
The Genius' Stroke of Luck

On a dreary autumn day, a group of equally dreary people dressed all in black stood solemnly and sadly around a grave. The burial ceremony had just finished, and the people stood there for a long of time, letting their tears fall on the ground which was already soaked with the tears of heaven. Of course, not all of those tears shed were for the deceased Chiang Cha. No, most of those tears were for the loss of one of the most promising people in the field of bio-anatomic-engineering. He was one of the few people who could have put rockets on this new and promising science, taking it to heights and prestige that can only be dreamt of now.

Some of these tears were shed for Chiang Cha personally. His mother, the only one who ever supported him, was the most crestfallen and heart-broken among the large crowd. She was a single mother who raised him and always met every single one of his needs and wants.

She was the person who was largely responsible for the profession Chiang Cha chose to take part in. She always helped him follow his heart, telling him that he should always pursue his ambitions with a greater drive than the day before.

Very few of these tears, however, were shed with a hidden happiness. A malice and twisted pleasure filled these tears, showing the overwhelmingly disturbed and maladaptive reflection of the two people who shed them. These fake tears were borne form the person responsible for the death of Chiang Cha, Benny Griffington, and his son, Archie Griffington.

Benny was an Englishmen who was a large part of the bio-anatomic-engineering field. His son was the second most talented in this field, second only to Chiang Cha. This drove him mad to the point of insanity. His father had paid an assassin to murder Chiang Cha so this problem could be solved.

Lastly, there were tears falling from the sky, ethereal tears falling from the face of a melancholic spirit who was overwhelmed by the memories and emotions of his life flying through his mind at a pace that defied logic.

Nobody could see this spirit, and this only caused his tears to flow faster.

The spirit was Chiang Cha, the person whom all these people were mourning.

He was slowly floating upwards towards the heavens, saying his goodbyes to the world he once tried to make better. He remembered how he was gifted with a strong mind and a strong body. He was also one of the few people who was passionate about something they had actual talent and skill in.

He was a leader in the field of bio-anatomic-engineering, but little was known about what he used his strong body for.

He used his superior strength and went about patrolling places the police ignored at night. He tried to uphold justice for the less fortunate. He began collecting experience in fights and it only served to prove the importance of the field of medical science in his mind. However, he didn't stop. He continued like this until one day, he was assassinated while protecting a teen girl from a dingy middle-aged man with evil intentions on the girl. The assassin had set up in the building across the alley and shot him in the head.

The poor girl was still saved by Chiang Cha in a way, because when the assassin took his shot, he had directly pierced through both the skulls of his target and the disgusting old man.

As his spirit form rose in the air, he was thinking about his only two regrets: leaving his mother alone and not reaching his maximum potential.

He could only swallow those bitter thoughts now, though.

He was rising to the heavens, ready to reincarnate with a blank mind.

When he rose to a certain height, he closed his eyes, never to open them again.

Or, at least that's what he thought.

Somehow, some way, he opened his eyes and what appeared before him was a blank expanse that was so vast, he couldn't even comprehend it.

He realised that he was self-aware once again and he couldn't help but begin to wonder what was going on?

A flash of light answered his question. A person had appeared before him.

This person looked like a trouble-making artist who would stop at nothing to create the ultimate mischief.

They looked Chiang Cha up and down and said, "Yes, yes, you'll do just fine."

Chiang Cha was concerned, because this person looked at his body like they was looking at a mural to vandalize, or a person to prank.

Chiang Cha didn't want this shifty person to continue with their train of thought, so he asked, "Sorry, but where am I exactly? I don't seem to recall a place this vast and empty in the entire known universe, save for blackholes."

The shifty person immediately said, "We are in the very dimensional gate you just spoke of. Well, I suppose you call them blackholes. Boring."

Chiang Cha said, "Who exactly are you and where are we?"

He replied impatiently, "I am a god in charge of reincarnating mortals into the lives they are supposed to live next. However, I have a project I am working on and need all of the intelligent people among you mortals to help inspire me on ways to improve upon it.

