
Harry Potter: The Real Wizard

HIATUS George Williams, a typical university student reincarnated in England at the end of the 70s, but not in a normal family, he is in a family of pure-blood wizards. Faced with this situation, he will begin to embark on a journey through the amazing world of Harry Potter delving into Charms, D.A.D.A, Potions, Dark Arts and Arithmancy. English is not my native language, so there may be mistakes in grammar or similar. I hope your understanding in my first book. pa treon.com/BRIHUA to support

BRIHUA · 書籍·文学
11 Chs

Beginning of a new life


.... And she is back, but this time with a pretty lady in her 30's with blue eyes and blonde hair and next to her was a man with a rough looking, but at the same time young face. The woman had a wand made of a brown colored wood, and with a wave of the wand she cast a cleaning spell, as all the dust in the room mysteriously disappeared.

"It seems that the function of the family potion really works." Comments the man with a smile on his mouth.

"Of course it does honey, I've done several tests myself and the potion my little George has taken I've made it myself. or do you doubt my abilities? DAR-LING" Comments what appears to be my mother.

"No, no, I didn't have any doubts honey. Look how animated George is, you can see that the response of the potion is extremely good, he even seems to be understanding us. His eyes have good response and he seems to make out his whole environment." My father comments.

"Yes it seems to be true Erik, this even exceeds my expectations." My mother says as she lifts me out of the crib and carries me into her arms.

Then with her fingers she cackles my chubby little cheeks. I quickly think that if I don't react to this it would be very strange, so I try to make a little giggle, but when I try to perform this harmless action a fart comes out and something worse follows.

Damn this body that does not follow my instructions.

Seeing this, and especially smelling it my mother comments:

"Stick please change the little lord of the family." Says my mother with a bit of grace.

"Of course ma'am." Says the house elf with an enviable happiness, and with a snap of fingers unbuttons my baby clothes, the dirty honeycomb of unbuttons and with a slight lifting of my body, cleans me , if I am half floating, leaves the honeycomb that is replaced by another one that was in a drawer of the room and makes the opposite process with another snap of fingers.

At such a display of incredible magic my parents seem to ignore them and comment on something else more absurd.

"These strange clothes are really a great Muggle invention, what did you say Elisabeth's name was?" Comments my father to my incomprehension of the matter.

Don't wizard children have diapers? Do they poop directly into their clothing?

(With a quick search diapers were invented in 1942, so in the magical world, in the late 70's, it would be a relatively new invention and mostly unknown to wizards. I do this sort of thing to make the MC aware of the gaps in conveniences in the magical world, and at the same time that with the use of these Muggle objects, they should realize that their parents and family members don't hate non-magicals).

"Diapers, what a great invention, these Muggles even with their misunderstanding of the reality of the world they live in know how to make such good things." Comments my mother, with a hint of disdain when she talks about understanding the world, which I assume will be about magic


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