
He's only mine

Elsa is the daughter of a mafia leader, everyone was afraid of her and god help the one who disrespect her. She's fearless, heartless, controlling, quite brave and of course beautiful but she doesn't know what's love. She never loved anyone she was never jealous she hated boys she thought they're bastards that use women for their body. Everything changes when Jack moves in town, when he transfers in her school and makes Elsa feel things she never felt. He was nice, respectful, handsome and he was mysterious and different. hat will happen when they meet? What will Elsa do when she relizes his the one she wants? When she realizes that Jack's only hers and will kill everyone who tries taking him away. !!!After you finish season 1, go over to season 2! it's COMPLETED!!! WARNING +18 Please be advised that this story contains mature themes, sexual themes,violence and strong language!

lustfulsuprises · 若者
45 Chs

Chapter 14

*in the morning*

Jack:*smiles waking up first as he looks at  Elsa while playing with her hair*babygirl wakey wakey~*chuckles*

Elsa:*groans*nooooo~~~*chuckles snuggling more into Jack*i don't want to move at all... I'm so freaking comfortable~

Jack:you have to babygirl we have school*laughs and sits up *and we need to eat~

Elsa:so what *rolls her eyes standing up and stretching and as she goes to give him a kiss on his cheek she she gets a message on her phone instantly checking it and smiling yelling out happy* fuck yes!

Jack:*frowns when he doesn't receive the kiss and ignores it*what made you that happy? *chuckles looking at her*

Elsa:I have a mission ~im not going to school instead I'll kill a bunch of guys~*laughs and smirks getting up*

Jack:*looking at her as he rolls his eyes and stands up going to his closet putting on jeans then looks for a shirt while completely ignoring her*

Elsa:*looks at him*jack... *pins him on the wall looking up at him*whats wrong?..

Jack:nothing just looking for a shirt *moves her off him then puts on a shirt that covers her hickeys *

Elsa:*growls at him*jack what's wrong! *grabs his hand making him look at her*

Jack:nothing Elsa *rolls his eyes *you'll be late for the mission you should get going*walks away*and I will be late for school

Elsa:so that's what this is about you'll miss me~*chuckles looking at him following him*

Jack:*rolls his eyes and puts his shoes on*i thought about something else *takes his bag*you'd rather go and kill people that have families then go to school learn few things and see me evey time*walks out slamming the door *

Elsa:w-what.... *stares at the door and face palms *dang it Elsa.... *sighs and walks upstairs*i keep messing up things

*4 hours later she comes back with blood on her shirt and looks for Jack *

Elsa:Jack? *looks around*where are you *sees Flynn*where's Jack, his classes should've ended by now?

Flynn:yeah they ended one hour ago he went out with friends to the bar downtown, I had some work that's why I'm not with him

Elsa:he went to a bar?! *gets angry and rolls her eyes feeling like he is doing this on purpose*ughh jackkkk!! *runs upstairs getting ready then drives to the bar and gets in looking for Jack*

Jack:*laughing talking to a girl and hands her a drink as she's smiling and giggling looking up at him with list in her eyes*

Elsa:*growls and walks to them *Jack....*looks at him then at her *get up were leaving*fake smiles*

Jack:what? *looks at Elsa*why are we leaving I'm having fun*chuckles and looks at the girl*you will probably get another mission in a minute so I'll see you tomorrow

Elsa:*looks at the girl*if you don't get up and run away in 5 seconds I'll beat the shit out off you and when you look in the mirror tomorrow you won't recognise you're face! *glares and yells at her*

Hailey:nah I'm not the running tupe~*smirks looking at Elsa *hello old friend~*chuckles leaning even closer to Jack*

Elsa:*gets even angrier when she talks back but when she looks closer at her,her eyes open wide*Hailey!? *laughs and hugs her tight*

Hailey:*chuckles hugging her back*missed me~?

