
Chapter 45

After I was done 'Acquiring' the cultivation books, I shadow traveled back to my house.

By now, both Tonks and Madam Bones were settled down there, though for different reasons. As we discussed earlier, Tonks and I are going to live together from now on.

When I returned home, it was empty as both of them were at work. Hmm, I need to ask Amelia about the progress of rooting out the death eater moles from ministry, she should have started by now. Well, that's for later, I currently have a more pressing issue to deal with. I have been really put out by the fact that my core has not grown strong since the Ritual.

Previously, whenever my core reached the limit, it automatically transformed into a higher stage. Like, when my gaseous core grew big enough, it automatically transformed into the liquid core. But, even though my crystal core has reached the limit, it's not growing stronger. Previously, I hypothesized that a wizard core doesn't transform after reaching the solid core's limit because of a wizard's body not being able to handle the amount of magic it will have after transformation. I concluded this by observing Dumbledore's solid core, which already hit the limit. But even though my body is much stronger than a typical wizard and is able to easily handle the magic my core would have after transformation of my core to next stage after crystal core. But it's not showing any signs of transformation. In fact, it hasn't changed in any way since the Ritual.

I have researched almost every wizarding culture to overcome this issue, but there had been no progress.

My only hope is that the cultivation techniques I now possess will somehow help me overcome this issue.

Since I already have a possible solution for my problem, I didn't wait and went to my lab, straight away. I wrote a note, telling Tonks to not disturb me unless it's an emergency. I even told my house elf to leave me alone and not disturb me, aside for my food and drinks.

I spent next week holed up in my lab, researching the Chinese cultivation techniques. I believe I have already understood the cultivation techniques by now.

Turns out that these cultivation techniques are inherently different from western Magic, which is wizards use.

As opposed to wizards, who use this magic to perform different spells, Chinese cultivators don't use magic at all. These cultivation techniques change the Magic and transform it into a sort of life force which they call 'QI'. Cultivators use this life force or Qi and store in their bodies. Unlike magic which is primarily used for performing spells, Qi is not used primarily for spells but to increase physical strength. Yes, they do perform some spells but it's not the primary focus of cultivation.

Qi, when circulated inside the body, will be absorbed by every part of the body. It removes impurities from the body and strengthens the body at the cellular level. As the body of a cultivator is saturated with Qi at the cellular level, it increases the life span of the user. As a cultivator climbs up the cultivation levels, quality of this life force or Qi increases, which in turn increase the bodily strength and life span.

But, it's not without drawbacks, conversion of magic into Qi is a very lengthy process and it takes a very long time for a cultivator to make progress. This is where different Tiers of cultivation techniques comes into play. Low-level cultivation techniques take longer time than higher level cultivation techniques to convert magic into life force and circulation of Qi inside the body. The cultivation books that I found on the top floors of libraries are in fact the top Tier cultivation techniques. But even these top tier cultivation techniques are different as each technique follows the different route of circulation of Qi inside a cultivator's body. The longer a circulation route, the more cells inside body absorbs Qi, per circulation, Which in turn increase the speed of cultivation.

As a master healer, I know a human body inside out. I used my medical knowledge and combined the circulation route of every top Tier cultivation technique and made a new technique which follows the much longer route, in fact, it covers every part of body per circulation. I even studied the conversation of magic into Qi. In fact, it's is quite similar to Alchemy as it changes one form of energy into other, which is quite similar to changing the form of matter using Alchemy. I used my extensive knowledge of Alchemy, transfiguration, and Arithmancy to increase the conversation rate of magic into Qi.

Thus, I was now in possession of a new custom made cultivation technique, which was tens of times better than the original top tier cultivation techniques. If one were to cultivate using this technique, cultivation speed will be much higher.

But, I didn't stop there. My goal was not to cultivate, but make progress for the advancement of my magical core.
