Twenty-five years after the end of the Second Wizarding War, Harry Potter's Legacy ushers in the next story in the magical world. A dark and forgotten magic lies dormant deep in the Highland valley. The story of the boy who lived is over but the magic persists and lives deep within all those who wield it. But that bright future for which Harry Potter fought seems now more distant than ever as the fine balance in which magical society once stood is slowly but inexorably heading towards tragedy. In this story you will follow Elania d'Orlėans as an exchange student arriving from Beauxbatons at the same time that in the British magical world a new group seeks to end the subjugation of wizards once and for all under the yoke of a self-proclaimed organisation called 'The Black Rose' presided over by 'The Promised Queen' who seeks to purge the world of those unworthy of magic, even if fire must come down from the very heavens. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN OST: