
A wand

I bade farewell to the King and gave him my thanks. He said he was happy with my progress but I was nowhere near my potential. He told me we would be training again next summer. Which was kind of a bummer but also nice that he wanted to train me. I kind of wanted a calm summer vacation since I knew it was going to be a busy first year.

Raiden came down from the heavens and entered my rune. He said he was kind of getting lonely up there and I couldn't blame him. There were no other spirits to really talk to because of the clear sunny days we were having lately.

Alaric and I both flew back to the manor whilst Lucifer ran behind us on the ground. I asked him if he wanted to be carried but he didn't seem to be big on flying. We headed back and when we entered the living room I was welcomed back by my mum and step-dad.

I immediately devoured some pastries and some other goods that Nilsey had left out for me. She was happy to see me and begged for me to order her to do something. Which I thought was kind of awkward so I just asked her to drink some water or just to take care of herself.

When I was done eating we could finally head to Diagon Alley and get the supplies I needed. My mum had a pouch of galleons on her that seemed to be stacked to the brim. We headed to the statue of Vlad Drakul and were dragged to Hyde Park.

We leisurely walked to Diagon Alley, with our sunglasses on of course. It was a hot day and we had all the time in the world to get there. We stopped at shops and looked inside to see what the muggles were so interested in.

We finally got to the leaky cauldron and entered the premises. It was already beginning to turn into a familiar scenery for me. Witches and wizards of all sizes were conversing and discussing all sorts of topics. Like what kind of cauldron's they liked and which quidditch team were their favorite, but talking about each other's favorite quidditch team turned into a brawl more often than not.

When they brawled they had to be kicked out of the Leaky Cauldron by some burly looking fellow. He looked like a half-giant but I seriously doubted he would be one. We went into the main street and the scenery was beautiful. I was filled with wonder just like the first time I saw it.

Wizards and witches were everywhere and you could hear owls screeching everywhere you went. That was one of my least favourite features of Diagon Alley. We quickly headed to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.

A squat woman approached me, she was dressed in all mauve and seemed really friendly. But there was also this air around her that if you said something rude to her you'd be thrown out in mere seconds.

''Hogwarts my dear?'' Madam Malkin inquired. I nodded and I was quickly seated and my measurements were being taken by flying equipment. I got dressed in all Hogwarts attire and I wanted to show Alaric and my mum before I bumped into somebody. My sunglasses fell and I quickly grabbed them so he was unable to see my red eyes.

''Excuse me.'' I said to the figure and I looked up. It was a boy from around my age. He had dark sleek hair with pale fragile skin. He looked even more like a vampire than me.

''It's no problem.'' He said with a smile on his face, behind him was a cruel looking man. He had an impatient look on his face. ''Hurry up Nathan, I don't have all day.'' Nathan had an apologetic look on his face because of his father's behaviours but I just waved it off.

He smiled once more and was quickly dragged into a fitting booth by Madam Malkin. I went back to the front and showed Alaric and mum my fit. Alaric was over the moon, he had told me he always wanted to go to Hogwarts but couldn't. Because the vampire situation and all, he also had no real magic.

My mum and I headed to the cashier and paid for my robes. I also got the dragon-hide gloves which I undoubtedly needed for herbology. I wasn't really looking forward to herbology, I did always like biology but plants capable of eating my face weren't really on my to-do list.

I could appreciate them from a distance though. We went outside of the shop and headed to the Magical Menagerie. I needed an owl of course, my mum insisted that I wrote one letter every week.

I went inside and was overwhelmed by the screeching. I didn't really mind owls but if they were packed together it was horrid. It was like going to a concert from Owl City. I looked around for a bit when I spotted an owl that immediately got my attention.

It was an Eagle owl with grey feathers and one brown eye and one blue eye. I remember reading about them, their feathers had magical healing properties and were also used in potions. Their feathers are also used as quills. This one seemed to be a hen because there were some brown spots in her grey feathers.

I told my mum that I wanted that owl and we headed to the cashier to pay. When we got there he told us that he would cost extra. When I asked him why he told me because he has different color eyes.

Which I thought was bullshit since it doesn't really add to the owl in any way but I had already made up my mind and we bought him. We also bought the necessary equipment for the owl.

''Now to name you my friend…'' The owl's eyes widened when I said that and had an analyzing look on it's face. l thought for a while but finally came up with something that satisfied me, ''How about Invicta?'' I asked the owl. She seemed to be thinking for a bit but then hooted loudly.

I chuckled, ''Invicta it is! Good to have you along.'' Invicta hooted once more and I fed it a rat that we had bought from the Menagerie and Invicta thanked me by nibbling my ear and then ate the rat in one go.

But now it was finally time to get my wand. I could almost feel the excitement from the thunderbird tail feather in my pocket. I had waited a long time for this to happen. I left the owl with Alaric outside and my mum and I headed in.

But before I went inside I looked at the plaque outside, it said: ''Makers of Fine wands since 382 B.C.'' I was still stunned to see it in real life. Imagine having a family business that lasts for so long that's simply insane.

I went in and there was already a girl who was being helped by Ollivander. His eyes seemed to unravel her mind in front of me and peered into the deepest cavity of her mind. When he was done with that his long spider-like fingers touched her hands and measured her arm.

It was honestly kind of creepy but I guess it was normal in this world. I wonder if Ollivander used Legilimency to see which wand would fit with the buyer. Or maybe it was an unique innate ability they had procured somehow. Maybe by making wands for so long it just becomes natural.

