

... Unknown P.O.V ...

October 1980

A dark and stormy night a pregnant women walked over to an abandoned building with a weird doll out front which the women said something to it. The doll seemed to glow before stopping however when it did the women was gone instead she was inside what looked like a hospital with a bunch of nurses walking around. She walked up to the desk holding her stomach knowing she was about to give birth mostly because it had been nine months since she had became pregnant. 

"Help me please..." the women said as she fell to the ground with the nurses rushing to her, the women barely managed to stay awake long enough for the doctors to do a C-section, which produced a healthy baby boy. The doctors cleaned the baby off before they handed the baby to its mother who was on the verge of passing out but she smiled happily at the baby boy in her hands. 

"His na-name will be... Hiroki Okari Black... his f-father is S-Sirius Black..." The doctors ran to the women as she fainted but when they checked her vitals they realized that the women had died which saddened everyone as they took the baby, creating its birth record. "Nurse, send an owl to Sirius Black right away." The doctor said to a nearby nurse who wasn't in a rush to get something done. "Yes doctor." 

Then the nurse headed up to the owlery station so she could send the letter that had been written by the doctor just moments before, the nurse's owl flew over to her, before she tied the letter to her foot. "Take this letter to Sirius Black." The owl hooted before taking off flying into the night in search of his delivery target so he could deliver his letter which is what he's raised to do.

...Sirius P.O.V...

~Unknown Location ~

I was fast asleep until I heard a tapping at the window of my best friends house but apparently I wasn't the only one who heard it since two sets of footsteps came down at the stairs. "Who could it be at this time of the morning?" Asked my best friend James Potter who came down with his wife Lily Potter thankfully Harry, their son, was still asleep. "I dont know James, I just hope nothing bad happened." Lily said as she walked down behind him and into the room, I was currently in at the moment, which was the living room. "I hope not Lily for Harry's sake." James said before he went over to the window to allow the owl inside which circled around the room before landing on the sofa arm in front of the other adult male, me. 

"It seems it's for you Sirius." I nodded taking the letter from the owl which immediately left the house while I opened the letter and read it only to freeze at what it said. "What's wrong Sirius?!" James asked coming over to me sounding worried and I could tell Lily was as well by the look in her eyes. "... a women showed up at the wizard hospital moments ago, she was pregnant... they were able to deliver the baby... she said the baby was mine... before she died..."

They both looked at me surprised heck I was to I had no idea what was going on I don't remember getting anyone pregnant. "Oh Sirius..." I looked up at my best friends wife smiling still really confused but I knew the hospital would prove weather or not the child is mine. "I have to go! I'll bring my son here after I make sure it's true." They nodded at me as I headed out on my flying motorcycle before taking off to the hospital in London where I parked it before heading inside. I looked around trying to figure out where I had to go to see him but I was also worried since he would not have a mother to raise him, so I approached the desk.

"Maternity ward?" I asked one of the nurses at the desk since I've never been to that ward except for the one time Harry had been born and that was at Muggle hospital. "Level 3 sir." I nodded saying thank you as I headed out worried since I didn't know if the child was really mine, however when I came to the maternity ward and saw the babies I froze looking at my son. "Can I help you sir?"

I looked over at the nurse already knowing the boy was mine since he looked a lot like me when I was young. "Yes I got a letter saying a woman came in saying she was pregnant with my son? I'm Sirius Black..." It seemed to dawn on the nurse who I was here for as she smiled at me already knowing who I was looking at. "Ah yes, right this way Mr. Black." I followed her to a room where we sat down so we could discuss about what to do with my soon to be son, which I was wanting to see him, so after a blood test proved that he was mine he was brought to me. He was crying but the moment he saw me he started smiling which had me smiling as well since he was happy to see me without even knowing who I really was.

"Congratulations Mr. Black it's a boy." I smiled at her holding my young son in my arms already knowing he would be my world from now on. "Thank you." I said as I headed back to the Potter house after learning my son's name still holding my son who was named Hiroki Okari Black and I was proud to have a son. When I got back to the Potter house, I saw that the lights were on since the sun was already coming up plus it also means that Harry was awake, I picked up Hiroki and walked to the door smiling. When I got to the door it opened to see James standing there with a goofball smile on his face as he let me inside.

