this world does not live alone, but lives a life together with his mother, namely Lalisa and Prince Rio.

However, they do not live under the same roof with him. Lay, lives alone in his big and luxurious house. There was no one there, no maids or guards just guarding the house.

Meanwhile, Prince Rio lives with Lay's mother in separate places. Lalisa became Rio's adoptive mother, and changed her name to Ranya?

Isn't Ranya really Rio's mother's name? How can Lalisa be Ranya?