
Chapter 127: The Talk

I had been thinking late into the night about what Newt had shown me. I always knew my abilities had changed me, my color was already too weird to say it wasn't, but I never thought it would get to this point. What else about myself have I ignored? I even asked Elise to confirm if I hadn't grown a tail or something.

Elise tried to comfort me so to speak, not that I would feel bad, just a little confused. I asked her when she had noticed that I was not a normal human, and her answer was since we met, but not as intensely as now.

After some more talk, we went to sleep, which might be difficult with my current emotional state, but luckily I have the [Sleep] skill... What a great skill!

The next morning, we woke up a little later than usual, abandoning our morning walk through the woods. Given the time, both Newt and Tina should be awake by now, but unlike the other mornings, they weren't today. Maybe they, like us, had a late-night chat.

We decided to prepare breakfast waiting for them to wake up, things were unresolved last night and we thought it would be good to finish it this morning.

Newt was the first to appear, it didn't seem like what happened last night had changed anything in his attitude. I served him the breakfast that we prepared and I began to chat with him for a while.

"Are you well?" (Newt)

"Yeah, a bit stunned at first, but I've accepted it... It's not the weirdest thing in my life, it just wasn't something I expected. Thank you, by the way..."(Red)

"Why? For revealing your non-humanity to you? It's nothing, I thought you knew and just acted, it's normal for demi-humans to hide" (Newt)

"No, for giving me an excuse for my behavior. I always thought that I was a bastard of my own free will and that I was hopeless, but now I can say that what I do is part of my racial characteristics... thanks for that" (Red )

"You talk as if you don't believe that's the truth, when it could be. Now that we're at it, to be honest, I'd like to dig more into your loving-reproductive relationships, but Tina scolded me a lot the other time I wanted to talk to you about it. ...and speaking of her" he said watching his wife leave his store.

"Hi Tina" I greeted her with a smile as I served her breakfast.

"Hello..." She walked over and accepted the plate of food, but there was a slight moment of silence before she said, "I want to apologize, for yesterday. I didn't take into account all the circumstances and said things that could upset you, sorry, sorry Elise" She apologized bowing her head, and from the looks of it she was quite sincere.

"..." I looked at Elise for a moment, who stared at Tina in silence.

"I forgive you... I like you and I still want to learn many things from you, but I don't like it when don't want us together" Elise said.

"I never blamed you, I understand why you said what you said" I nodded understandingly "I myself thought that what we were doing was something very unnatural, but I accepted it.

Now that your husband made me see that I was not what I thought I was, might just let go of that feeling and move on safely. Sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, but that's what we'll do"(Red)

"Okay, maybe I should also be more open to certain things... it's just that when I see you I can't stop seeing a child... like my children at the time or my grandchildren. Your story is hard and ..."(Tub)

"I understand, and it's true, I'm a child or almost... just perhaps a weird one. I was born human and raised human, until now"(Red)

"Sit with us honey" her husband called her when he saw her still standing "Red was about to talk about his relationships and sexual life" He said without the slightest discomfort, for him this topic was one of research and there was no reason to be ashamed or modesty.

"Now I'll be honest, I wouldn't want to talk about this with just anyone, and I thank your wife for her intervention in the past…" I said looking at Tina who was also a little uncomfortable on the subject, or at least less in the way her husband presented it "... but taking into account that just by observing me you learned things about me that I didn't even know myself, I think it would be convenient to tell you a little about it, might even benefit me"(Red)

Here began a talk about my privacy. On things about our true timeline, I wasn't very specific to avoid problems, but I tried to give as much detail as possible so Newt could work.

As I was recounting these experiences, Elise hit me a little when I got my story with the other girls, she still gets a little annoyed every time she heard it. I think the old couple laughed a little when they witnessed this or maybe it was just my illusion.

Newt kept taking notes on what he heard, while Tina stood silently next to her, the expression on her face constantly changing with each thing she heard, but all her opinions she kept for herself.

After that conversation, the morning went on as it usually would, but what I didn't expect was that Tina would come to me secretly to talk.

Tina took me away from Elise and Newt, taking me to a secluded spot so we were alone, and there she gave me a talk about sex and some of the topics we covered in the breakfast talk.

She didn't include her husband in this, as she didn't think he was capable of doing it properly being related to her work, she knew how he got with it and it wasn't appropriate. She didn't consider Elise either, for while she might know things, they weren't right for a human child. For these reasons, she took it into her own hands.

She believed that it was the right thing for her to explain some things to me that I might or might not know, so she took her time for us to discuss it alone. She had already had a talk like this with her children, so she had experience.

