
Harry Potter: Heir of Darkness

Magic is wondrous, and Ethan well intends on exploring everything it has to offer, even if he has to attend a dangerous school inhabited by giant, child eating snakes, and targeted by a semi-immortal Dark Lord. Unfortunately, things are not so simple as the world is a whole lot larger than he first thought, and to add to that, he is the grandson of the Dark Lord who terrorized the entire world half a century ago. Well, at least he can count on his knowledge of the plot, right? Right? ----------------------------- To read up to 15 chapters ahead: https://www.patreon.com/SlyOW

SlyOW · 書籍·文学
106 Chs

Chapter 28

To read up to 15 chapters ahead: https://www.patréon.com/SlyOW


Standing in the middle of the hallway, was a creature few knew about. It had the upper body of a human female, but everything below the waist was a snake tail.


Next to Ethan, Theo's eyes widened as he looked at the hybrid monster and exclaimed its name.

The Lamia's eyes set onto Theodore, and she licked her lips as she said, "As promised, so many children…"

Ethan sent a look at Theodore and asked, "What do you know about this monster?"

Ethan somewhat knew about the Lamia, as in he had heard of it before, and knew what it looked like, but that was about it.

Theodore looked grim as he said, "The Lamia is a child eating monster, and…"

As Theodore was explaining, one of the seven years' prefects yelled, "Bombarda Maxima!"

A flicker of light was fired toward the snake-woman, and exploded on impact. However, as the smoke cleared away, the Lamia laughed, and Theodore added grimly, "It is considered as a very dangerous monster because it is immune to most known charms."

The Seventh Year Prefect, who had just fired a curse at the Lamia, yelled, "Sixth and Seventh Years, with me! Other Prefects, back up with the rest of the students!"

However, as the 7th Years made their way through the frightened crowd of students, the Lamia groaned, "I am not interested in humans this old… pisssss off!"

Several spears made of water appeared above her and were sent flying toward the older students. The two 7th Year Prefects, Erwin Selwyn and Gemma Farley, made a large movement with their wand as they said at the same time, "Protego Totalum!"

A bluish barrier appeared in front of the two, and blocked all the spears. However, in the meantime, the Lamia closed the distance between them.

It punched into the barrier, which shattered immediately. Both Erwin and Gemma were forced several steps back, but they also whipped their wand strongly and groaned two spells.



A small red light headed for the Lamia's eyes, while the other turned into a small blizzard. The Lamia thrashed in pain from the first spell, her eyes turning red, but the blizzard did not seem to affect her in any way.

In her thrashing, she smashed into both of the prefects with her tail, sending them flying into the walls. They slammed into the walls with pained groans, and fell to the ground with a thud. They did not get back up.

Their leaders gone, the other 7th Years took several steps back in fear. At the same time, the Lamia's eyes quickly returned to normal.

Seeing the older students no longer attacking, she sped toward the younger students, and her eyes were on a 3rd Year.

By now, mayhem was breaking out as the students all tried to flee, but the crowd behind made it impossible. As for the 3rd Year who was targeted, he froze in fear, not even thinking of using his wand.

But as the Lamia was about to reach him, a wall suddenly erected in front of her, and because of the speed she was going at, she slammed into it.

Everything seemed to stop for a moment, as the Lamia's eyes turned toward Ethan. Surprisingly, she didn't attack immediately, but instead hissed, "What are you doing, Grindelwald? Have you forgotten our deal? You let me in, and don't interfere!"

Ethan heard gasps around him, while he himself frowned. Not caring anymore, he sent a full blown mental attack at the Lamia, and despite the beast's natural defences, he managed to brute force his way through them.

As he did, he saw the Lamia being led inside the castle by a shadowy figure, who was pretending to be him.

"Get out of my head!"

The Lamia looked away, and Ethan felt the connection break. He wasn't skilled enough to keep reading its mind without eye contact.

The Lamia hissed, "I don't care anymore, you are mine!"

She coiled her snake tail, and suddenly leapt at great speed toward Ethan. Ethan stood unphased though as with a wave of his wand, several spikes rose from the ground, smashing into the Lamia and forcing it back.

At the same time, Theo cried out, "Use fire!"

His words finally seemed to put some courage into the 7th Year students as several of them used flame making spells, sending several fireballs at the Lamia.

Faced with the extreme heat, the Lamia hissed as a water sphere appeared around her, protecting her from the fire and creating a lot of steam that flooded the corridor quickly.

Suddenly unable to see the Lamia, Ethan didn't get spooked as he strongly brought his wand down as he muttered, "Flipendo."

The yellow light flew in front of Ethan, hitting nothing, but Ethan could hear hurried movement. The Lamia probably had been forced to dodge.

At the same time, Ethan groaned, "Use wind spells for fuck's sake! And Theo, how strong is its physical defence?"

The 6th and 7th Year immediately did as they were told, regaining their bravado as they shot wind spells. Individually they weren't very strong, but together, and in a small space like the corridor, they formed a strong burst of wind that not only cleared the steam away, but also pushed back the Lamia.

However, everyone seemed to miss the light mist that remained behind, which almost looked ethereal.

At the same time, Theodore yelled, "Its magical resistance is even greater than a dragon, but its body is barely any stronger than a regular human!"

Hearing this, Ethan smiled and made a rotary movement with his wand, prompting the ground around him to rise. Then, with a quick flick, parts of the stone barrier around him transformed into small flying spikes, all sent flying toward the Lamia.

It screamed in utter rage as it tried putting up a shield, but the projectiles were too many, and destroyed the barrier, some of them piercing into the creature.

As the raised wall around Ethan crumbled, out of ammunition, the Lamia flew toward him as she hissed, "I'm going to kill you!"

To everyone around Ethan, it looked like he was done for as he did not even raise his wand, and the Lamia's hand had turned into claws, about to lacerate him.

And just as expected, the Lamia reached Ethan in an instant, and her claws ripped right through his chest, the Lamia laughing madly as blood and gore splattered out.

Horrified screams broke out, Ethan may not be liked by everyone, but this was on a whole other scale entirely.

However, for those who froze and didn't look away, they saw a sudden change. The Lamia, who was licking her lips and had turned toward the dead corpse of Ethan, suddenly froze as a silver light flashed past her.

Then, as if it was a mirage one had gotten too close to, Ethan's bloody corpse faded away, revealing a healthy Ethan, standing a few meters to the side, looking at the Lamia leisurely, Miyuki standing on top of his head, licking her bloody claws.

As for the Lamia itself, it did not move for a moment, before its head suddenly slid off its neck.

Shoutout to Zahard99 and Mounir Choukri!

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