
I Wish He Would Just Skip Class

I can't believe he actually remembered.

Ten years ago, when Tomoya ran away from home, we met on a broken bridge. He asked me to to move in with him. I guess you could say he was a pint-sized casanova.

Alas, he was so dumb back then. When I suggested calling his mom with a payphone so we could find a way home, he practically jumped for joy.

We searched under a quiet, moonless night until we found an old, red payphone.

When we got inside its enclosure, he kept dialing the wrong number.

I felt so embarrassed, having to apologize over and over to random people who did not in any way enjoy such an unexpected wake-up call.

However, the serious look in his eyes right now, ten years on, was a stark contrast.

Even though he never expressed his feelings in words, I knew he cared about me. I just wasn't sure how much.

But now... something changed... and while I still can't say that what we have will last forever... at least I'm sure that what we have now will last awhile longer.

He got up and slid open the payphone's glass door.

"I might be a little late, but I'm sure everything will work itself out." He winked at me and then finally made his way to school.

I watched his back fade into the horizon.

Having nothing else to do, I went home.

On the way I stopped by a pet store.

It was still early, so it hadn't opened yet. But I couldn't care less. I passed through the shuttered entrance and scanned the pet isles until I found a massive, lonesome Tarantula.

I didn't have anything to carry it with, so I just picked up the glass cage and left enough money on the checkout counter to match its price tag.

I imagined the look on his mom's face when she had a gander at my new pet. I couldn't help but put on a gleaming smile of satisfaction.

I even knew the perfect place to keep it too: just under her bed.

Ah~ I feel so much better already.

When I got home I glided up to the bedroom and floated through the closed window.

Unlike a certain hapless normie, I wasn't vertically challenged.

I heard a screeching sound behind me.

It was the neighbor's stupid cat. It had climbed a tree in our yard.

I don't like cats. They could sense when I was nearby and were easily agitated by my presence.

Actually, I just wish those noisy buggers would keep their wailing mouths shut.

I was tempted to put it out of everyone's misery but once you go down the path of destruction you might never be able to turn back.


Anyway... I perused Tomoya's book collection- more accurately what was left from his Dad's old library. I selected the text I had just recently started reading: Simone De Beauvoir's Second Sex.

At first I thought it was a steamy porno but it turned out to be something else entirely... although it was still quite steamy.

Occasionally I would change out of my clothes to put on a different set of Tomoya's uniform. I planned on cycling through his entire student wardrobe before he got back.

My strategy was to coat all his clothes with my lovely scent.

After all, its only natural for an alpha female to mark her territory.

It wasn't long before I found myself unconsciously muttering, "That wimpy kid better come back soon..."
