

Hallucination is a perception of having seen, heard, touched, tasted or smelled something that wasn't actually there.

In a village there lived a man named jack with his family .His family members includes his mother ,his father,his wife and his two children.Jack was a farmer .He had his friends in the village itself . Jack had a problem ,it was hallucination. He used to get hallucination every da y and that was the trouble for him as well as his family , the problem of hallucination also affected his family .Family members took treatment for Jack from a big city and a high qualified doctor but Jack was not Cured. His problem continued ..... His family worried about him .There much of money was invested in his treatment . on a great morning ,Jack meet a person named Sam .He was the oldest person in the village and knew everything about the village from past hundred years .Jack and sam sat under a mango tree and they talked for a much longer time . While talking to Jack ,the old man told Jack a short reality about his great- grandfather . Sam started by say that" your Great -grand father was the don of the village .He had lots of money and was very famous . Every one in the village was afraid of him . One day his sororal niece meet with a accident . A man from the village was very hurried and was driving fast for the interview to get a job in a big city .your great grand father's sororal niece was playing and suddenly the car of the man who was hurried came and dashed your great grand father's sororal niece and she died there itself ,! at the spot . It was a accidental death and it was not done purposely by the men who was hurried . Your great grand father wanted to take revenge from that man whose car dashed his sororal niece . Secretly the night after the accident your great grant father brought the man and killed him under the mango tree . Every one in the village knew that it was your great grand father who killed the man but no one in the village had the courage to speak to him. So ,then the matter was closed ."After listening to Sam ,Jack went home and he thought about the accident much . The same night he had a hallucination , it was his habit but this time his hallucination turned into reality . He slept on his own bed with his eyes open .He imagined himself to be dragged by someone but he did not knew who was he . He thought that the god had come to take revenge from him because his great grand father had killed the man under the mango tree .He imagined he was dragged and brought under the tree were the man was killed by his great grand father .He also imagined that the man who had a knife killed him. Next morning he told about his hallucination to the village people and no one bothered about it because it was his habit to get hallucinations like that .They continued there daily work and slept at night .

Early morning when the village people woke up . They found that Jack was murdered under the mango tree . His body was bleeding and it was found that a knife was inserted in his stomach . They all wondered and invested who murdered Jack .but the mystery remained a mystery . Jack's hallucination turned into a reality ........