
Heavens Only Enemy


guyfromfuture · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter 4 'heaven'


But unknown to him an entity is watching his every move from the corner.

"what an amusing human you're?" the unknown entity uttered with an eerie sound.

The voice was so creepy that it gives chills to Kai from head to toe.

Although Kai is afraid but he is more confused because this is the first time in his life, he found himself in such a strange condition.

"who?" he looked at random but found nothing except darkness.

"if I didn't want to reveal myself even heavens can't find me". the strange voice speaks again.

But In return what Kai exhibit is a total confused look.

"who're you?"

"where is this place?"

"Am I having a nightmare again"?

He suddenly bombarded questions after questions.

"whoa whoa whoa relax human so many questions without introducing yourself first"

Kai 's about to reply but interrupted by the strange voice.

"well, it's not like I don't know who you are?"

"poor cursed boy"

"but this is actually blessing so should I call you" 

"blessed boy"

This makes Kai even more confused.

Kai…. "what are you talking about 'cursed child' or a 'blessed child'?"

"are you making fun of my tragic life?" 

Strange voice…. "fun ha-ha ha-ha this is real poor boy, blessing or curse it wholly depends on you".

Kai ignored his words…. "who are you?"

"I can't understand the situation I'm in right now?" he again asks questions.

Strange voice…. "curiosity will kill the cat".

 Kai…. "ha-ha I don't even know whether I'm alive or not, may be this is the last day of my life maybe that's why I'm looking some strange dreams like this one".

Strange voice…. "why losing hope this soon, this night can be proven as a life changing night for you".

"believe me boy, this is not curse but a blessing for you"

Kai shouted…. "stop"

Although Kai didn't want to believe but it is hard for him to ignore those words.

Kai…. "why? Why should I believe in your words, what do you even know about my life?"

"what do you even know about this damn curse, because of this curse I was deprived of every happiness I deserved" he was literally crying out of frustration.

"even after 10 years I haven't seen my father's face, I'm living a life of an outcast, only because of this damn curse".

"this damn curse, how can you even know about my pain?" he fell into his knees while covering his face by his newfound hands.

Strange voice…. "of course, I knew everything"

"I was there from the very beginning"

"I saw everything and I know everything about your curse"

"That's why I called it blessing"

Kai…. "how?"

Strange voice…. "I'm the reason behind your misery, how could I not know how heavens treated you"

"I'm the so-called curse you're talking about"

This time Kai was really afraid but soon anger took over his emotions.

Kai shouted…. "are you really the culprit behind my misery, are you the evil spirit mama Vana talking about?"

"why? Why did you choose to ruin my life?




 But this time it was strange voice who got angry because of Kai's evil spirit remark.

Strange voice…. "evil spirit!!!"

"you are comparing this king with some low life spirits!!!"

"then what are you if not some evil spirit who cursed my parents and because of you I suffered till this day"

Strange voice…. "ha-ha, you really don't know who are you dealing with?"

"you are really behaving like 10-year-old child"

Kai with confused looks…. "but I'm 10-year-old child"

Strange voice with frustrated tone…. "oh really"

"a 10-year-old child like you would have pissed in his pants if he found himself In a situation like same as yours" 

"you have matured for your age and I believe I had a part in it"

Kai…. "but if you're not evil spirit then what are you?"

"I mean, who're you?"

Strange voice…. "you're too weak to know my identity but I can be guide for you"

Kai…. "a guide?"

"yes, a guide, who can help you to achieve your dreams"

"with my help, you can regain what you have lost"

Kai…. "why are you helping me?"

Strange voice…. "don't be delusional, I'm not helping you"

"I'm helping myself"

"remember this I'm not the reason behind your poor life but the heavens" his tone shows poor hatred for some unknown reason.

Kai…. "Heavens?"

Strange voice…. "don't think too much about the matters of heaven otherwise you won't be able to survive the next day of your life"

"I understand it's hard to believe for humans like you who literally lives under the heavens, but in future you'll know meaning behind my words" 

This statement makes Kai even more confused.


On the other side the people from Shu royal family and Li family are already in their way towards Kai's mansion.

