
Harry Potter : Transmigrating as Cedric

After awakening the Righteous Mage System, Cedric finds his path set: as long as he behaves like a true Righteous mage, he earns rewards such as experience points, magic power, magical herbs, and secret treasures. This journey molds him into the most upstanding Hufflepuff in Hogwarts history. At Hogwarts, Cedric leads by example and excels in his studies. He respects his teachers and abides by school rules. He loves his classmates, prohibits bullying, and does not tolerate any illegal or unethical behavior. Cedric becomes known as the benchmark that meets everyone's expectations for Hogwarts students. He is the warrior admired by Gryffindors, the god of learning worshiped by Ravenclaws, the prefect respected by Hufflepuffs, and the white mage most feared by Slytherins. Cedric is the idol who has shattered Voldemort's conspiracies time and time again! *************************************** WARNING! I do NOT own Harry Potter or this story i am just translating it. "English isn't my native language, so please correct me if i made any mistakes". original novel: 一霍格沃兹:史上最正派白魔法师 Check out my Patreon for early access chapters: patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498 Release Schedule will 1 chapter per day. show your support by giving power stones and reviews and comments.

31 Chs

Chapter 4 Professor Snape


Founded around 990 AD, it is one of the 11 known magic schools in the world and is considered one of the best magic institutions in the wizarding world.

Hogwarts is inevitably a little quiet during the summer vacation.

But with the arrival of Cedric, this silence was soon broken.

early morning.

Cedric ran out of the common room, greeting everyone he met along the way.

He encountered it first.

It was Argus Filch, the administrator.

"Hello, Mr. Filch, I'm Cedric who checked in early. If you need me to do anything, you can always call me!"

"I know you, I just hope you can abide by the school rules!"

Filch had bulging eyes like fish bubbles and was holding his cat named Lady Nollys.

"Of course, I have read [Hogwarts, School History] thoroughly. I will strictly abide by the school rules and I will never let you worry about it!"

Cedric finished.

A system prompt rang in my ears.

[Declaration, I advocate abiding by school rules and gaining 100 experience points. ]

His smile became more obvious.

As long as you can let him gain experience, no matter whether you are a dead eye or not, you are his good friend.

Got a reward.

There was naturally a bit more sincerity in his smile.

Looking at the sunny and cheerful boy Cedric, even the lifeless Filch was stunned.

Been at Hogwarts for so long.

This was the first time he felt unreserved kindness from the young wizard.

Children don't lie.

With Filch's terrifying tower-keeper appearance, it was almost impossible for the new kids to like him.

And after the children were caught by him once or twice, their dislike of him skyrocketed.

Over time.

He also completely became the opposite of the little wizards.

How long has it been since he saw such sincere eyes?

"Okay then!"

Filch suddenly felt that under Cedric's pure eyes, he felt a little guilty.

It was like a dark creature was suddenly released into the sunlight.

It feels like being stung by the sun.

It was really wrong of him to talk to Cedric so coldly just now!

Filch unconsciously changed his attitude: "In the future, if you need anything, just come to me. Not many people are more familiar with the school's affairs than me!"

"Okay, bye, Mr. Filch!"

Cedric finished his experience points and left.

According to his experience, the same person will not gain experience points twice for the same reason in one day.


Filch stared blankly at Cedric's back until he disappeared.

When turning around to leave.

Somehow, his steps felt a lot easier.

Run around the corner.

Cedric suddenly felt a chill approaching.

Look up.

Isn't this Professor Snape, Hogwarts' pure love god of war and double agent?

When he read the original novel, he hated him at first.

Only when he learn more about the truth later then he realize how touching his story is.

"Close your eyes!"

Snape let out a low voice, and the cold aura accompanying him suddenly expanded outwards.

He is a sensitive and delicate person, otherwise he wouldn't be able to work as an undercover agent.

The complicated look in Cedric's eyes when he saw him was immediately noticed by him!

"Sorry, Professor Snape!"

Cedric quickly adjusted and introduced himself generously:

"Hello, Professor, I'm Cedric who checked in early. I know you are good at Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Charms, and Occlumency. I look forward to getting your advice!"

Snape glanced silently up and down Cedric.

After not noticing any bad feeling, he said very proudly:

"Then you must not be the kind of fool I often encounter!"

"I feel like I'm not stupid. Besides, I've already studied Potions in the first grade."

"Including [thousands of magical herbs and mushrooms]!"

Seeing Cedric's confident look.

Snape asked directly: "What will be the finished product if narcissus root powder is added to mugwort infusion?"

"You will get the water of life and death, which is a powerful sleeping pill!"

"Where can I find bezoar?"

"Some kind of solidity in the cow's stomach!"

Two questions later.

Snape suddenly raised the difficulty level:

"Tell me the recipe for the healing potion!"

"Two wormwood plants, 10 grams of unicorn tail hair, and 10 grams of white grass."

Cedric was calm and collected.

Can't use wand though.

But before coming to Hogwarts, he started to study on his own very early. It can be said that no problem within the third grade could trouble him.

"very good!"

Snape nodded with satisfaction.

These two questions are no longer within the scope of [Thousands of Magical Herbs and Mushrooms], but are within the more difficult textbook [Magic Potions and Potions].

Able to answer in seconds.

Obviously the effect of Cedric's self-study is very solid.

in this case.

His self-report just now contained elements of self-effacement. He was smart but self-effacing. This was a student that Snape liked very much.

"You can come to me if you have any questions in the future, but remember, don't ask me stupid questions!"

[Congratulations on passing Professor Snape's test and gaining 1,000 experience points. ]

Sure enough, the key person has a lot of experience!

The reward was actually ten times that of others, and Cedric suddenly felt happy.

Question this time.

It's almost half as much as what he used to paint during those years at home.

There was no reward triggered at Professor McGonagall's place before, probably because he had applied for early check-in.

But now it is purely students asking teachers for advice.

This is what students should do.

Only behaviors that are not mixed with other interests or purposes can trigger rewards!

Cedric seems to understand how the system works better.

Coupled with the bumper harvest he had just obtained, his mood suddenly became a little better.

Cedric patted his chest confidently.

"Don't worry, Professor Snape, I will make you proud!"

"Confidence is pretty good!"

Snape felt like he was hit by a warm smile, something he had never felt before when he was a student.

The corners of his mouth also curved unconsciously.

Although this did not change the essence of his cold ancient well aura, it seemed like sunlight was shining into the well at this moment.

Although it did not dispel the cold.

After all, it brought more light and became different!

Just one day.

All the professors at Hogwarts know that there is a sunny and cheerful boy named Cedric in the castle!

Dumbledore was quickly alerted.


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