
Heavenly Sword Master

The world used to be flourished with Martial Arts Techniques. But after the battle between the humans and the demons, most of the techniques were lost. Out of all the techniques, only 5 remained. Sword Martial Arts, Wind Martial Arts, Ice Martial Arts, Thinder Martial Arts, and Beast Martial Arts. Slowly the world got used to the techniques and adjusted. Join Ye Tian a formidable Sword Martial Arts user as he attempts to reach the highest peak of martial arts.

Zumba_Is_Fun · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Tree Chopping

I was standing in an open courtyard with a few of the other kids that chose sword martial arts. We were waiting on our instructor and had been waiting for a while. Soon a lady walked up to us. She had dark blue hair and green eyes, she was holding a sword with a dark pink hilt and a black sheathe. She walked in front of us and spoke.

"I'm your instructor."

Her voice sounded gruff and didn't really fit her body. She looked at us all for a second and then sighed.

"As you all know sword martial arts is the least practiced because of how difficult it is. Today I'm going to see if you have what it takes. If you don't think you can do it, leave now and pick different martial arts but if your up for a challenge then stay."

Most of the kids looked around and then some left. It was only twenty or so of us left. The instructor then turn and started walking away. We all followed closely behind her.

"When do we get to cultivate like the others." one of the kids in the front row asked.

The instructor stopped and turned around.

"If you want to be like the others then go. But for me, the only way ill teach you to cultivate is if you pass this simple test."

Some of the kids started having doubts but decided to stay anyway. We walked for a little while longer until we reached a field planted with violet tress. The instructor walked to the side and pulled out a chest. She opened it and inside were silver swords. She tld everyone to grab one and she took one for herself.

She walked towards on of the trees with the rest of us not far behind.

"The test is very simple. Just leave a dent in the tree, if you manage to do that I will teach you how to cultivate."

One of the kids suddenly laughed.

"Isnt this to easy."

The teacher pointed to the tree and the kid walked up to it. He picked up his sword and swung. The sword hit the tree and it sounded like metal clashing. The tree had sustained no injury which left us all confused.

"This is the Violet Resberry Tree also known as the hardest tree in the world. This test is not easy. You have until the end of the day."

One of the kids shouted.

"Is this even possible then!"

The instructor nodded and walked to a tree. She was holding the same sword as us and swung. The sword connected with the tree and made the metal clashing sound. This time the tree had a medium size cut.

I walked to one of the trees and started swinging.