
Harry Potter: Noctis

Move_On_3364 · アクション
21 Chs

Chapter 5

September 1, 1967.

Nina was a year old now, and today was her birthday. The Dawkins family was abuzz with excitement, planning to celebrate this joyous occasion. The house was filled with laughter and warmth as preparations were made for a day that promised to be special. William, the older brother, had been working diligently for the past year to understand and control his newfound magical abilities. It had been a challenging journey, but he had made significant progress. He had no doubt now that he was wielding wandless magic.

The realization of his abilities had sparked a burning curiosity in William. Was he truly a wizard? Were there really other wizards like him? These questions gnawed at him until he decided he needed to confirm his suspicions. Seizing the opportunity, he suggested to his parents that they take Nina out for a special birthday outing. Everyone agreed, and soon they were venturing out into the heart of the city, enjoying each other's company.

As they wandered through the bustling streets, William found himself standing in front of King's Cross Station. His heart pounded in his chest as he gazed at the familiar structure, knowing all too well what lay hidden within. He thought about the magically enchanted wall that led to Platform 9 ¾. A mixture of excitement and disbelief washed over him. 'Was this really happening?' he thought to himself.

His doubts were dispelled when he overheard a family talking about Platform 9 ¾. His heart skipped a beat, and his hands began to tremble. This was it—the confirmation he had been seeking. Summoning his courage, William followed the family closely, eavesdropping on their conversation. The children spoke excitedly about Hogwarts, while their father explained the process of reaching the hidden platform.

William watched in awe as the family passed through the enchanted wall and disappeared from sight. His whole body shook with the realization that the world of magic was indeed real. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder, jolting him from his thoughts. He turned to see his father, Marcus, standing beside him, with his mother, Lisa, holding baby Nina.

"William, are you alright? You look shocked. What happened?" Marcus asked, concern evident in his voice.

"N-Nothing, I-I am fine," William stammered, trying to reassure his parents. The family soon returned home, but a storm of thoughts and emotions raged within William's mind.

Back in his room, William tried to calm his inner turmoil. The reality of his situation was overwhelming. He had reincarnated into the wizarding world of Harry Potter—a world filled with wonder and danger. If his knowledge was correct, the year was 1967, and the wizarding war, Voldemort's rise to power, would begin in just a few short years. The threat to his unregistered magical status and his non-magical family was very real.

William knew that he would likely receive an invitation to Hogwarts in four years. He could try to convince his parents to leave England and return to America, but doing so would require revealing everything, which could create more problems. Deep down, he knew what he wanted. He wanted to explore the magical world and seize the opportunities it offered. But to do that, he would need to confront and overcome the looming threat of Voldemort.

These thoughts swirled in his mind until exhaustion finally claimed him, and he drifted into a restless sleep.

The next morning, William woke with a sense of purpose. He needed to be prepared for the challenges ahead. After breakfast, he approached his parents with a serious request.

"Mom, Dad," he called out, gathering their attention.

"Yes, Will?" Marcus responded, looking up from his newspaper.

William took a deep breath. "I want to learn self-defense."

His parents exchanged surprised glances. "William, is something wrong? Are you being bullied at school?" Lisa asked, her voice laced with concern.

"No, Mom," William replied, his voice steady. "I'm scared that I won't be strong enough to protect you guys, to protect Nina. I don't want to feel weak. That's why I want to learn self-defense. I want to protect what I have, what I love."

A heavy silence filled the room as his parents absorbed his words. Then, they enveloped him in a warm embrace.

"Someone's grown up," Lisa said teasingly, though her eyes were moist with emotion. "Will, we understand. What you're asking isn't too much. We will always support you."

William felt a surge of gratitude and relief. He was blessed with a wonderful family that understood and supported him unconditionally.

With the weight of their support behind him, William felt ready to face the future. He knew the path ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but he also knew he had the strength and resolve to confront whatever challenges came his way.

For William Dawkins, September 1, 1967, was not just a day of birthdays and revelations—it was the beginning of a journey that would test his courage, define his destiny, and lead him into a world where magic and danger coexisted. Armed with determination and bolstered by his family's unwavering support, William knew he was ready to embrace his destiny in the wizarding world.