
HeaXt: A Billionaire Romance

"I want you," He said in a grunting low whisper close to my pinna. My insides clenched, as tears pooled into my irises. "Alas, I would only be an object of mere desire to you, and nothing like the heart that loves you." The words escaped me without any filter, as my gaze lowered. "I am not cruel. It's you who's always pushed me away, Byners." His hands rested on the small of my back and I let a gasp escaped me. His face tilted, with intense grey eyes staring right back into mine and then I closed them... like his lips closed onto mine. With a finesse that promised a never ending good time. If only- *** An orphan, living with her Abuela Catherine, and dog- Captain Sean Paul; Harley Byners doesn't have it easy in life. Working as a junior accountant at JAX Inc. in Modern day Seattle, Harley's life is constantly torn between making ends meet and battle her recurring illusions. When tragedy strikes, and Harley's already hard life gets worse, she finds herself crossing paths with the arrogant, and cold-hearted boss Alberto Seifred. To add to her penchant of misfortune, he is also interested in knowing her in places other than work. Will the shy and naive woman able to channel her way out to the world, especially when a hot headed billionaire and a whirlwind of illusions seem to constantly envelop her?

Madam_Lucrezia · 都市
7 Chs

Chapter 6

It's Lunch Break. And I have managed to get past the meeting unscathed. Call it pure luck, but I would have messed up the presentation with grey eyes shooting daggers at me.

I straightened my skirt, looking at my sad reflection in the mirror of the powder room. The coffee stain sitting on the beige shirt smugly under his red velvet coat. My legs shaked at the thought of the morning. He had held me so close to him, and then bitterly told me to get into the car. He must've really, really hated me.

My eyes looked so dark and hollow, like I hadn't slept for days. Funny enough when I have been missing these buses for sleeping in late. The ache in back seemed to subside for some reason. What's worse is that I have got another meeting scheduled, and as a compensation for coming in late (that too with the Boss in his car), I was supposed to help around with coffee and clean after them.

"I am really tired," I mumbled, and I heard someone walk out of the can.

"Well, I am just used to it," A sweet voice said. She had auburn hair, tied up into a fishtail and wore a bright pink pants suit with a beret. She looked very…Vogue.

"Oh, well…" I said, looking a little embarrassed.

She smelt of roses. Her pink lips pulled into a sharp smile as she washed her hands.

"It's alright honey, we all have that days." She said, reassuringly.

"I guess." I said, shifting uncomfortably in my shoes.

"So, you work here? What department?" She batted her lashes. She was six feet. I could just feel it. With those red heels, she could pull off a six two. Her shadow was clocking down on me, as her shoulders stiffed on her sides.

"Umm, accounts." I said, a little intimidated.

"Great. I don't," She gave me a toothy smile.

"Well, good for you." I said, realising I had put my foot in my mouth. God!

"I am sorry, I didn't mean…" I said, turning off the tap and reaching for the paper towel; avoiding her gaze. When done, I crumpled and dumped it in the dustbin and left.

"Watch where you are going," I heard someone mumble, accidentally bumping into me.

"I am sorry, I guess," I said, walking the figure of a guy in work clothes growing smaller and smaller into the distance. JAX's is full of jack asses.

When I reached my cubicle, my eyes stuck to the pamphlet slapped on my desk. Fuck, when did they drop this? The meeting was scheduled at three? Because of… Oh fucking fuck. But it's only five minutes before lunch time! I checked the monitor for the time and it showed a neat 2:55 PM. I am running ten minutes late.

I reached for the binder, and rushed to the elevator. My head filled with all kinds of thoughts and the cold warning from the morning. I gulped the lump in my throat, and rushed to the meeting room. The door was already locked from within, and I couldn't help but stand there uncomfortably. Should I knock?

Something is still better than nothing…

I knocked on the door, seeing through the translucent glass as I could catch hints of pink in there. The knob turned and the door flung open. Inside, a grey eyed, tousled hair, Mr. Seifred locked eyes with me. On the other end of the room was the woman I had met at the restroom. Her fishtails were undone, and her white shirt was slightly unbuttoned at the top, and her lipstick was smudged. I blinked, in hopes I was not dreaming.

"What are you doing here, Byners?" Mr. Seifred glared, his hand resting on my arm.

"I- well…" Fuck. Honestly I don't know anymore what I was doing here. I eyed the pink lipstick on the collar of his otherwise spotless white shirt. My cheeks flushed with mild frustration of the inappropriateness of the situation. I am sure I am reading too much into this.

"Speak, Byners." He said, his eyes a distant shade of grey as he said; tightening his grip on my arm.

"I am running late for the meeting," I said, my head lowered to not meet his eyes.

"Well, congratulations, you are a day early!"His hand was almost shaking me.

"Ouch-" I said, feeling his fingers a little too hard; it was hurting.

"Let go,Sir. It's hurting," I insisted and he released his fingers around my arm, moving to my shoulder now.

"Miss Giovanni, if you would, please excuse us. You can come with your queries tomorrow during the meet." He said, turning his gaze to the lady and she gave him a brief nod before staring at me nastily.

"I guess, I will go too…" I said in an almost whisper.

"We are not some yet, Byners." He said in a curt voice.

"I-" I couldn't find words. Maybe, there was a slight possibility I hadn't checked the pamphlet date and jumped to conclusions. But what about the other meeting?

"Come in for a while. We got things to talk about." He said, his face smug as I stepped in and he locked the door behind him. It almost felt like I was in the middle of a criminal investigation, being caught red handed in the middle of the scene.

I took in the view of the boring room. It was a spotless white conundrum of torture, with overhead projectors and couple of whiteboards. In the middle sat a large chunk of teak on steel; usually cluttered with papers and markers and what not. Swivelling chairs; ten of them, were placed around it.

"Have a seat, Byners," He said, reaching for one himself. His body facing mine as I just stood right in front of him.

"I am alright…" I said. Well, it couldn't be any more of a lie.

"I won't beat around the bush, Byners. Just what do you think you saw here today?" He said, his gaze directed to me.

"I have no clue, Sir." I said, utterly clueless.

"Of course. And what do you think is my relationship with Miss Giovanni?" He asked, his Adam's apple bobbing as he said the words.

"I don't know? She was here for a meeting?"

"And that's exactly what you are supposed to know, Byners. Remember that, and I won't fire you anytime soon." He said, his smile drawn into a small curve.

"Okay?" I said, knowing it was my cue to leave.

I turned around, ready to walk out of the gate when I heard him.

"Wait, Byners…" He said, rising from his seat.

He walked towards me, stopping only when we were six inches away from each other.

"Good job with the meeting." His voice was reduced to a low, grunting whisper and I felt something within me stir.

"Thanks." I said, reaching for the door knob, happy to leave.