"Sirius! Welcome back! Is this the little one?" I smiled at James knowing he was happy that I had a son since I loved spending time with Harry. "Yea... his names Hiroki Okari Black." Hiroki chose right then to giggle and reach up to me which had us all swooning at him. "Its a cute name." I smiled over at Lily knowing she was happy to have another friend with a child in this crazy war that none of us wanted to be in. "Thanks, apparently the women said it before she died, that's how they knew he was mine." 

I said as I walked inside holding Hiroki to my chest although we heard a baby laughing when we walked into the living room and I smiled at seeing my godchild Harry. However right then Hiroki started crying which got Harry crying but I had no idea what to do, thankfully Lily was there to help as well as teach me what to do so I could raise my son properly. When I was on a mission for the Order one night he showed up at the Potters safe house and blew up the place after killing Lily and James. I'm not sure about my son, Hiroki, or Harry but I knew he wouldn't leave them alive either so I went after the person I thought was the reason behind them being killed, my old friend Peter Petigrew. I managed to kill him but I wound up in Azkaban for it but I didn't care I knew I had gotten my revenge for my friends and families deaths. 

...Dumbledore's P.O.V...

I was walking down the street of Little Whining my purple robes flowing behind me so I started looking for my Deluminator which looked like a lighter but when a car went by I saw a small blackish-gray tabby cat. "I should have known." I clicked my Deluminator open which made the light nearest me fly into it after I clicked it, I did it twelve times so all the lights around us were in my Deluminator. Then I put it back in my pocket smiling knowing no one would be able to see outside before I walked over to the tabby cat and sat down next to it. "Fancy seeing you here, Professor McGonagall."

The cat transformed back into a an old looking woman with glasses wearing black and green robes. McGonagall then walked up to the old man looking worried about what they were about to do, since it involved a lot of danger. We talked as we walked to 4 Little Whining talking about the dangers of having the two young boys stay with Muggle relatives. We were interrupted when a motorcycle engine roared near us so I knew Hagrid would be near since he was riding Sirius's motorcycle. He had a basket that had the two little ones inside safe and warm, but it would be hard for the both of them growing up. 

~Ten years later~

Harry and I were fast asleep in the cupboard under the stairs at our aunt and uncle's place... well they were for Harry. We were told when we were six that we weren't siblings but cousins which made us happy since we had each other. I kept having dreams about a man who looked like me but older smiling at me with the kindest eyes, it made me wonder why I was here. I was told that our parents died in a car crash when we were babies which didn't set right with me. I kept dreaming of dragons, magic, and a beautiful castle with the same man I saw before only with a bunch of blurry people. I jumped awake when I heard Petunia bang on the door before unlocking our door, it was starting to get small inside the cubbyhole that we shared. I quickly wrote down what I had seen in a notebook that I had stolen from Dudley months ago. I only used it when Harry and I had dreams about magic it was the only thing keeping us going everyday, but I really wanted to know who the person I keep seeing was. He looked older than me but different when I drew him Harry thought he might be my father or older brother.

So I decided to try to write him a letter but I didn't know what to put down for the addressee so I just put - to my family - before I began to write. I left the letter hidden in our cubby then we had to get out and go make breakfast before Petunia threw a fit. Since today was Dudley's birthday and they were going to the zoo with his friend Piers who loved picking on us. We had to get up but when we tried Dudley just pushed us back into the cupboard before we could finally get out and head to the kitchen. Petunia told to finish cooking and not to burn anything I was half tempted to do it but I didn't want to risk the punishment. Although it would be fun to see Dudley get hurt for once instead of us having to pick up his slack. I really wanted my dad to come and take both Harry and myself away from this hell hole and live with him forever, but I didn't know how to get in touch with him. 

However for some reason the room felt weird when I stepped in which had me looking at Harry wondering why. "No one can babysit us since Mrs. Fig broke her leg on one of her cats, so were going to the zoo to!" He said in an excited whisper which made it really hard for me to believe that we were actually going.
