
Chapter no.58 Spy and Sex

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As Nie Li exited the bathroom, he made his way back towards the classroom. His mission wasn't over yet; he needed to dismantle the audio array that was still concealed within the room. Despite being hidden by an Invisibility sub-array, Nie Li wasn't taking any chances. He wanted to ensure it was completely erased, leaving no trace that could be discovered by anyone.

To deceive Shen Xiu, Nie Li had told her he used rare Chameleon blood for the array, making it blend seamlessly with its surroundings. This little white lie served to keep his more unique and personal arrays a secret, reserved for his use alone.

Approaching the classroom, Nie Li casually opened his diary. However, under the cover of flipping through its pages, he channeled soul force into his palm. The Radar Array activated silently, revealing a presence he was half expecting – Elder Ye Xiu, discreetly positioned in the top right corner of the building.

"Guess this old man wants to learn some secrets," Nie Li mused to himself, not particularly surprised. Since uncovering the spy Zheng Pingru, he had prepared for such eventualities. The Radar Array was his safeguard, a means to detect surveillance and act accordingly to mislead any spies with false information.

Nie Li had no intention of becoming a pawn in the games of the sovereign families.

Nie Li burst through the door, his eyes scanning the room until they landed on Shen Xiu, who had just risen from her desk. In a moment driven by urgency, he rushed toward her, wrapping his arms around her in a hug that carried too much momentum. The unexpected force sent them both tumbling, resulting in Nie Li pinning Shen Xiu against the desk in a precarious position that could only be described as intimate and awkward.

Shen Xiu was trapped beneath him, her back against the desk, and Nie Li loomed over her, their faces inches apart.

"Oh! How was the lecture, sweetie?" Nie Li managed to say, his tone overly sweet, to the point that he nearly cringed at his own words.

Shen Xiu, caught off guard by the sudden closeness and the peculiar tone of Nie Li, hesitated for a moment. Before she could react further, Nie Li took a step back, only to pull her into another hug.

Given their difference in height, Shen Xiu found Nie Li's face buried in her bosom, a position that could have been embarrassing under different circumstances.

As Shen Xiu was about to either push him away or return the hug, she felt Nie Li's hand move across her back.

It took her a moment, but she realized he was writing a message.

"Spied on, don't use glasses, act along," Nie Li communicated silently through his touch.

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Shen Xiu masked her reaction with a coy smile.

"Of course, you know me. I am the best," she played along, adopting the role Nie Li had silently asked of her.

Then, she felt another message from Nie Li's hand, guiding her responses.

As they continued their act, Shen Xiu pretended to be annoyed, making a show of it for any unseen observers.

"But, there was this student that was actually so arrogant..." she said, feigning exasperation.

"I know that you shut him up," Nie Li whispered, his forehead touching hers in a tender moment.

He mouthed a phrase for Shen Xiu to repeat, "Can we stay like this?"

"As long as you want," Nie Li replied softly, affirming their staged intimacy.

They remained in each other's arms for a moment longer, Nie Li's eyes darting to the radar array.

It indicated that Elder Ye Xiu, their observer, had finally moved on.

Nie Li and Shen Xiu remained locked in a hug for a long moment, the tension of their situation slowly unwinding.

Nie Li's eyes flicked to the radar array. The moment he saw Elder Ye Xiu's signal disappear, he couldn't help but remark with a mischievous, "Oh, naughty, naughty."

Shen Xiu, caught off guard by his words, quickly pieced together the puzzle.

The spy had to be from the Snow Wind Family, someone with enough power to listen in but not to see them directly.

Elder Ye Xiu?!

She gave Nie Li a questioning look, her hands forming the universal 'What now?'

Without a word, Nie Li sprang into action. He secured the room by closing the window and the door, then, with practiced ease, he unfurled an array scroll from his ring and activated a sound barrier array.

Sighing in relief, he collapsed onto the floor, and Shen Xiu, ever his shadow, sat beside him.

Silence enveloped them.

Finally, Shen Xiu broke the quiet, a hint of irritation in her voice.

"Was pushing me over the desk necessary?"

Nie Li winced, embarrassment and a sliver of joy mingling within him.

"Sorry, I didn't realize my force," he mumbled, his cheeks heating up at the memory of the softness of her body against his own.

The room was suddenly filled with the sound of a thud as Shen Xiu's hand connected with Nie Li's head, causing him to wince.

"What was that for?" he exclaimed, rubbing the sore spot with a look of confusion.

"That's for feeling me up," Shen Xiu accused, her gaze sharp, but her lips betrayed a hint of amusement.

"No, I was... I-I-I didn't," Nie Li stammered, trying his best to clear the misunderstanding.

He was sure he had been careful not to overstep boundaries, especially not to give the impression he was using the situation to take advantage of Shen Xiu.

