

Fight after fight, trial after trial. Together humanity fought side by side against the monsters til they were exhausted and only a hundred people remained.

Of those one hundred, Garret Wingman was the strongest.

He stood a head taller than the rest and wore dark blue armour trimmed

by metallic gold. His red hair was long and messy but tied back with a

simple leather thong. His face weathered by the age and stress brought upon by the System, it made him look older then his true mid thirties age.

In his hand was a massive two handed sword the size of a door, the weight

of which did not disturb him at all as he swung it with terrifying force.

Behind him, strewn across a field of wild grass, were the discarded

bodies of his companions. The last one hundred survivors of earth. The

strongest they had to offer. All of them dead.

The culprit of their deaths was the monster before him. A serpent whose

size dwarfed the tallest buildings. It was rainbow in colour and its mere

presence brought along a whole skew of debuffs which were slowly weakening him. Without a healer to dispel them they would eventually claim his life. Unfortunately the only healer they had was dead.

His only option left was to kill the Rainbow Serpent before it killed him.

Bellowing from rage and many other unknown feelings, Garret activated his

most powerful skill.

In response a blue light gathered on the edge of his

sword which then quickly grew in power.

A sudden sense of danger overcame the Rainbow Serpent and it reared it's head backwards getting ready to strike out again.

However it was too slow and could only take the strike head on. Garret's skill activated in an almost lazy manner, it's speed was not worth talking about however just as he brought his sword forward he disappeared from where he was standing and reappeared above the serpent bringing down his heavy sword in one swift and unstoppable movement.

The blue light shrouding the heavy sword suddenly exploded in power extending horizontally for nearly a hundred meters before slicing into the thick skinned Serpent.

However the attack by itself was not enough to kill the monster, but luckily no sooner had the attack finished then another one was released. And then another, and another.

An attack combo was performed flawlessly and each skill activating at the perfect moment causing each strike to grow in power. Of course such an attack drained nearly all the energy from him but he didn't worry and instead began sacrificing his health points in order to power the final strike.

With a final roar that shook the heveans Garret released every ounce of power that remained inside him and sliced forth with his sword. He knew instantly that he had succeeded as he felt it slice cleanly through the Serpent like a hot knife through butter.

Unwillingly the Serpent lost all strength and fell to the earth in two parts.

It was finally dead.

Then there was silence. Garrett was taking in deep breaths of air as tears fell from his eyes. Despite killing the monster he wasn't happy. He wasn't satisfied.

He looked down at his fallen companions and screamed out in pain and sadness.


Why was everyone dead?

'Why was I the only one to survive?'

His grief didn't last long as the familiar virtual window of the system appeared before him.


Earth has successfully overcome its calamity and has gained the right to

stand before the Gods. Before that, the System shall reward the survivors

with a chance to return to the past.

A giant stone gate suddenly grew out from the earth and stood before

Garret, a viscous red liquid stretched out between the archway making it

impossible to see through it.

The gateway shall remain open for five minutes.

Garrett looked at the System messages and then wordlessly stared at the

gate. "I, I will save them all." He muttered desperately. "Nothing will

stop me, I will make sure that everyone survives! I will save you all, I

promise!" He shouted loudly, a deranged and fanatical look briefly took over his visage. "I will do whatever it takes..." he whispered and then without picking up his sword or looking around.

He then stepped into the gate and returned to the past.

Which was why he never noticed a hand stretch slowly out from underneath

a pile of corpses behind him.

Three dead bodies were stacked on top of each other in a small pit, beneath of which was a pale and bony hand that slowly reached out and shoved the bodies aside.

Slowly Emanuel began to crawl out from beneath the bodies and looked around the field of battle in relief.

He had survived!

Out of the hundred final survivors who participated in the battle, Emanuel was undoubtably the weakest. His class was an Assassin. It wasn't a legendary class, nor was it a unique class. Despite that though he managed to survive and it wasn't because of luck.

It was because he was a coward.

To Emanuel though, this wasn't something to be ashamed about. In this world, the only thing that mattered was survival. As long as he could live then he was fine, he didn't care about what happened to the rest.

In front of him the System messages were floating and he read them each in growing excitement.

