
Meeting again

Roseanne did her primary school in Rosemary's primary school, a select one where she met her best friend for life, Pamela Maddison. Pamela was the daughter of a well-off financial high figure and despite her young age, was already following her mother's steps and making her name in the modeling career. All children magazines had at least one of her photos. Between the two girls, it was a complementary relationship: where Pamela was always laughing and easy going, Roseanne had to be serious and full of sermons, her smile rare and reserved for those worthy. They did, however, understand each other like no one else.

Then came the time to choose a middle school. Roseanne, despite her young age, heavily influenced by her mother, learned to plan far ahead. Her future had to be as brilliant as that of her mother's, if not then better. She needed then, to choose all the best thing possibles. She chose a well-renowned school, it was both a middle school and a high school and had a high rate of its students entering an excellent university without difficulty. Grace middle school. It was an all girl school with strict discipline. Pamela followed her there and the other girl couldn't be happier.

Grace was indeed an all-girl school, were mannerism were teacher along with the normal courses. It honed Roseanne's tyrannical and prideful nature to another level. During those years, her mother had a fall out with her father and in the end, it was decided that Roseanne was to stay by her mother's side. Without saying goodbye in person, she just came home one day to find a letter in her bedroom by her father's handwriting. There was a feeling of déjà vu, a painful memory long buried in, unwilling to resurface, but hurting all the same.

Her mother, after the divorce, became even more workaholic and terribly bitter. She looked at life sarcastically and had little, to absolutely no good thing to say about anything or anyone. She took her anger on everyone, Roseanne being the one taking most of the brunt. The poor preteen couldn't do anything without it being criticized, even her perfect notes were told to be too little. In constant research for her mother's approval, she became every cliché spoiled brat in the book, the manipulative person she would later grow to be when the situation wasn't in her favor.

Those years though weren't all that bad. Being in companies of girls, in her darkest days, she dreamed of prince charming on his white horse. They spend nights talking on the phone about it with Pam. It was, after all, that time of life when young girl fantasized about that perfect man that would sweep them away.

By her last year of middle school, her mother already had another husband, and her father had found himself his own new wife. There were still underlying tensions, but nonetheless, they spent familial reunions all together, laughing and joking around. Sometimes though, in the midst of all that, Roseanne couldn't help herself but feel a little excluded. These two had their own new family after all.

Eyton Daniels.

She met him there, in one of her mother's celebrational banquet. That boy was everything she dreamed her here to be. His eyes as blue as the shiny sky and his hair as blond as the sand on the beach. Roseanne swore, she heard the ringing bell and all the singing of the little cherubs in the air. It was the person she needed to meet. Most certainly, her future husband, she thought at the time. All that was left was the horse and the armor he had in her dreams.

It turned out, he was the son of one of her mother's models and accompanied her there. They exchanged phone numbers and she slept that day, dreaming of herself in a white wedding dress, Eyton's smile was bright on his face while waiting for her down the aisle; when she appeared, they took under everyone's gaze and acclamations.


Her new stepfather, Rowen, already had a child of his own, who was going to be inscribed in Linton's high school and for the sake of getting closer, her mother had asked of her to go study there. It looked like they were asking for her opinion but she knew better than most, that it was somewhat of a command and she could only comply.

It became something of a fate, or maybe fate was really at work as she met Eyton there. All her reluctance and her inner cursing towards the new members of the family faded like that. They were destined to be. Holding to ridiculous thoughts like that, she couldn't help herself then, but start mapping out how her life would be, dreaming about that fateful encounter and that dreamy wedding once again. Pamela, who had flight away came back in the country, her carrier as a model at a pause, for now, the time for her to finish with high school.


Reagan went to a public middle school. His previously neatly dressed hair was now constantly a mess, his clothing matching his surroundings, describing all too well the modest income of his aunt. The young man could be considered to have successfully blended in. Mostly wearing worn out jeans and t-shirts, simple and unknown brand's shoes. Anyway, his whole days were spent in the library, who was it that would care about his clothing there. Looking at him now, no one would think that he used to have the best things that could be offered some mere years ago. Nowadays, he could barely remember how his life used to be by his mother's side. His family name was quite famous though, and more often than not, he was ridiculed for that, a state which in the end, ended up with him using more of his fists than his words.

Reality slapped him on the face though and no matter how much he tried, he couldn't make them all shut up. They had, with his aunt, being forced to move a few time and after a few years, the gentlewoman forced him to change his family name and take his father's instead of his mother's that he had always used until now.


If there was one thing that Reagan could pride himself in, was most certainly his brain. It worked better than his fists anyway. He was a hard worker and that, he wasn't afraid to repeat such, always snatching the first place in everything -so long as it wasn't sports.

He obtained a scholarship and went to Linton high school, quite decided to succeed in life and take on his mother's name once more when he would be of age. He would then make that name even more famous than it previously as...

Linton high school... It was a well-reputed school and as long as he kept working hard, he could reduce his aunt's stress since he entered through a scholarship and planned on keeping using it all through his time there. Recently, aunt Phil started seeing someone and confessed that it wasn't quite easy with a child not that she blamed him. He had a good relationship with his aunt. And contrary to others his age, he was quite easy to live with. If anything, the pride he used to have and that haughtiness had successfully been curbed and he never knew those pulsions related to puberty other parents complained about.


They met in high school again. Memories from so long ago, how could it be remembered? They were two opposites that never slid together.

She was a bit of a tyrant even there, the leader of the girls still. He had to work hard to maintain his position, so he always scored first, and her, forever habituated to have the first place couldn't help but remark him, not that she liked his unkempt hair, his bedroom face and his clothes that he had worn as though he didn't know how to tie a tie! She itched to rearrange it.

For years, he had used his father's name to get away from trouble, who knew who deterred it, but once again, he was called the fraudster's child, the thieve. Such a thing had him so much riled up that he couldn't quite pretend those who snob him didn't exist. He had first thought he wouldn't mingle himself with those other rich and haughty people but now that they dragged him and taunt him, there was no way he could pretend it didn't happen!
