
He Is Mine!

作者: Bella_Wallin
連載中 · 2.3K ビュー
  • 1 章
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What is He Is Mine!

WebNovel で公開されている、Bella_Wallin の作者が書いた He Is Mine! の小説を読んでください。...



The Musical Sword

Sweta Tiwari is the lifeline of International Public School, New Delhi, India.She is beautiful, dynamic , funny, talented and can break million hearts with just a smile. In a nutshell, she is a perfect teenager with a perfect life..... atleast people think so.... But life is not always as simple as it seems. As the daughter of Shivapati, the King of the Gandhaarvas ( Peaceful and powerful immortals, believed to be the Masters of Creative Arts) from the hidden kingdom at the foothills of the Himalayas, Sweta, aka Swetambhari has much more of a responsibility than the eyes meet. As the future Gandharva Queen, will she be able to complete her task of establishing herself as a leader worthy of human trust or she too will end up like most of the Gandhaavas for whom the violent outside world is a place not worthy enough to ponder upon? Her chance to represent the Gandhaarvas in the newly established EARTH IMMORTAL MANAGEMENT DIVISION is not only a Political directive, but also a life changing chance for this young Princess. Now disguised as a human teenager, will Swetambhari be able to work in unison with others to defend the potential dangers lurking at nooks and corners of the planet, or will she resort to seclusion like rest of her people? This is the story of a girl who needs to replace her poetry by politics and music by Speeches. Can the hand trained to hold a guitar yield the sword to save Mother Earth and answer to greater calls that may even challenge the beliefs given by her own class and clan? Being a superhero is no fun. And this story is about our conflicted supergirl, Swetambhari, aka Sweta.

SohiniSanyal · 都市
5 Chs

Can I Love You? || Haehyuk

Hai kawan, namaku Lee Hyukjae. Ijinkan aku disini untuk membagikan sedikit kisah cintaku dengan dia, si manusia brengsek yang sayangnya sangat aku cinta. Dia Lee Donghae. Maaf sebelumnya, hubunganku dengan dia bisa dibilang cukup aneh dan tak lazim. Bagaimana bisa? Bisa saja, karena Donghae adalah adik kandungku. Ya, adik kandung. Dari rahim yang sama, dari darah yang sama, dan dari air susu yang sama. Kalian lihat marga kita sama kan? Usiaku 27 tahun, sedangkan Donghae baru 20 tahun. Yah, bisa dibilang usia kita cukup jauh. Di umur Donghae yang baru saja menginjak usia legal, menyebabkan ia merasa penasaran tentang apa saja yang kami orang dewasa lakukan. Jadi, dia mencoba segala hal yang dilakukan orang dewasa, seperti merokok, mabuk, dan seks. Orang dewasa memang legal berbuat hal semacam itu. Tapi mereka tidak harus melakukannya, bukan? Itu bukan suatu kewajiban yang harus dilakukan ketika beranjak dewasa. Dan dimataku, semua hal itu salah dan tidak ada gunanya. Malah nantinya akan merusak diri sendiri. Mungkin sebagian orang bilang hal tersebut menyenangkan. Namun percayalah, semua itu hanya sesaat. Kau hanya akan terbawa euforia dalam sekejap kemudian terhempaskan dengan keras. Jadi, pikirkanlah konsekuensi apa yang akan kau terima sebelum kau berbuat sesuatu. Karena segala sesuatu hal yang kau lakukan, pasti akan ada balasannya. Bukan maksud aku sok menasihati dan sok pandai. Aku hanya tidak ingin kalian menyesal seperti diriku, yang jatuh terjerumus karena kebodohanku sendiri.

Delfinablue4486 · 都市
2 Chs

My Yandere Wives are Transcendents

This novel is being rewritten!! Here is the New novel's Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/soulless-transcendent-twisted-love-for-my-yandere-wives_29736272308325905 An 11-year-old boy suddenly woke up, "...wait, where am I?" "...I see, so this is the so-called transmigration." "hahaha.....hellll yaaaahh." "It's my time to show the world who the boss is." But he didn't realize what he caused, "Wait, this isn't what should be... why is he here, and where's that prostitute? And why is my lover with him?" "Fuck, what the hell is happening here? He shouldn't be here, and that guy should be dead, but how is he alive....urgh," he grumbled. "This is MY FUCKING WORLD, why are these guys interfering...aahhhhh," he shouted. A transmigrator who thought 'doing good deeds and fighting against evil will make him a hero and ruler of this world' now made a very small mistake which leads to, "My wife....is a wonderful woman," the mob character. "Why? Why? Why? Why......" the mob character rumbled. "Do you....believe in god?" the mob character questioned with a messed-up expression. "S-Shall we get m-marry?" "..." the mob character was shocked. "I don't know why but I like you, I guess." "...." the mob character was too shocked. "I like you, so be my son-in-law?" "...." the mob character was too-too shocked. "How about marrying my daughter and me at the same time?....what do they call that hmmm...'oyakodon,' right?" 'cough, cough.' "What?" the mob character was finally snapped. "Big Brother, when will we get married?" "........" Transmigrator never expects a certain 'Mob character' and how that 'Mob character' becomes a great disaster for the entire world because of his single mistake. A/N: This is my first time writing, so give me your honest opinion whether it is good or bad, but please don't be harsh on me... okay, I will try my best. CHOTTO MATTE....The first five chapters, The Transmigrator will be one to explain everything about this new world. I know I am not introducing the MC suddenly, and it's hard to info dump, but it's just for the first few chapters, so don't be harsh on me. If you wondered who will be MC then, MC is just a 'Mob Character.' Additional Tags: Harem, Male MC, Beautiful Female leads, Vampires, Dragons, Elves, dwarfs, Mermaids, Revenge? Deadly Yandere, Incest, Tsundere, Kuudere...Slow-paced ///...Alternative Title: For HER, I am Only one.../// https://discord.com/invite/X3wBNHZFNW

AbiLIon · ファンタジー
449 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


