
Heaven rewards diligence: One's efforts will be rewarded a hundredfold

Heaven rewards diligence, and there will be a return for one's efforts. Moreover, with a little cultivation, there will be a hundredfold harvest! Therefore, it can be said that practicing cultivation, like immortality cultivation, is something that can be accomplished with one's own hands.

Zeke_D_Translator · 東方
5 Chs

Chapter 2: Diligence Rewarded by Heaven, It's Amazing!

The appearance of "Diligence Rewarded by Heaven" made Xu Ke unable to contain his joy.

One minute of cultivation results in a hundredfold harvest. Each cultivation session is equivalent to practicing a hundred times, and one year of cultivation is equivalent to a hundred years of practice. This kind of cheat is simply unreasonable!

Oh, it's unreasonable for me? Well, that's fine then.

Xu Ke smiled, sat down on the cut hemp stalks, calmed his mind, and began meditating and practicing Qi, preparing to experience what it feels like to have a "hundredfold harvest."

Breathing in and out, guiding the Qi into his body, Xu Ke started to cultivate the "Five Elements Mixed Yuan Scripture."

Threads of spiritual energy from heaven and earth merged into his body through the acupoints related to his spiritual roots and continuously entered his dantian along with the circulation of the technique.

The spiritual power circulated thirty-six times, and one cultivation session ended.

And then...

There was no difference from before!

What happened to the "one minute of cultivation results in a hundredfold harvest"? Why is there no change at all?

Diligence rewarded by Heaven, show yourself!

As this thought crossed his mind, the four characters "Diligence Rewarded by Heaven" on the scroll in his mind suddenly burst with dazzling light.

In the next moment, an indescribable feeling surged into his heart.

The experience, insights, thoughts, and understanding gained from practicing the "Five Elements Mixed Yuan Scripture" a moment ago multiplied a hundredfold and merged into his heart. Xu Ke's comprehension and understanding of the "Five Elements Mixed Yuan Scripture" skyrocketed.

At the same time, spiritual energy rushed in from all directions, entering his body through his spiritual acupoints and rapidly gathering in his dantian.

Within the dantian, the mist-like spiritual energy grew stronger and denser, quickly condensing into a layer of clouds.

The Qi Refining stage was complete.

But it didn't end there!

An endless stream of spiritual energy continued to rush in, pouring into his dantian.

In the end, above the first layer of clouds, another layer of mist-like spiritual energy formed. Although it hadn't condensed into clouds yet, Xu Ke had officially stepped into the second layer of Qi Refining.


He let out a long breath, and Xu Ke stopped cultivating.

Feeling the abundant spiritual power in his dantian, Xu Ke was both amazed and delighted.

Indeed, it was a "one minute of cultivation results in a hundredfold harvest."

Diligence rewarded by Heaven... it's amazing!

It seems that this "hundredfold harvest" is an active skill that needs to be activated to be used.

An active skill that I control myself, that's even better.

At least I don't have to worry about any accidents. Like suddenly having a hundredfold harvest while eating, turning one bowl into a hundred bowls and getting overwhelmed on the spot!

That would be ridiculous!

Now it's just right.

Xu Ke's consciousness sank into his mind and looked at the "scroll banner" in his mind.

At this moment, the brilliance on the four characters "Diligence Rewarded by Heaven" on the scroll banner dimmed significantly. It was evident that the previous "hundredfold harvest" had consumed a considerable amount of unknown power.

After estimating it roughly, he realized that he could use it two more times before the brilliance on "Diligence Rewarded by Heaven" would be exhausted.

So... can the "hundredfold harvest" be used three times a day?

Not a lot, perhaps the usage frequency can increase whenthe cultivation realm is higher in the future? These speculations can only be verified slowly later on.


Xu Ke looked at the unharvested "silverleaf yellow hemp" in front of him, sighed, and thought, let's do the work first!

He picked up the sickle, activated his spiritual power, and began to unleash the "Sharpness Technique."

Concentrating his mind, he guided a strand of golden attribute spiritual power, allowing it to circulate through his meridians while following the trajectory and frequency of the "Sharpness Technique." He continued until the spiritual power reached his fingertips.

With a stroke of his hand on the sickle's blade, a golden radiance flashed, and the "Sharpness Technique" was successfully cast.

Speaking of casting spells, it sounds simple, but in practice, it's really not easy.

Even for basic spells like the "Sharpness Technique," which can be used in the Qi Refining stage, casting it still tests one's skill.

It requires guiding the spiritual power with intention, from the dantian through the meridians to the fingertips. In this process, the spiritual power needs to follow specific trajectories and frequencies, and these trajectories and frequencies are constantly changing. Any slight error will result in a failed spellcasting.

Although Xu Ke had mastered the "Sharpness Technique," the entire casting process still took about six seconds.

If it takes six seconds to cast a spell in a battle, he would have been killed several times over.

Therefore, cultivators not only need to cultivate Qi but also need to spend a considerable amount of time practicing spells. Otherwise, they would only have levels without skills, and they would be defeated in an instant.

With "Diligence Rewarded by Heaven" in hand, Xu Ke's speed in cultivating spells is undoubtedly much faster than others.

However... all the spells Xu Ke currently knows are for farming. He hasn't learned any spells for combat at all.

Farming spells are taught by the sect for free. To learn other spells, one has to spend money to buy them.

As everyone knows, Xu Ke has no money!