
Chapter 32 Mission! Pirates Competing For Devil Fruit

Ai Xiu looked at the small group of people in front of him, feeling somewhat surprised.

"The headquarters only has over a hundred men?" he asked directly.

"Yes, sir. The previous colonel and major who led this team suffered heavy losses in a battle against pirates," Tashigi explained.

"What?" Ai Xiu froze for a moment, his brow furrowing. He wasn't fully aware of the specifics and had just recently transferred here. It seemed that the previous young chief officer wanted to prove himself after the previous defeat but ended up encountering a powerful pirate who wiped out the entire army.

"These are the people who remained and didn't participate in the battle," Tashigi added, glancing at the small group of individuals before them.

Ai Xiu sighed and realized that he didn't have any other options at the moment.

"Cough, as the newly appointed major from headquarters, I will be your commanding officer from now on," he declared.

"Yes!" The response came weakly from the assembled group.

Ai Xiu didn't pay much attention to the lackluster response. He was about to take Tashigi to assess the situation of this army when a figure hurriedly rushed in.

"The marshal has ordered Major Ai Xiu to assemble the troops immediately at the port!" the messenger informed.

"Well, let's gather!" Tashigi called out, relaying the orders to the Marines. The group of over 100 people quickly became busy.

Soon, Ai Xiu and his troops reached the port.

"What's the specific situation?" Ai Xiu inquired, turning to the messenger beside him.

"Sir, I'm not entirely sure, but Colonel Hina is leading this mission," the messenger replied.

"Colonel?" Tashigi's expression changed upon hearing the name. Colonel Hina was well known within the headquarters. Besides her reputation for beauty, she had achieved the rank of colonel at a young age and was on track to become a general. Rumor had it that she possessed a powerful Devil Fruit ability, further showcasing her strength. If she was assigned to lead this mission, it likely wouldn't be an easy one.

After boarding the warship assigned to Ai Xiu by the department and changing into his major's uniform, the three warships set sail.


In the West Blue, the three warships sailed in a zigzag pattern across the sea. Ai Xiu received Hina's order and went to the lead warship.

"Everyone, gather here. Colonel Hina will explain the mission," Ai Xiu announced upon his arrival. Hina and another major, who stood over four meters tall, turned their attention toward him.

There was curiosity in their eyes, but Hina didn't ask too many questions. The order came directly from headquarters, instructing Hina to work with Ai Xiu on this mission. Hina assumed that Ai Xiu must have some high-level connections within the headquarters and had come to achieve military accomplishments. It was a common practice within the Marine Corps.

However, what Hina didn't know was Ai Xiu's true strength.

"Hina, you have received an order. Several large pirate groups are fighting on Momo Island in the West Blue," Ai Xiu informed them. "According to the order, they are vying for a Devil Fruit. The headquarters has instructed us to retrieve the Devil Fruit and eliminate these pirates. Did you understand that, Hina?"

Hina had a peculiar way of speaking, and Ai Xiu found it somewhat amusing.

"I got it!" Ai Xiu replied, unconsciously imitating

Hina's tone.

"Don't imitate my speech!" Hina snapped.

"Alright, I won't imitate Chief Hina's speech in the future," Ai Xiu responded teasingly.

The other major officer was taken aback by Ai Xiu's behavior, while Hina felt a tinge of frustration.

"Forget it. Let's not dwell on that. We're approaching Momo Island, and someone needs to scout ahead," Hina declared, looking at Ai Xiu with a mix of annoyance and curiosity.

Ai Xiu became interested upon hearing about the competition for the Devil Fruit.

"A competition for Devil Fruit? It might spark a full-scale war among pirates," he thought to himself. Although Devil Fruit's powers were relatively common in the original story, they were still highly valuable and considered great treasures. The Marine's interest in acquiring such powers was understandable, as a single Devil Fruit could create a formidable individual.

As no one else spoke up, Hina furrowed her brow in disappointment.

"Hina is disappointed. Isn't there anyone brave enough to volunteer for the scouting mission?" she questioned.

Pathfinding was a dangerous task, especially in unknown territory. The number of pirates vying for the Devil Fruit and their strength remained uncertain.

Tashigi, standing behind Ai Xiu, maintained a calm expression.

"I'll go. I'm quite interested," Ai Xiu finally spoke up, catching Tashigi off guard.

"Sir, the situation is unknown, and it would be unfavorable to rush in without proper backup," Tashigi interjected, expressing her concerns.

With such a large group, if they ventured to an island where pirates were competing for a Devil Fruit, it could easily alert the Marines' presence. There were likely numerous pirates involved, possibly numbering in the thousands. The pirates participating in such an event would undoubtedly be formidable.

"Very well, I am reassured. I acknowledge your courage," Hina said, nodding in response to Ai Xiu's decision.

Ai Xiu glanced at Tashigi, who stood behind him.

"I won't require anyone else to accompany me. I'll go alone," Ai Xiu stated.

Tashigi was momentarily stunned, and even Hina was taken aback.

"Alone?" Hina repeated.

"No, I'll go too!" Tashigi quickly interjected upon hearing that Ai Xiu intended to venture alone.

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