
The first step

"Gasp" I shot up into a sitting position unaware of my location just trying to stop my heart leaving my chest of how loudly it was beating, it felt wrong, weird feeling that I was out of place. The first thing that I notice was that I de-aged you could tell that by the size of me at this moment, my hand to small, my arm short, don't get me started with my 'you know what' shrunk to peanut. However the most pressing moment was the memories of this new life of mine being born and raised in the orphanage.

I could understand it all, this life birth parents were poor and young only probably just out of high school, I was a mistake at the time but they tryed to be good parents but they couldn't afford the expense that were added up over time. They had to give me up, it was a sad affair I was scared that they drop me off at a strange place with a lot of other children. My mind couldn't comprehend what was happening at the time but now? with my adult mentality? I understood, it was hard for them we all cried that time, we all lost something then, family.

I took a deep breather to clam myself to look around and confirm myself that it is the orphanage still, it looks like that bunked with other kids around the same size of myself so they are around 5 years old same as me then.

In a couple of weeks we go to school together while for me it back to school, a frown appeared on my childish face as I think back school from my previous childhood and for that mattered my whole life then. I was lazy, all but completely coasting throughout life without thought taking everything for granted like money, woman and family. Money I didn't handle right for myself until around my latter 20's spending it on game and fast food and strip joint dancing, family I put a facade playing nice but really just waiting for them to 'pass on to there next great adventure' just so I can stop completely thinking about them.

I felt empty, emotionally drained talking to others overtime that I didn't even brother making friends during my school years just responding faking it to fit in I suppose. Even when I had a job from my father who treated me like a 24/7 worker with little pay while gambling at the city's Casino taking some of my wages for himself, if he won? He drag me to the strip joints around the city to spend it all maybe eat out as well, maybe give back the same amount to the girl who live with him.

That another point my mother and father weren't married or together they lived separately mother couldn't stand him I couldn't understand how they had me and my sister, twin if you could believe it.

I shook my head forcing the memories away I don't want need anymore I open my eyes just in time to see a small flash of silver light appears in front of me, a small note fell on my bed containing a small sentence.

"You were pick for our entertainment nothing else, the only 'power, abilities or so called golden finger' is that your mind cannot be controlled or read, you want powers? Work for it yourself. P.s. welcome to the wizardry world of Harry Potter alternate universe. Mister silver mortem.

I stare at the note not sure how to react or feel however one possible positive is that this 'new' start in life is that my 'old' soul and the kid's one has fused together becoming one, his thoughts and feelings are now ours or mine now so I'm happy that I can leave my old life behind and make The first step forward in this life with new found determination that I haven't felt in decades to just to do better then before but first lets breakdown and cry and scream into my pillow.

Time skip two months

I'm definitely in the uk every one talks that British accent even myself somehow, properly from my childhood growing up here, school studies I'm breezing through sense I had in the past finished high school the first time that I can't be bothered with pretending to 'act' my actual body age, the teacher or professor here took notice real quick that I had no problem doing the work quietly and quickly just so I done with it while reading above grade work that could be useful for the future me like studying engineering and how it made and works.

They the professors at the school snuck in higher work load then the other kids around me to see where I'm at over the next couple of month claiming extra homework for me to complete to my annoyance, they were dumbfounded over time as the work got harder and harder till I couldn't understand or how to work though the problem at the end I written a short assessment of what I needed or wanted out of my schooling, man did they jump for it and provided for what I wanted at the cost at becoming famous one of the smartest kid at their school local new letters front page. It didn't bother me much the give an take approach, each other was getting what they whated.

Outside of school studies I knew I have to be going for an healthy body or at least fit so sport and fighting were my go to area for it (add fighting skills), plus mediation got to start this early for magic and later on hopefully it will help with my Focusing my magic.

Later on the months pass by my skill as a thief by taking food and not getting caught has been growing but there were a couple of close calls among the way, I even managed to nap a bag of rice for myself that I used sparingly to help when we were short on food which I help by giving my serve out to others so they could have more to eat, while I made my soggy rice and raw eggs dinner for myself while disgusting tasting I'm a semi adult with my memories so I could put up with it.

My self made discoveries in magic are hopefully going in what I think is the right direction levitation manipulation. I started with rock and leaves at the beginning weeks and later on started doing piles of sand and boulders, even started moving the earth around my self made training ground near the the local park aka in the forest near it, plus it helping my skills in stealth of getting out here unnoticed.

My meditation skill improved immensely over the months allowing me to enter my own mind helping me to place defensive shields like barriers and mist to hide my memories. With the improvement of my mind defence I started attacking/entering wildlife minds to practice mind attacks legilimercy, I rather do this to wildlife and not people till I feel that I got a hold over this ability to not hurt others accidentally.

Later on with my practice with magic levitation of which turned into magic telekinesis with the mind arts included, I'm able to lift myself above the ground Levitating hopefully with enough practice I can achieve flight.

Over the course of improvement of myself I knew that I had enter the wizardry world to have a better understanding of how their world works, so let begin with this hopefully something like this happens right.

I inhaled deeply while gathering my magic to infuse my words with,

"Are there any unbound house elf's that wish to bond with me?" I ask out loud

I waited a while after a few second I felt foolish until I heard a soft pop behind me with me Turning around to have a good look at the first magical being.

The elf before me look a lot like what was described in JK books small, ugly with a long nose and flappy ears and round tennis ball eyes that look female?…

The elf look at me adoringly.

"You'd beslooking for mippys?!"

I knelt on the ground and place my right hand the elf's head pushing a thread of magic into her, mippys eyes widened.

I stare at her and smile "will you join my family mippys and help me anyway you can in this life?"

Mippys eyes shine bright silver just like mine as she accepts my offer the magic bond snaps into place like mysterious line that connects each other l,

"Well" I smile gratefully "let's have fun!"