Strange voice…. "I can't promise anything because in the end its you who has to live this upcoming journey yourself"

"all I want is you to help me when the time is right"

"of course, if you survive this harsh journey"

Kai…. "but how in the heavens will you help me"

Strange voice with the angry tone…. "why did you bring that damn heaven in our conversation, if not for it…." He stops without saying further.

It was clear to Kai that this unknown entity has beef with heavens.

Kai…. "what do you mean by that?"



On the other side old caretaker Vana notices noise coming out from the front of the house.

She wanted to go and check but she didn't want to leave Kai's side.

Two guards were dozing near the front gate when one of the guards notices some people wearing luxury outfit approaching them. 

Guard 1…. "stop sir, this place is out of reach by the orders of…."

He was about to complete his sentence but stopped when he saw elder bolten.

(6th elder from the Li family) 

Guard 1…. "elder you are here at this hour?"

He was about to salute him but slapped to death by the elder from the Shu royal family.

"useless fly" 

The other guard is too afraid that he pissed in his pants.

"Go bring that cursed swine here" 4th prince ordered in an authoritative tone. 

The guard was about to complain but he changed his mind when he saw half smashed corpse of his partner.

He ran towards mansion but when he saw old caretaker coming out of the room he suddenly stops.

Guard 2…. "hey old slut go bring that cursed young master out, elders are here to see him"

Old lady Vana…. "what do you mean by this?"

"elders? at this time stops making fuss or I'll complain to your head guard".

Guard 2 in frustration…. "am I looking like I'm joking with my life"

"they killed my partner because he was late to identify the identity of those people"

"don't fuck with me and do as I say"

Old caretaker ignored him and goes straight towards the entry gate, she knows that guard was not lying about people out there but she didn't want anyone to disturb Kai at this crucial moment.

Old caretaker…. "sir why is you here at this time?" she asked to the 6th elder bolten.

Bolten was familiar of old caretaker because she was one of the oldest and experienced maids in the Li family.

"old Vana, how are you?"

"I think it's time for you to retire and take leave a from here" said 6th elder bolten.

Old caretaker was confused by the sudden order from the 6th elder. 

Old caretaker…. "sir what is the meaning behind your sudden order"

"I'm currently working here as the caretaker of young master Kai by the order of madam Tasha"

Bolten…. "you may not know but we are here by the orders of current wife of lord of madam lily Shu Li"

"her orders are clear to safely buried young master's body after checking whether there is any remaining sign of the curse"

Old caretaker didn't believe what she heard from the 6th elder…. "but sir young master is fine and currently going through his awakening process"

"I can confirm he's in good health…." But she was interrupted by the 4th prince.

4th prince…. "oye oldy it's us who will decide whether he's dead or alive"

"now go inside and bring that swine's body here"

She was about to refute when elder from Shu kingdom spoke…. "elder bolten, it seems you're trying to save her; we made it clear no evidence and no witnesses"

Bolten…. "indeed, but she is one of the oldest maids the family, her sudden disappearance can cause problem in future"

"If she goes missing, it will attract attention of other faction"

"she was appointed by the lord himself, so you can to understand why I was trying to save her" 

He looked towards old caretaker Vana "but, it seems this is the end" he pierced her stomach in single sweep and throws her body out of the gates.

Elder from Shu kingdom…. "let's not waste any more time, he's not dead and awakening is still in process"

"this is the best time to complete our work while he's still going through process, if he somehow awakened and did not die then it will be waste of great opportunity we have in our hands" 


She didn't even realize what happened, tears are flowing out of her eyes…. 'someday please save young master' in a dead eerie tone.

"I'm sorry my child I failed to protect you" with heavy tears.

"In my every life I want to take care of you"

"I want to protect you" she lost conscious after those words and her life or death is unknown.


Strange voice…. "we'll talk about this matter another time"

"right now, you should decide whether you want to die at young or you want to fight for every second of your life".

Kai…. "but how will you help me when it's clear that you yourself is powerless that's why you're imprisoned in this place"

Strange voice…. "you will see how, when you'll woke up from your slumber"

Kai…. "everything you say is being shrouded with some mysteries and it's making me more confused".

"I want clear ans…..." before he could finish his words, he felt very sharp piercing pain in his chest above his heart area" 




 [author's corner] My heartfelt thanks to our loyal readers.

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