Watching Nie Li flounder for words was amusing enough for Shen Xiu to let out a giggle.

"I am kidding. I know you aren't like that," she clarified, her gaze softening as she glanced at the sound barrier.

"Thanks," Shen Xiu suddenly said, louder this time, without looking at him, causing Nie Li to arch an eyebrow in surprise.

"Hmm, she is changing," Nie Li thought, a bit taken aback by her acknowledgment. It was odd, considering he never really expected Shen Xiu to thank him out loud. She had thanked him before, only to deny it, but this time, she made no attempt to retract her words.

As they sat together, Nie Li couldn't help but ponder over their current predicament. Shen Xiu's next words carried a bitter edge, "Guess that's what the Snow Wind Family is, a bunch of power-hungry people willing to spy and hurt others for their gain." Her voice was filled with a mix of disdain and resignation as she seemed to lump the blame on the Snow Wind Family, perhaps trying to align them against a common enemy.

Nie Li lay there with his eyes closed, a wry smile playing on his lips as he thought to himself, "Pot calling the kettle black." He couldn't help but reflect on the irony of her statement.

"The Sacred Family does the exact same thing," he mused silently, considering the pervasive nature of such tactics among the noble families.

"But what can I expect from any of these people, unity? Ha! That's a joke.

Humanity may go extinct any day, yet these people would rather die than cooperate," he concluded internally.

[ Simulation System Initiated ]

[ Input: Player's Desire - "Perfect Plan to get the spy to stop following." ]

[ Process: Creating Simulation to Develop Effective Strategies ]

  - [ Analyzing... ]

  - [ Progress: 1% ]

  - [ Progress: 2% ]

  - [ Progress: 10% ]

  - [ Progress: 50% ]

  - [ Progress: 60% ]

  - [ Progress: 80% ]

  - [ Progress: 100% ]

[ Analysis Complete ]

[ Result: Two Potential Strategies Identified ]

  - [ Option 1: Fake Relationship Scheme . ]

  - [ Option 2: Truth Scheme. ]

[ Player Nie Li has selected option 1: Fake Relationship Scheme. ]

[ Transferring simulated plan into player's mind. ]

Nie Li sprang to his feet with a sense of urgency, breaking the silence of the moment.

"I am going to break the audio turn," he announced.

Shen Xiu, puzzled by the visibility of their protective measures, asked, "Why isn't it camouflaged?"

Nie Li, laying back down momentarily, explained, "No, the array becomes visible after a day. I'll break it while you... try to make yourself look like you just had sex."

His command, awkward as it was, caused Shen Xiu to blush deeply.

"What?" she exclaimed, her voice a mix of surprise and embarrassment.

Nie Li pointed towards the sound barrier array and elaborated on his plan.

"That array being there is suspicious, so let's just say the two people alone in the room used some kind of item or artifact to have sex in private," he coughed slightly, continuing.

"That will make sure the elder isn't trying to snoop around us to learn our secrets," he said, gesturing towards the communication and audio arrays.

"Do you think it will work?" Shen Xiu asked, still trying to wrap her mind around the unusual strategy.

Nie Li nodded confidently, assured by the system's simulation that their ruse would be effective.

He didn't fully understand why pretending to have an intimate relationship would deter the elder from snooping, but he trusted the system's guidance. Perhaps, he mused, the elder's desire to recruit him into the Snow Wind Family would be diminished by seeing him seemingly allied with the Sacred Family, despite the tensions between the two factions.

"Maybe that's the reason and frankly I don't care," Nie Li concluded, focusing on the task at hand.

"How do I?" Shen Xiu hesitated, unsure how to follow Nie Li's instructions.

Without hesitation, Nie Li ruffled her hair, making it look deliberately messy. He then took out a water bottle, wetting his hand before smudging Shen Xiu's makeup to create the desired effect.

"Start doing pushups until you are sweaty," he instructed, moving to disable the array.

As Shen Xiu watched Nie Li's back while he worked, a sense of surprise washed over her at his assertive behavior. Despite the unconventional nature of their plan, she found herself admiring this side of him.

"I like it."


[ Author's Note: A few things I want to ask;

How are you guys liking the story so far?

To address a few comments, I made Shen Yue dumber because in the original, he was just the typical young master but was said to be smart, which is a complete lie considering he was a young master. I made him more dumb and more of a "this guy lives in his own head" type character to be more comedic because face-slapping from Nie Li at this point is going to be just torture, given how strong the current Nie Li is.

So, while Shen Yue isn't going to be the most complex character, I would still like to write him in a way that the audience would actually like him by laughing at him.

So thoughts on this change of Yue from a typical young master to more comedic relief dumbass young master. ]