He then looked at the gate which he knew Garret must of entered. That arrogant asshole definitely returned.

"He always did have a hero complex, thinking that he should be the one to save the world." Emanuel sneered. He had never liked Garrett Wingman. In fact hardly anyone did.

The man was arrogant and a pain in the ass to work with. He always demanded to be the one in charge and then always took the best loot. He would then pretend to be just and fair by saying he was just trying to do his best in order to save humanity. In Emanuel's eyes he was nothing but a two faced asshole who used others to gain strength.

An incident in the past flashed across his mind and he clenched his teeth in anger. It was all Garrett's fault that he was the weakest. The man had taken away his chance to upgrade his class, all the while claiming it was for the greater good. "It was all his fault that people disregarded me!Fine! If you returned to the past then so will I. I will take everything from you! I will make it so that everyone sees you as the trash you are!"

A cold and ruthless look settled in his eyes and without another word he stumbled towards the gate and eagerly jumped through it.

This was his chance!

Unbeknownst to the two returners however was the fact that just after

they left a white light slowly gathered around one of the corpses in the

pit which Emanuel was just hiding in.

The light swiftly grew stronger until it covered a corpse completely and

in a single flash the light disappeared leaving behind a perfectly whole

and breathing individual known as Addison Lee.

Amongst the final one hundred Addison Lee was perhaps the second most

famous. It wasn't because he was anywhere near as strong as Garret. No,

it was because he was the one and only surviving healer. His position was

arguably the most important in the group and in the final moments before

his death he had played a crucial role in the battle. Giving many people

a little more time and granting Garret the chance to defeat the Rainbow


Addison's eyes slowly fluttered open but he couldn't see much as dirt and

blood covered his eyes. By habit he scrubbed it away and read the

messages on the screen before him.

"Well, I didn't expect that." He said simply and sat up. He looked around

the field in half wonder and confusion.

The reason he was alive wasn't a mystery to him. He was a Legendary

Healer, the only one in world. As such, the skills he knew were only

known to him. One of which was a single use skill that he had never used


Second Life

User will be automatically revived fifteen minutes after death.

This skill may only be used once.

The most marvellous part of this skill however wasn't the second life. It was the fact that he was able to watch everything that was happening while he was dead.

He had seen the the final moments of the fight between Garret and the Rainbow Serpent. He then watched as the gate appeared and Garret stepped through it.

He then watched in pure fascination as Emanuel climbed out from beneath him and proceeded to follow Garret through the portal.

"Wasn't this just too strange?" He joked to himself. We're all three of them going to return to the past? He wondered what would happen and realised that it would be near impossible to predict.

Laughing quietly to himself he walked towards the gate and looked at it seriously. The mirth on his face quickly disappearing, replaced by a icyness.

"Should I?" He whispered.

In all honesty, he was reluctant.

He was tired... he didn't want this to continue. He just wanted to sleep, laugh and hang out with his friends...

The bizarre thought suddenly shocked him out of his stupor. "My friends?" He mocked. "But my friends are all dead.

A sudden anger suddenly engulfed him. The type of anger that had kept him alive for so long, that had pushed him forever onwards no matter how hard things got. "Do you think I want to return to the past and suffer all over again!"

"This must be a joke." His chest rose up and down in agitation. "But, still I want to see them again."

Tears fell from his eyes.

He knew what his choice was. Hell, there wasn't much of a choice.

Of course he was going back.

This time he would make sure his friends and family lived happily. He would make sure they would survive. He didn't hesitate any longer, he stepped through the portal.

His vision turned red and he knew no more.


Silence engulfed the battlefield and no more bodies moved, no other

person came back to life.

It was peaceful.

Except for a slight rustling between the tall wild grass that is.

It was barely noticeable. However had anyone been standing next to the

gate they would have noticed that the noise was getting louder and


Closer and closer.

Then a soft hiss was heard and a small rainbow serpent stuck its head out

from the grass and made its way toward the gate.

This rainbow serpent wasn't the monster that had just been slain. No, it

was but a baby. All alone and curious about the world.

It had seen the humans disappear and looked at the gate curiously.

Without much thought, it too decided to go into the gate.

It really wanted to know.

'What laid wait on the other side?'
