
Harry Potter: The Magic of Money

作者: Azrael_Draco
連載中 · 122.8K ビュー
  • 12 章
  • レビュー結果
  • NO.200+

What is Harry Potter: The Magic of Money

WebNovel で公開されている、Azrael_Draco の作者が書いた Harry Potter: The Magic of Money の小説を読んでください。Since the dawn of gaming, there have existed two types of gamers. Free-to-play losers and pay-to-win gods. At least, that was how Ronald Richmond saw it. And as the greatest pay-to-win god of all time...


Since the dawn of gaming, there have existed two types of gamers. Free-to-play losers and pay-to-win gods. At least, that was how Ronald Richmond saw it. And as the greatest pay-to-win god of all time, he was unstoppable. So, when he entered the Harry Potter world in the body of Ronald Weasley, he was naturally distressed. That lasted until his first knut… [Valid currency detected. Value: 1 point.] From then on, he had only one mission. To become the wealthiest Wizard in all of England. Then, by turning his wealth to power, he would become truly unstoppable.

6 タグ

BREATHLESS [A story that will touch your soul]

EP 1; Placing the coffee mug on the glass table, "you know what darling, girls like you who always try to run away from dating and relationships, always end up falling in love at the end." Letting out a brittle laughter, "grandma I think you're under the influence of fairy tales. Or did you watch Cinderella cartoons before coming?" "Huh? I can't even remember the last time I watched fairy tales movie." "Then why are you talking bout dating and relationships? Because I know am not interested in them" Raising her eyebrows, granny Mathilda burst into laughter. Scowling her face, "grandma what's funny? I didn't say something funny" Slightly pinching and pulling bianca's cheeks, granny Mathilda chuckled, "yes dear, you just said something funny." Frowning confusedly, "how?" Taking a deep breath, "first of all, let me tell you something." She sat up properly and faced her. "Do you know that old men and women of my age  still goes into relationship?" Widening her eyes and mouth in shock, Bianca threw her hands in her mouth and gasped. "Ahh, you gat to be kidding me grandma" Nodding her head, "no darling, am not kidding, am talking legit." "But why do they have to go into a relationship when they're old and weak?" Shrugging her shoulders, "weird" Flicking her forehead, "oh you haven't heard of old people dating sites?" Frowning confusedly, "old people dating sites? No I haven't and why is it?" Chuckling, "okay I'll tell you" she whispered and explained. "Every woman needs a life partner, whom will watch over her, protect her and support her till the end of time. So no matter your age or who you are, you still need a partner." Sitting up properly, Bianca helplessly shook her head. "But it's not in my gene to date anyone right now, because–" placing her hand on her chest, she gave a doleful look and added, "I don't wanna suffer another heartbreak, please feel my pains" Patting the top of her head, she chuckled. "I do feel your pains too dear but heartbreaks are also part of life" Widening her eyes and mouth in shock, "huh?" Bianca shouted shockingly. "Uh huh, if you didn't date someone then how do you experience heartbreaks? Or do you just watch them happen in the movies?" P.S The cover page don't belong to me.

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · 都市
259 Chs


【这是一个男扮女装与,女扮男装的故事】 X大学报道的新生中来了一个小道长。 清风霁月。 眉眼如画。 长身如玉。 进校第一天,便俘获无数学姐的芳心。 可是,小道长心中却只有一个念头,那就是——抓妖!抓妖!抓多多的妖然后卖了换钱! 于是乎,偌大的校园内就经常看到一个白衣胜雪的小男生对着所有示好的学姐说道:“贫道休的是太上忘情道,还请这位美女不要浪费时间,不如告诉贫道哪里有妖可收?” 结果,就在某一天,这一成不变的话语却变成了——各位学姐,请问见到昨天晚上偷看贫道的花冷涯了吗? 于是乎,校园中所有美女们垂足顿胸,仰天长叹:完了完了,这渣女竟然真的对这明月清风下手了啊! 而在另一边呢…… 我们浪到毫无下限的校花——花冷涯大小姐却冷眼瞅着面前的小道长,满脸的愉揶。 “呦呦,沈清小道长,你说你一个黄花大闺女为什么这么想不开要女扮男装呢?” “花冷涯!你这条女装大佬的孽龙!待我今日收了你,我就能发家致富走上迎娶白富美的道路了!” 某花:收了我?小飞机场,您还是先脱下这一身男装吧!顺便问一下,什么品种啊?这么凶…… 某道:孽龙,你还是赶紧脱了身上的裙子吧!不男不女的,恶心!

渊清 · 一般的
416 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定

The concept is good looking forward to the end of this fiction


Book is awesome in all ways, especially the concept. Just please no harem.🙏 Having one wouldn’t even make sense and would just be wierd since it’s a bunch of little kids.


This is a very interesting concept and i love the premise already.


Can someone call me back when there are at least 15 chapters ?. Also, is he going to spend all his time to gather power or is he also going to get some waifus ? I mean power without waifus feels a bit mmm..


I am utterly captivated by your book! It's a literary gem that warrants far more attention than it's currently receiving. The characters are intricately crafted, the plot is expertly woven, and the writing is nothing short of exceptional. It's a travesty that more readers haven't had the pleasure of immersing themselves in your work yet. I'm eager to help you devise a strategy to increase its visibility and garner the accolades it so rightly deserves. Let's collaborate to devise a plan that showcases your masterpiece to the world!"





Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating