
FIRST day Jiggers

The alarm clock rang

"Five more minutes please" Alexis groaned

and snoozed the alarm on her phone

Five minutes later it rang again and Alexis snoozed it for ten more minutes

"Hey Alexis isn't today your first day as the secretary to the CEO of Vikings real estate?" Noel's voice echoed through Alexis sleep and she opened up her eyes suddenly. She grabbed her phone and checked the date 

"OMG it's Monday" Alexis screamed and jumped out of bed "Why didn't you tell me Noel" Alexis grabbed her towel and ran inside the bathroom

"Well I just did" Noel continued fixing her hair

"Omg it stinks in here... you forgot to wash the bathroom again didn't you?" Alexis turned on the shower "Gosh the water heater is broken. What happened?

Noel didn't bother answering the question cause she knew Alexis would not be able to hear her.

Few minutes later Alexis came out of the bathroom and saw Noel fixing her makeup

"You didn't wash the bathroom again didn't you... I mean how many people use this place when I go job hunting" Alexis made her way to the wardrobe.

"Not much just a few friends that come to hang around"

"Exactly..... I don't know those guys" Alexis dropped her choice of clothes on the bed and began applying her body lotion. "I mean its the bathroom, you could get an infection"

"My friends are not reckless ok so please mind your words" Noel became irritated which could be told from her tone of sarcasm

"Hey I didn't mean anything, so don't get so upset" Alexis began wearing her clothes "I am just saying that you should limit the number of people who come into the apartment"

"I've heard you, but that must not be a base of argument" Noel stared at her lipstick collection and chose a bright red "I have a feeling today is going to go well.

"Awww thanks" Alexis said and sat beside Neol in front of the mirror and began brushing her hair.

"I wasn't referring to you silly, I was talking about myself"

"oh I thought... nevermind"

"But I wish you a wonderful day though"


"Seriously I really hope you have a great day. From all the stories and rumors I have heard about Mr Jayden Rock, the CEO of Vikings real estate, they are not nice" Noel said looking a bit upset and Alexis chuckled

"What have you heard Noel" Alexis asked with a grin and arranged her fringes on her forehead

"Like people say he is bossy and rude, he doesn't like women and he is a demi god"

"Now that's just absurd Noel, I don't think any of those rumors are true" Alexis began with her makeup

"Well I am just saying" Noel said and raised her hands in surrender

"You don't say... which shade should I use" Alexis said showing Noel two shades of lipstick

"Use this one its a really nice shade of pale pink and it brings your beautiful out" Noel said moving some of Alexis hair behind her ears and lifting her face with her jaw "I wish I was this pretty when I was twenty three" she added

"First off, thanks. And second of you are pretty, really pretty.You are just twenty six and you still have a lot of potential ahead so don't worry, gosh you worry too much" Alexis said and began applying the lipstick.

"Thanks Al, but I sometimes feel useless. I mean look at me no job, no money" Noel said and Alexis dropped the lipstick

"I understand, we are going to work it out and you are going to open up the makeup studio of your dreams." Alexis said and looked at the mirror one last time then back at Noel "Don't worry hmmm, I already know a great place"

"You little rascal, you know how to cheer me up" Noel said and hugged Alexi

"I've got to run now I am running out of time"

Alexis said and grabbed her bag. She was so relieved she had packed it the previous night

"Won't you have breakfast?" Noel asked but realized that she had already left the apartment

Vikings real esta

"Mr Lee" the vice president Mr John called the chairman on the phone

"Yes sir" Mr Lee replied

"Why isn't the new secretary here yet. Didn't you give her the instructions she is to carry out? You said she was capable right?" Mr John barke

"Yes sir she is capable. Let's just give the young lady a few more minutes" Mr Lee sai

"Well you can tell that to the president when he arrives" Mr John said and hung u

"If this girl doesn't show up I am dead meat. I already told the chairman I found someone and now this"

Alexis got off at the bus stop and ran as fast as her legs could carry her to the company building. When she got inside she met the receptionist who called the chairman to inform him about the new secretary to the CEO. After some minutes a man in his early fifties approached her

"Nice to meet again Mr Lee. Good morning" Alexis said with a slight bow.

"There is absolutely nothing good about this morning miss Alexis Davidson. Because of your careless behavior I could have gotten in trouble. Do you know the consequences of your tardiness if Mr president had stepped into this building before you" Mr Lee said with visible anger and Alexis gaze were on her shoes. She knew almost every body if not everyone was staring at the ensuing drama

"I am so sorry Mr Lee" Alexis said her gaze hadn't left her shoe

"You better be"

"I am sir, I promise this won't repeat itself again"

"Good. Now follow me" Mr Lee said and began to move. Alexis was grateful that at least she was going away from the scary gazes. She followed Mr Lee into the elevator and saw him push the button for floor number thirteen. Few moments later the, elevator doors opened to reveal a large office with about fifty desks spread across half of the floor then the other half were offices with doors as the only thing not made of glass. From what Alexis had read this was where the top officials of the company stay this was were the CEO's office was. Tension then nervousness Alexis couldn't help but think of what awaited her. 
