
Adoption and Invitation

Over the next few days, Ciaran found himself preoccupied with the Force points displayed on his dashboard. What significance did they hold? How could he attain them? It was a golden opportunity that demanded his attention.

Yet, despite his contemplation, he remained clueless and empty-handed.

It wasn't until the following Wednesday that a messenger owl swooped into Fremont Manor. Ciaran Frémont set aside his tasks, retrieved the letter, and graciously offered the owl some nourishment. The avian messenger seemed to linger, as if anticipating a response from Ciaran Frémont.


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Office of the Principal: Albus Dumbledore (President of the International Federation of Wizards, First Class Grand Wizard of the Order of Merlin, and Chief Wizard of the Wizengamot).

Dear Mr. Frémont:

We are delighted to inform you that you have successfully passed the interview and extend our sincere invitation for you to join Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as the Combat Professor. We eagerly await your response.

Deputy Headmistress: Minerva McGonagall, Yours sincerely.

A smile graced Ciaran's lips as he reread the letter. Yes, it was true. He had triumphed in the interview and now held the esteemed position of Combat Professor at Hogwarts.

"Indeed, I must compose a reply immediately," Ciaran declared. With a wave of his wand, pristine parchment, a quill pen, and ink floated over to him, and he swiftly penned his response.

The messenger owl regarded Ciaran before taking small, appreciative nibbles of its meal.

With his reply completed, Ciaran nodded to the owl and expressed his gratitude, "Thank you for your service."


The owl hooted softly, unfurled its wings, and soared into the distance.

"Ah, but I've forgotten something crucial," Ciaran exclaimed, smacking his forehead in annoyance. "I neglected to include the pertinent teaching materials for the Combat Class in my response."

Indeed, as a course necessitated materials, and Ciaran needed to select the most suitable texts for his students.

"Perhaps I should pen a book myself and have the students procure it? Similar to Lockhart," Ciaran mused momentarily before dismissing the notion. He lacked neither the funds nor the inclination for such a venture. Moreover, his writing prowess was questionable at best. As a Combat Professor, he had no intention of misleading his pupils.

Surveying the books in his study, Ciaran deliberated. In his leisure, he found solace in reading, including an assortment of miscellaneous texts.

Ultimately, Ciaran settled on the teaching materials. First to fourth-year students would utilize "Self-Defence Spell Collection" and "Common Spells and Solutions," while fifth to seventh-year students would engage with "Curse and Curse Decryption Spell" and "Practical Defensive Magic and Its Application Against Dark Forces." These four texts were deemed optimal.

"Edsna, deliver these to Professor McGonagall at Hogwarts," Ciaran instructed his owl companion, gently patting its feathers.

"Hoot," Edsna acknowledged, before taking flight out the window and disappearing into the horizon.

With this matter resolved, Ciaran's thoughts returned to the imminent threat of Voldemort's resurrection. A sense of urgency gnawed at him.

"We must swiftly ascertain the nature of Force points, enhance magical prowess, and elevate our mastery of spells and transfiguration," Ciaran resolved. Drawing upon his experiences - gleaned from books in his previous life - he contemplated activating cheats, systems, and engaging in combat to accrue Force points.

However, a bitter smile tugged at Ciaran's lips. Despite his appointment as Combat Professor at Hogwarts, he lacked adversaries to vanquish. After all, he couldn't simply waltz into Azkaban Prison to duel dark wizards.

"Ah, but there are other avenues to consider. Items of great renown, once revered by the world," Ciaran mused aloud


Force points, it seemed, were either obtained through combat or were imbued within objects esteemed by society. Yet, much like his dearth of foes, Ciaran lacked possession of such revered relics.

"Perhaps the relics of Hogwarts' four founders - Hufflepuff's golden cup, Gryffindor's sword, Ravenclaw's diadem, Slytherin's locket - or even the Sorting Hat," Ciaran pondered, rubbing his chin. "Though, retrieving Gryffindor's sword presents a challenge, and the Sorting Hat resides within Dumbledore's sanctum."

Aside from these artifacts, were there other items deserving of the world's adulation? Ciaran deliberated, but found himself at an impasse. His knowledge of magical history, while adequate, proved insufficient.

"Ah, but the Deathly Hallows undoubtedly harbour substantial Force points," Ciaran sighed ruefully. "Yet, they remain beyond my reach for the time being."

Setting aside these musings, Ciaran resolved to unearth items from magical history that might possess Force points. Surely, the annals of magical lore contained more than a mere handful of revered artifacts.

Ciaran immersed himself in the annals of magical history, scouring each tome for insights. Meanwhile, a response from Professor McGonagall expressing her gratitude for his chosen textbooks arrived promptly.

After tending to Edsna for a spell, the owl grew drowsy and settled into a nap upon its perch.

Curiously, news of Ciaran's appointment as Combat Professor at Hogwarts failed to circulate. Much like Lockhart's clandestine appointment as Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor, the information remained shrouded in secrecy.

Yet, Hogwarts professors were exceptions to the rule.

During the summer break, Ciaran corresponded with Professor Flitwick, Ravenclaw's House Head, in a bid to discern the spell proficiency of students across all grades. Understanding each year's level of magical expertise would aid in tailoring his lessons effectively.

According to Professor McGonagall, first-year students were exempt from Combat Classes, but from the second year onwards, attendance was mandatory.

Professor Flitwick eagerly assisted Ciaran, retaining a favourable impression of the once-promising charm prodigy.

More than a month later, in the midst of August, a missive arrived from the Burrow.

The Burrow, home to the Weasley family, held fond memories for Ciaran.

Mr. Weasley extended his congratulations to Ciaran Frémont on his appointment as Combat Professor at Hogwarts - information he gleaned from Professor McGonagall. He mentioned that Molly Weasley had prepared a feast and invited Ciaran Frémont to visit their abode.

Graciously, Ciaran accepted Mr. Weasley's invitation without hesitation, eager to reconnect with old acquaintances.