This is usually one of the most embarrassing talks one can have, but this really wasn't. I spoke to Tina with total sincerity about the subject, perhaps a little depressed, since being with her reminded me a little of my mother, whom I did not give the respect and love that she deserved and whom I have not seen in so long.

Tina also noticed that this talk was not like the one she had with her children, with shame and the attempts to end it as soon as possible, so she expanded more than in those times, wanting not to leave loose ends.

"Do you really want to do it with her? You had activity with other human women, but with Elise…"(Tina)

"I know, I doubted it a lot too. Sex is a big step, and as I said, my perspective was that of a human until yesterday. I know I said that I lived in the jungle most of my life, but there are some secrets behind that... what I want to say, is that as a human agreeing to have sex with an animal or beast is..."(Red)

"And why do you want to go ahead?" (Tina)

"Because it's true that I love her. Our love arose from our misfortune together and the fact that we could communicate so deeply. If we were both blind, we might not know we were different species. If I rejected Elise just because of her body... race... because of who she is... then it would be superficial" (Red)

"But love is not just sex. Watching you, I can't deny that you are a couple in love, it's beautiful in many ways and now I'm not going to get in the way of your decisions, but I would like you to listen to my advice. I don't think it's necessary for you to have sex to show your love, you do it every day with every little action"(Tina)

"What you say makes sense... but I don't know if it's that easy. Firstly, Elise is mortified that we can't 'mate' as I would with the other girls"(Red)

"That too... Is it necessary for you to have other girls? It's not very common for humans to have several partners, at least not in a stable relationship like the one you want to have with Elise"(Tina)

"It's... complicated. I'm not going to leave behind those girls who gave me their hearts... or they will give it to me... or I took them away" I said this last one very, very low, thinking of Gemma.

"I don't plan on judging you. Even though we have different points of view, this is also because we live different lives and I try to understand it, but... where does it end? Besides the 2–3 girls you mentioned, you also talked about the possible others... How many will there be in the end? How many women do you plan to have? When will you stop?" Tina said this not in a reproachful way, but more in a debating tone, trying to advise me and make me think about the possible complications that would entail.

"I... I have no idea, if you allow me to be a little vulgar, I would say that I would continue with this until my penis fell off" I joked, breaking the seriousness of the conversation a bit, but then I focused again "I don't know what the limit will be or if there will be, I know that it is a somewhat selfish way of living and so on... but it is the one that I decided and the one that lets me sleep at night with a smile on my face... most of the time" (Red)

"I hope you can handle it, what you want may seem pleasing to your eyes, but it may be difficult for you to achieve" Tina didn't want to press the issue for now and didn't say more.

"I'll try anyway"(Red)

"About Elise… I'll talk to her about this too. I may not agree that you want to have sex, but I still hope that I can help you not to make some mistakes or get hurt"(Tina)

I continued arguing with Tina for a while longer, but over time the talk about sex changed to a more casual one. After reaching a mutual understanding, we put aside the difference in age or race and began to talk about topics of all kinds without any contention.

It didn't matter if it was a mature, complicated or dark topic, we were able to chat freely. She had been an auror in the past and was someone very serious about it, she had completely put aside that motherly grandmother image that she showed us and revealed a bit of her youthful attitude with the stories she told. Me, I had my evil alignment that made me deal with various topics too naturally, so I listened to her and commented from my perspective whenever I could.

Without realizing it, Elise and Newt had come up to us and were looking at us in wonder and confusion. Tina and I drank tea talking very matter-of-factly to each other about very complex topics, a rather odd sight, even for the unicorn and the magizoologist.

It all ended when it was time to cook lunch, the truth was that we had talked a lot. Tina called Elise to help her and she was delighted, on the other hand, I went with Newt who, in addition to studying me, wanted to find out what happened between his wife and me and how we came to look like old acquaintances in such a short time.



About the physical relationship between Elise and Red. I don't know whether to make them move forward as they are now or wait for it to stop being bestiality.

This relationship appeared by majority vote in both Spanish and English, so don't blame me for doubting whether I should make Red a Zoophile or not.

I won't judge the decisions, but there may be some shortcomings in some of the options (I'm not sure if I can accurately write what some of the interactions would be like, don't usually have sex with horses)

Vote on the following:

A) Red and Elise must have sex, it doesn't matter if Elise is still a horse with one horn.

B) Elise turns into a centaur and they have sex.

C) Elise becomes a centaur and they do things with only the humanoid part. For the rest, they wait.

D)Red and Elise wait until they can find a way for both of them to have humanoid bodies.

X)(Extra) It's not safe to do it, but you wanted to make Red take equine form instead of Elise changing to human
