
Heavens Only Enemy


guyfromfuture · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter 7 ‘spirit power’


Soon the fear in the eyes of 4th prince's vanished and he kneeled beside elder bolten.


Kai…. "this?" 

He was surprised that he has achieved the same result as the strange entity. 

"this is too easy" but the next second his head starts throbbing with intense pain in his body and mind.

"aaaaaahhhh….. what is happening?"

"why this sudden pain?" the pain was too intense that he can't even speak properly.

Strange voice...… "this is after effect of me using your body, if not for absorbing sprit power of those people your body and mind would have been crumbled".

"only your soul is powerful enough to endure my existence otherwise you would have died long ago".

Kai…. "aaaaahhhhh….. what now?"

"I can't endure this pain, its increasing minute by minute"

Strange voice…. "only way to heal from this is to have blessing of powerful healing spirit"

"you haven't completed your awakening, you have only this chance otherwise even I can't save you"

Kai…. "but how?" holding his head with both of his hand, he asked in a frustrated tone. 

Strange voice…. "close your eyes and feel the spirit power inside you, once you'll submerged yourself in the process, try to make a contact with spirit who'll answer your call"

"although I can't access to my powers right now but it'll be enough for you to attract high level spirit, so stay focused and try to make contact with high level healing spirit"

Kai soon follows the words of strange voice and closed his eyes while sitting in a lotus posture.

He tried to connect to his spirit power but failed in the first attempt.

He again tried and failed again and again but, in his 11th attempt, first time he feels his connection not only with spirit power but with the unknown strange voice but it is too weak to call it a connection.

After an hour Kai is totally submerged and when he opened his eyes, he found himself in a strange unknown place.

Kai…. "this?"

"where am I?"

He looked around but only found a white cloudy space as if he has entered the heavens.

He was checking every nuke and corner to his position but all of a sudden, the whole place trembled and a tiny light came over to him.

It revolved around Kai's body as if it is trying to find something or specially someone but again the whole area trembled.

As for kai who is bewildered by the bird like tiny spirit whose size is same as a soccer ball, but what attracted his attention was that this spirit is way more powerful than the spirits he saw in his room.

Soon his mouth uttered few words, "immortal humming bird" even he himself didn't know how he knows about this information but for him it felt natural.


"Immortal humming bird: Hummingbirds have varied specialized characteristics to enable rapid speed, manoeuvrable flight, exceptional metabolic capacity, adaptations to high altitude, sensitive visual and communication abilities, and long-distance migration.

Type: rare 

Attribute: water and wind.

But soon he ignored it because of sudden a visit from the new spirit which is giant in comparison to the immortal humming bird.

A giant black panther came with a very high speed that it startled Kai as he takes few steps back from his usual place.

Panther is in a black color and radiates a very sharp killing aura which it hides after it came closer to Kai.

It also circled around Kai as if inspecting something, suddenly its eyes lit up as if it has sensed something familiar within kai's body.

Meanwhile kai…. "indomitable heavenly black panther"


"indomitable heavenly black panther: they are considered as natural killers, equipped with black attribute and with the powerful ability of hiding its aura. black panthers are relatively rare because they are less fertile than other big cats and a black panther is the melanistic colour variant of the leopard and the jaguar.

Type: epic and rare 

Attribute: black 

Kai…. "this is too hard to believe, how I know their name and I even know their info and attributes"

"this is definitely related to that strange entity"

Although both the spirits around him is interested in forming contract with him but knew that both the spirits are useless to him for now as he is waiting for a spirit with healing attribute.

He again closed his eyes and soon the black and golden aura starts seeping from his body.

Meanwhile both the spirts eyes lit up when they saw the familiar black & golden aura around kai's body.

Soon his aura starts rising and again the whole place starts rumbling it was even more intense than the previous ones.

Kai opened his eyes and saw another spirit hovering above him but instead of coming near kai it maintained a distance from him.

Kai…. "what is this a human?"

It is his first time when he saw a spirit in a human shape, it is a woman with a dark skin and pointy ears while two horns can be seen in its head.

Kai…. "No, it's not a human but more like a demon!!"

"a demonic spirit?"

"but how did I attracted a demonic spirit but unlike others I don't know who she is?"

The woman above kai's head is watching him with a curious look on her face, but same as kai she doesn't know what's happening.

Out of curiosity kai is about to try if he can communicate with her but before he could do something the place trembled again.

This time even the spirits present in the place starts trembling with fear, horror and unbelief can be seen in the eyes of the woman.

Women…. "this can't be king of spirits?" she mumbled in a low voice.

"this boy is not in a divine realm stage than how?"

But soon her expression changes when she saw what it truly is.

"no way, how is this possible!!?"

"this can't be real!!"

"They don't even exist in the upper world than how"

"the legend of dragon god, the progenitor of spirits" 

"the myth about them hiding somewhere in spirit realm land is true"

"but why it's here?" several questions are in her mind but she didn't have time to think about it.

As soon the dragon entered the place all of the three spirts fell to the ground as if they don't deserve to fly in the presence of the God.

Only one who is unaffected is Kai as if he is equal to dragon god.

The women saw this with bewilderment in her eyes as its impossible for anyone to stay still in presence of dragon god. 

Kai did feel intimidated from the newly arrived spirts but something inside him helped him to stay still even at the presence of the dragon.

A long 500 feet dragon green in color glares back at Kai as if he's trying to find everything about the him in a single glance.

And the next moment it starts decreasing its size until it became like a palm of adult man.

As for kai he was trying to infer the info of the big dragon in front of him but he actually doesn't know anything about him.

All he could find out that this can be king of spirits but he's not sure if its green attribute is related to healing or a nature.

in next moment the dragon changed its size and shot towards kai's direction.

He didn't get a chance to understand before the dragon's small body submerged in his body.

He felt nothing at the beginning but soon the world front of him crumbled and he found himself back in his room.

Strange voice…. "hmmm…. I can feel the presence of many powerful spirits you came in contact with"

"well thanks to me you would able to endure their powerful pressure but"

Soon his eyes widened when he felt a presence of someone familiar to him.

Strange voice…. "this?" his sudden surprised tone changed into heavy laughter.




"I indeed didn't make any mistake when I helped you few minutes before, although I never thought you would be any better than those previous brats"

"but to see him choosing you is definitely points towards the new era of blood & war, where even heaven will tremble"




Kai who was already confused by the sudden intrusion of a green dragon is now more confused after he heard what strange entity said to him.

Kai…. "what are you saying?"

"can't you make it clear so; I can understand"

Strange voice…. "tell me boy what happened while you're awakening the spirit" 

Kai told him everything from the white palace to green dragon entering his body and if can see strange entity's face then he could see how surprised he was.

Strange voice…. "ha-ha indeed indeed"

"I was right you're not cursed child but a blessed child"

"to think after many millennia not only you attracted his attention but even able to recall your predecessor spirits"

"you're something boy, different from others"

Kai…. "different from other?"


"who are you talking about?"

Strange entity…. "hmmm I think this is not the right time to discuss this"

"that women out there will not survive if we're late another minute"

That's when Kai realized that he was too indulged in this mess that he forgot about his mother Vana. 




[authors note] remember this guys spirits and spirit beast are different but they somehow related to each others and you'll find it in future. 







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guyfromfuturecreators' thoughts