"I would ask for other gods opinions of it, but they would become greedy and try to snatch my passionate work. So," the shifty-eyed humanoid waved its hand and a panel of light appeared, "how do you think I may improve upon this spiritual creation of mine. It allows one to quantify their attributes and skills, along with allowing its user to view and edit their physical appearance to the smallest level. That last part is more of a vanity anyway, so its not very useful, but the other thing it does is it allows you to access our Immortal Eyes Pavilion and spend points that you earn through the quest function.

"The reason I made this shortcut is so that my darling Dao Companion doesn't have to tire her pretty little feet on a walk to the Pavilion, so you had better judge it acutely and to the best of your ability! If there is even one convenience I can add that would suit an immortal, you had better speak up."

Chiang Cha was so stupefied by everything that he just stood there, dumbfounded. It was all happening so suddenly and intensely.

He walked closer to the panel of light and stared at it blankly.

He was shocked by how the suspicious looking person made it appear out of thin air. He stood there for a long while.

The Immortal became impatient, "I don't have all day, quickly tell me how I can make it better!"

Chiang Cha suddenly recalled the Immortals request and started inspecting. He noticed that it was visible to all and said, "Um, I guess you could make it so that others don't see it when you access it. You could also make it so that it translates directly in their mind so that you don't have to waste time reading."

The shifty immortals eyes brightened and he said, "Good, good! I will reward you by granting your memories protection into this new life of yours."

He then fidgeted with the system panel for moment, for all the world looking like a hacker. He finished by saying, "There, all done. Finally going to please that impossible woman's demands for convenience!

He dismissively waved his hand, sending this now-useless soul on its way to their next life. However, at the moment the soul began to fall between the layers of reality, the panel that had appeared started to write something on its screen.

[Compatible host found. Tethering system to host... 100% complete. Host and system bonded.]

The shifty immortal panicked with widened eyes and immediately reached out to stop his system from tethering to the soul, but while he was incomprehensibly fast, the layers of reality pulled quicker than time itself could encompass.

Chiang Cha was also surprised out of his mind. He suddenly knew that he had a new aperture. This aperture was not like an arm or leg, but rather like a spiritual tether. He couldn't explain it fully.

He suddenly began to feel the most intense feeling of falling he had ever felt in both life and death.

He started screaming and shut his eyes, but strangely, he didn't feel it when he 'landed' on a soft bed. He only stopped when he felt a shaking on his shoulder along with a soft and caring voice that said, "Young Master! Young Master! He is alive!"

He suddenly stopped screaming, and scanned his surrounding with his eyes. He said, "Where am I now?"

He could barely remember anything due to the scrambled state he was in just a moment ago, but it was all coming back now. The funeral, the immortal, the system, then finally, the fall. The dreadful fall.

The young girl next to him said, "Young Master, you shouldn't joke around right now! We thought you were dead from the illness just moments ago!"

He was listening with his eyes half closed, but when he saw what she was wearing, he immediately had a thought. 'Could it be that I'm in the ancient era where technology has just only begun to develop?'

Hello people who have decided to read the first chapter of my novel or whatever you want to call it. I am delighted to have finaly found the willpower to drive a novel into its early stages and would like to say something shameless. I am going to push this novel to chapter 20-30 regardless of what happens. However, I will only begin publishing further chapters if I recieve some feedback saying that people are reading my book. Reason being, nobody wants to work on an unappreciated thing. I will try my best to publish one or two chapters everyday, but I may have to skip a day this first week, because of personal affaiy lrs. However, incase you can't tell, this is going to be a cultivation novel. I'm not gonna say I'm "redefining cultivation novels," or ,"My novel is nothing like the rest." No. I am here to make a good, exciting, cliche cultivation novel that doesn't flood your reading pallete with over-repetetive balogna. Now this has been an exepionaly long authors note, so I will finish with saying, please give me honest, unfiltered feedback. Toodles.

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