
Critical Condition

The Peninsula Paris - A 5 star hotel in Paris...

A 50 year old lady with 3 young girls who are in their early twenties are standing at the entrance of the hotel waiting impatiently for the car to arrive.

The woman in her fifties making some calls to the higher authorities of Paris and some people in their network to bring the situation under control.

Soon a black Mercedes came to halt and then the valet driver get down from the car and greeted the ladies with utmost respect but none of them spare a single glance to him by quickly getting into the car. Because they made a mistake which will cost their lives.

The woman in her fifties sat in the passenger seat while two girls who are wearing a uniform for bodyguards are seated in the back side of the car and the last one with a formal attire occupying the driver seat they then speed the car towards the Hospital Hotel - Dieu AP - HP.


At Hospital Hotel - Dieu AP - HP...

Lona and Lilly upon successfully bringing him to the emergency ward with the help of the hospital staff, the doctor told them to wait while he is examining the patient.

After a while the doctor came back and told them that " the patient suffered with mild concussions and herniated disk. This tends to be less severe than spinal damage or head injuries, but can still cause significant problems". The doctor added " he lost a lot of blood because of various injuries caused by the accident. He needs an immediate surgery ".

Outside the Operation room...

A nurse hurriedly came to Lilly and Lona " Hello, Miss... " she stopped to glance both of them and then continued " Between the two of you who is related to the patient? I need a signature of a family member to proceed with the operation process ".

Lona gave a meaningful look to Lilly and Lilly immediately know what she has to do. With a simple nod to Lona, Lilly turned to the nurse saying " Give it to me. I am his sister. I'll sign the papers ".

The nurse gave the form to Lilly and after getting the signature she informed them that the patient is in critical condition and because of severe loss of blood he needs a blood transfusion.

Nurse : " Miss... " the nurse stopped because she doesn't know the name of these two girls who are standing in front of her.

Lona understood the nurse situation and says " Her name is Lilly " while pointing a finger towards Lilly and then added " I am her friend, Halona ".

The nurse gave Halona a thankful smile and turn to Lilly saying " Miss Lilly, your brother have a rare group AB -ve blood. We don't have enough blood in the storage room. We are trying to contact with other blood banks and hospitals, but it will take a lot of time. So, can you arrange some one to donate blood? ".

Before Lilly can reply, Halona said " My blood group is the same. If it is okay, I can donate the blood ".

Lilly dumbfounded with Halona's reply and thought " What the hell are you doing Lona? " but she can't say this out loud. So, she kept her poker face not showing the disappointment she felt.

Halona followed the nurse to a room and after some basic tests, the nurse told her that she can donate the blood.

Lilly is still standing outside the operation room thinking and blaming herself that if she doesn't agree to Halona's request and help her to escape from the hotel, they don't have to deal with these situations right now.

She supposed to protect Halona, but she utterly failed for the first time in her 19 years of life and she can't forgive herself for that.
