
Chapter 17: Phoenix Tear

- Little Whinging, 4 Privet Drive ~ 10. July 1995 ~ In the smallest Bedroom of the House -

After the talk with Sirius ended, they stopped the call, and Harry just looked at the room with a blank look on his face. 

He knew that his parents had some money, but knowing that they were rich and hadn't left the country in the times of Voldemort made him even more skeptical about them.

Not wanting to think about it further, Harry decided to open the portal to the other world, and when it opened, he took Nami's soft hand in his own and dragged her with him through the portal. 

He didn't want to stay here any longer than he needed. 

The next time he comes here will be on his birthday. 

He didn't care if the Dursleys saw that he vanished since he knew they would never tell the guards such a piece of information since they didn't really care about him and would be happy when he vanished.

- One Piece World ~ Going Merry ~ 10. July 1995 (Harry's World Date.) -

Coming back and already smelling the Seawater brought Harry instantly to some calmness that wasn't there before. 

The same goes for Nami. 

Even though it was not as nerve-wracking as Harry's, it was still a challenging trip for her. 

For them, they weren't here on this ship for two years, and it felt good to be back.

"HARRY! NAMI! You are back!" They heard Luffy scream from his position on the figurehead of the ship. 

After the Crew heard the words of their captain, they all came to greet the coming back of two of their crew members.

"Nami-San! We were so worried when you didn't come back yesterday! What happened." Sanji came over while half-dancing and with a rose in his mouth that he tried to give to Nami.

"Did you actually grow in these two days?" Zorro asked with some wonder, looking at Nami, who was now almost as big as him. 'How did that happen? Weren't it only two days?'

Usopp also looked at them happily. 

He knew Harry was strong, and the stronger the people on the ship were, the safer it was for him.

"You came back at the right time. Usopp just told us that we should arrive at Loguetown today!" Luffy said with his typical energetic kind of voice.

After settling down for a bit, Nami and Harry told them about what happened in their time in the other world.

"Yeah. I already asked myself why you two wear such weird clothes. It seems like that is the clothes of another world!" Usopp said with full interest.

At the same time, Sanji looked at Harry like he just killed his parents.

He clutched his teeth together out of anger, but after some seconds, he suddenly stopped. 

Starting to smile a little, he slapped Harry on the back with his hands and said. "You lucky guy. Stealing the maiden even before I had a chance." Sanji said without taking it too seriously. 

He liked women, but that didn't mean he liked the already-taken ones. 

Okay, he also liked them, but there is no way he would chase after the girlfriend of one of his crew members and friends.

He wasn't a complete beast.

"Thanks," Harry said, a bit happy since he was a bit scared about Sanji's reaction.

"It seems like we have to collect Belly in the future," Zorro stated, also wanting to get stronger.

"Now that you talk about that, I still have a Pill for each of you." Harry suddenly said, bringing out four small pills from his inventory. 

He gave each of the four one of them, and when they took them into their mouth, they instantly melted. 

They could feel some weird power entering their bodies. 

The weird power gave them a relaxing feeling.

Looking at what exactly happens when someone eats such a pill, Harry stared at the four people who each grew a centimeter in height and now looked a bit more powerful.

"It actually tripled my power!" Exclaimed Usopp in surprise.

"It was not that much for me, but it still made me stronger!" Said a surprised Sanji. 

He thought if he took more of them, he could easily reach a higher level than his old family in the future.

Everyone looked excited, and even Luffy looked happy with his body, which got stronger.

"We can also test the Phoenix Tear on Zorro." Said Nami, surprising the Crew. 

They were told some of the Items the two of them got but needed help understanding them all.

How could they know what a phoenix tear does?

"What is that?" asked Zorro weirdly.

"A Phoenix Tear can heal all wounds on the body. I also used them in the past when I almost died when a Basilisk bit me! But in my case, it was a literally Phoenix who was crying into my wound." Harry said to the people in front of him.

"That is amazing! You fought a Basilisk! Wait. What is a Basilisk?" Luffy said while getting excited before remembering that he didn't even know what a Basilisk was.

"A Giant snake. When you look into its eyes, you will instantly die." Harry answered happily, bringing Usopp to a scare. 

He wasn't sure if he still wanted to visit this other world when such weird beasts existed there.

"Cool!" said Luffy with shining eyes, already picturing himself riding on such a beast.

Bringing the Phoenix Tear out of the inventory, a small glass bottle appeared in his hand.

"Put it on your wound!" said Harry while giving it to Zorro. 

Harry already knew how Zorro got this wound, but it was still shocking when he heard the story. 

This story also showed Harry that he needed to be stronger for the world here. 

It was not comparable to his own planet. 

Sure, wizards have abnormally strong spells, but in the end, the bodies of the wizards are too weak to compete with the bodies of the One Piece World, and many spells wouldn't even work on the One Piece bodies.

Harry himself could probably already be faster than the wizard's eye could catch.

In the One Piece World, he could probably easily crush Zorro, but not to the point that Zorro couldn't even lift a finger. 

In addition, when he got the entry level of Observation Haki, he could only fathom what a high level of this ability was like. 

Even with the entry-level, he could detect some attacks from his enemies, and with an advanced version, what could he do?

Zorro, who looked at the small bottle with some wonder, uncorked the lid of the bottle and put the clear substance in it onto his upper body. 

Putting the shirt, he was wearing to the side; he dropped the substance onto his chest.

While all the Straw Hats were looking at the wounds that were vanishing at a speed visible to the eye, some of them grew shocked. 

Even Nami was a bit shocked, even though she already knew that the items from this Gacha were all extremely powerful.

After only a second, Zorro reached down to his stomach and saw that not even a scar was left. 

Even the hidden injuries in his body that accumulated in the years of training and fighting silently vanished, making him feel stronger than ever.

"Yes. We really need to collect money in the future." Zorro said once again while nobody of the Crew said anything against that logic. 

Even Luffy looked at the vanished wound while nodding his head.