Ollivander gave the girl a wand and she didn't know what to do at first. She might be a muggle by the looks of it. Her parents also looked around in a daze manner, like they didn't know what was happening.

Suddenly Ollivander spoke, ''Well don't just stand there, wave it around or something.'' The girl was shocked at first but quickly recovered and waved the wand. Suddenly the light bulb above us shattered and was going to cover us in glass.

''Arresto Momentum!'' I shouted and focussed all my magic on the individual pieces of glasses. It was quite hard to make every piece of glass stop falling but I managed to make it work. It was a second year charm after all, not the most difficult of spells.

I was also used to intense concentration so channeling my magic didn't seem to be the hardest of things to do. It was an intoxicating feeling to feel the magic flow in your veins. The glass shards stopped falling and I ordered everyone to step aside and let the glass drop safely on the floor where nobody was standing.

I didn't feel much fatigue by using that spell but I did feel that some of the magic veins in my body felt agitated. Channelling magic did seem to be a problem if I didn't have a wand or anything to focus my attention on.

The girl who exploded the light bulb ran to me and hugged me, ''Thank you! I almost thought I had wounded everyone here.'' She said with a tear in her eye. I patted her back and gave her some reassurance, ''It's alright, just look out next time alright?'' The girl looked at me with big eyes and nodded her head furiously.

''Are you going to Hogwarts too this year?'' The girl inquired and I nodded. The girl seemed to be ecstatic and held my hands and jumped a few times in the air. She sure was easy to cheer up.

''What's your name?'' She asked me while dragging me in the air and down again. ''Uhh, Anthony Alucard.'' I said truthfully, the girl stopped jumping and gave me a smile. ''That's a great name, I'm Samantha Crawley, but you can call me Sam. As you can see I'm kind of new to this magic stuff.'' Samantha said sheepishly.

''Don't worry Sam, there are a lot more people like you who are new to this world.'' I said in a reassuring tone. Her eyes became bigger once more, if they became even bigger I was sure they would pop out of her skull. ''Really?! I was scared I was the only one.'' Sam said, there clearly was a load lifted from her chest.

Suddenly you could hear a cough, ''Miss. Crawley, if we could finish please.'' Ollivander said in an indifferent tone. ''Oh yeah right!'' Sam headed back to Ollivander and tried another wand. This one seemed to be the right one. A dim golden light surrounded Sam.

''A chestnut wand, 9 inches long with unicorn hair and a curupira hair. A most unusual wand, a curupira hair is a notoriously unstable wand core. However, if this wand chose you, you must be a very talented witch, if unpredictable.'' Ollivander said with large beetle eyes.

Sam looked at her wand with bewilderment. She obviously didn't know what it all meant but I definitely did. A dual core was very rare and it was also pretty amazing. Curupira hair's are also pretty rare and mostly found in Brazil so I'm not sure how Ollivander procured them.

Sam's parents paid for the wand, which cost extra. It was a dual core after all. And were heading for the door until Sam gave me another hug, ''I'll see you when we're at Hogwarts!'' The muggle-born witch said before leaving with a skip in her step.

Finally it was my turn to get my wand. I went to the counter and Ollivander's beetle eyes seemed to look into my soul. He measured my hand and arm and went to get a wand before I stopped him.

''I'd like to get a custom wand made please.'' I told Ollivander, he looked at me and headed back to the counter. ''I assume you have a core for me then? Or some sort of wood?'' I nodded and gave him the thunderbird tail feather.

''Amazing…'' Ollivander said when I handed him the tail feather and he examined it closely. He even gave it a little sniff, ''Smells just like when a storm is coming…'' He said, his eyes sparkled and looked at me with joy. He almost looked like a kid that was finally able to go down the big boy slide.

''This will be my first wand with a thunderbird tail feather but not to worry! I'll craft something beautiful for you. But first I need you to walk with me, we need to test which wood will be the best match for you.'' With those words I was dragged to the back by Ollivander.

I could see rows of boxes all with different woods but when I fully entered the room suddenly a box began to shine. It shone so brightly I could barely see and had to cover my eyes with my fingers. After a while the shining stopped and Ollivander picked up the box.

''Vine, your wand will be made of vine. Curious, very curious.'' Suddenly Ollivander's neck snapped and he looked at my neck. He put his hand on my neck and inspected my neck. He quickly saw the rune in my neck and the purple light that was emanating from the rune.

'Shit' Raiden spoke in my mind. 'What do we do now b0ss? Should I kill him?' Raiden inquired. 'No, let's hear what he has to say, it's not illegal to be contracted to a spirit after all, it's only uncommon.' I answered Raiden's inquiry but honestly I kind of wanted to kill Ollivander for randomly touching my neck without consent.

''Most curious! The vine wood reacted to the spirit that you're contracted with! Vine wood is known to be used by the druids of old times and they used to contract with spirits all the time. It's merely time repeating itself.'' Ollivander spoke with an excited look in his eyes.

''I'll get to work immediately, you go back to the front and wait until I'm done. Tell any customers that I'm busy crafting a wand.'' Ollivander said and I headed back, that sure was a bad business tactic though. Why couldn't he just make the wand when he was done for the day.

I came back to the front and I met a familiar figure, it was the boy I had met in Madam Malkin's robe shop. The boy with sleek dark hair, Nathan...

2nd chapter of the day :)

TFDMcreators' thoughts