
Harry Potter: The Real Wizard

HIATUS George Williams, a typical university student reincarnated in England at the end of the 70s, but not in a normal family, he is in a family of pure-blood wizards. Faced with this situation, he will begin to embark on a journey through the amazing world of Harry Potter delving into Charms, D.A.D.A, Potions, Dark Arts and Arithmancy. English is not my native language, so there may be mistakes in grammar or similar. I hope your understanding in my first book. pa treon.com/BRIHUA to support

BRIHUA · 書籍·文学
11 Chs

Studies and initiation into mental magic

(This chapter is going to be about the direction of the mc's study of magic, in my head I have in mind that this fanfic should treat magic as something more scientific, more rigorous and that it should treat it at a much deeper level than what is treated in the canon. For example, I want to treat rituals where they improve the physical characteristics, or that can create an environment in a room for potions where the potions have better characteristics than when the rituals are not done. Or for example study alchemy and ancient runes to develop magical devices or artifacts that help to measure the powers and characteristics of the spell be it normal or dark arts. I don't know what you guys think, or if you have an idea about what you want the mc to invent and believe, or what he could study).

*Timeskip spell*

I am now 6 years old and have completed all my non-magical studies, which comprise mathematics, English language, traditional magical literature, that is, the study of the great literary works, but instead of being from muggles they are from wizards, something that quite surprised me and opens me up to a whole new world totally different from what I was used to in my previous life.

I also have social sciences, which studies how societies, cultures and magical communities work, from when wizards walked with muggles, what they were dedicated to at the time, how to wage war, treat the perform and nobles for resources that were cheaper at the time or even certain families of wizards who enslaved muggles as cheap labor, that yes they were enslaved but they lived much better than even some nobles, they had access to healing potions that were very cheap at the time but were better than any doctor/healer that money could buy at the time.

I also had History of Magic, but it was not the ordinary topics that Professor Bins dealt with, none of the Goblin Rebellions, the Witch-hunts, the Giant wars and the origin of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy. They were covered, but the history he studied mostly is the consequences of inventions, new magics, the rise of the various branches of magic, domestic and international politics.

And the topic that has interested me the most so far, wars that were declared between different magical communities, which were usually the previous wars that unraveled into Muggle wars. As well as a tactical understanding that they were more valuable than to die or to fight. So they became chess players whose pieces were the kingdoms and their thousands of medieval soldiers who fought for them to gain land, as well as their magical and non-magical resources.

I also had sciences of nature, which had as a study an introduction to Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Geology and Astronomy, it seems to be strange to deal with these subjects in the magical world, but actually no, biology happened the same, magical plants and animals reproduce in ways very similar to their mundane counterparts. Physics the same, gravity remains the same, as well as lengths, capacity, speed, and so on. And so on with all other sub-subjects.


"Mom what are we going to study today?" I commented to my mother.

"We're not going to study anything today anymore." Seeing my bewilderment, she continues." You've already learned what you were supposed to have studied until you entered Hogwarts."

"So what am I going to do these next five years?" I say.

"Well... I've talked to your father and we've decided on several options. Either learn more of the theoretical lessons you're going to learn at Hogwarts or start learning magic, what do you think?"

"MAGIC!...but how am I going to do magic if I don't have a wand?" I say with a bit of expectation.

"Although you don't need a wand to do magic, you can do magic without a wand" he says as he holds up a carafe of water and pours a glass of water. "But that's too much for a person who hasn't even cast a cleaning spell, so we've decided that you should start dabbling in various subjects, potions, alchemy, rituals and especially mental magic."

"Mental magic?"

Yes! Finally, I had planned to look for books on it in a library, or worse go to Hogwarts without knowing anything and learn in the Room of Requirement. Thank goodness I live in a family that doesn't mind the taboos of magic and study every single branch of magic.

"Yes dear, it's all magic that interferes with the brain, either positively or negatively, for example, although you can't not know that it belongs to this branch, there are spells like the Imperius Curse, Memory Charm (Obliviate), potions like Veritaserum or Forgetfulness Potion. And what you're going to study the most is going to be Occlumency and Legilimency."

"So what do these magic do?" I ask as if I wasn't already looking forward to studying them.

"Well, Occlumency could prevent a Legilimens from accessing one's thoughts and feelings, or influencing them. A wizard or witch who practiced this art was known as an Occlumens. And Legilimency was the act of magically navigating through the many layers of a person's mind and correctly interpreting one's findings. A person who practiced this art was known as a Legilimens." My mother recounts with delight.

"There are people who can see your thoughts and memories, they can even change them!?" he said very upset.

"Yes honey, not all magic is good, some can be more harmful than death itself. But it's your lucky day, your father has studied with some family colleagues very thoroughly this branch of magic, so you will learn these things from him."

"Dad is dedicated to reading people's memories?" I say with a bit of concern.

"Ay honey I should have explained myself better, he has dedicated many years of his life to study Occlumency, so much so that he may be one of the most powerful in this type of magic. And you may think that the benefits of dedicating so much time to a page that only counteracts one magic, well it is not only that, this magic makes every memory and experience easily accessible to the user, and at the highest level of this magic increases brain activity to the highest level, you can think at such a high speed that you can create theory that any other wizard would take days, months or even years to achieve. Besides problem solving becomes so trivial that it seems like a joke."

"You've studied that magic too?" I ask excitedly directly to my mother.

"Sure honey, I'm not on your father's level, just like he's not on the level of my potions or rituals." Comments with some disdain my mother seeing me so excited. "So you want to start studying this magic?"



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pa treon.com/BRIHUA