Elsa:hell yes I did *smiling*I missed my partner in crime~*sits down next to her*

Hailey:and I missed you*chuckles *anyways he's with me *she winks at Jack*

Elsa:let's talk outside... *controls her anger and jealousy as she drags them both outside behind the bar *

Elsa: He's mine I'm sorry Hailey... *folds her arms looking at her while standing next to Jack*

Hailey:what!? *laughs*is this a joke I thought you said you'll always hate boys! I thought they are horrible according to you!?...you fucking despised all men

Elsa:I do hate men and despise them...just not...*sighs and smiles* just not Jack *she looks at Jack*He's mine , he always will be...

Hailey:well then*smirks*i would like to see why you like him and I want to spend just one day with him~

Elsa:hell no!! *growls at her *you are not getting him, stop fucking flirting with him,he is my boyfriend*she grabs jacks hand and holds it* fuck off before you regret it

Hailey:you remember you owe me one right? I want this I want him for a whole day I thought you always finish what you start~~and I thought you always keep your word~

Elsa:*groans and looks at her *don't do this he is my everything....

Hailey:I'm not changing my mind*smirks as she looks at Jack and pulls him close to her *

Elsa:*looks at her then Jack and she gives up and sighs*fine.... *in the same time Jack look at her hurt clearly not expecting this from her as her heart shatters *Jack....

Jack: save it... I don't want to talk to you right now*walks away*

Hailey:thank you Elsa~*smirks and follows Jack holding  onto his arm *

Elsa:*looking at them sad hurt angry and jealous as she walks away with teary eyes*

*next morning*

Elsa:*wakes up feeling around for Jack then she jumps up not seeing him here and gets worried but remembers that's he's with Hailey and falls back down*

Elsa's thoughts

I woke up looking for Jack and when I didn't saw him I got worried then I remembered that hes with Hailey... Of all the things she could ask she had to say Jack... Why why is this happening to me god knows what's she doing with him what if she's touching him god I could feel my blood boil why did I give him to her and last night the way he looked at me he was hurt... I hurt him I hate myself..... The day went by and I went in school but I didn't saw him I didn't saw him for the whole day I starded few fight but I didn't care all I thought was what are they doing? Is he enjoying it? What if he leaves me for her? God I hate thinking like this and then I saw them walking toward the school laughing

Hailey:and that's when I feel in the pool from the 3rd floor *laughs*

Jack:ohh god *laughing hard *I can't believe that is you wow it's been so long *chuckles*

Hailey:yeah*smiles looking at me *we had an amazing life back there *smiles kissing his cheek*

Jack:*giggles*we sure did *smiles then notices Elsa and just looks at her*

Elsa:*standing here with her arms crossed as she's angry and jealous*did you two had fun?....!

Jack:yeah we did *chuckles *

Hailey:*blushes and bites her lip*ill see you tomorrow right

Jack:of course you will


*everyone jumps hearing her yell*

Hailey:*rolls her eyes *bye to you too Elsa *laughs as she's not scared at all and she leaves *

Elsa:*growls and grabs jacks hand dragging him in the bathroom as she pins him on the wall*what did you two do huh!? Did you allow her to touch you?! Did you enjoy talking to her!? *looking at him angry and jealous as hell*how do hell do you know her!? *takes his shirt off looking for hickeys or bite marks but doesn't find any*what....

Jack:*laughs pinned on the wall shirtless and smirks *we didn't have sex baby *laughs*she didn't touch me at all *smirks looking down at Elsa *look at you're cute little jealous face *smirks *

Elsa:how the hell do you know her?!*blushes rolling her eyes*

Jack:at first I didn't recognize her but then I remembered her from my childhood we dated and had sex back then *smirks *

Elsa:Jack!!! *groans and starts kissing his neck roughly biting it leaving hickeys *I had to let you hangout with her

Jack: I know you had to baby*moans and gets hard*shit.... Missed me that much? ~

Elsa: yes so freaking much~lets go home*puts his shirt on then takes him to the car and drives home dragging him in his room and pinning him down climbing on top of him kissing him deeply and lovingly*

....To be continued....