
The verses

well you see there are thingy about verses and these are in they in the following order:-

Universe → Multiverse → Metaverse → Xenoverse → Hyperverse → Omniverse → The Box

The observable universe in your time consists of all matter in the universe that can be observed. All matters from outside of Observable Universe is not observed.

The multiverse (or meta-universe) is the hypothetical set of possible universes, including the universe in which we live.Together, these universes comprise everything that exists in our reality and other closely linked realities: various forms of space, time, matter, energy, and the physical laws and constants that describe them.

The various universes within the multiverse are called "parallel universes", "other universes", or "alternative universes". The multiverse is contained by the  megaverse and it contains the universe

The Metaverse is a 3 dimensional, virtua-reality space, in which users can interact in a simulated environment with other users. It is created by the convergence of all virtually enchaned realtites, physically persistent virtual spaces, the sum of all virtual worlds, augmented realties and The Internet. Also, its size can be up to 10^11^1111 light-years.

The Metaverse cointains Multiverses.

The Xenoverse contains multiple Metaverse's which forms cyberspace type Universe or Multi-Universes which a Single Xenoverse is a cyperspace version of a Multiverse and a collection of Xenoverses are Multiple Multiverses.Its same for dragon ball Xenoverse too.

In Short...

The Xenoverse is a 4 dimensional virtual-reality space that is the set of infinite metaverses.When data is lost on The Internet or The Metaverse,it ends up in The Xenoverse

Hyperverse is the term used to describe the megaverse of cyberspace being a container of Metaverse's and Xenoverse's.

The Hyperverse is a 5 dimensional virtual-reality space that is the transinfinite collection of physical,virtual,augmented realities


3 Dimensional Cyberspace is Metaverse which is a Universe/Universes in cyberspace.

4 Dimensional Cyberspace is Xenoverse which is Multiverse/Multiverses in cyberspace.

5 Dimensional Cyberspace is Hyperverse which is like the Megaverse of cyberspace

The Omniverse is a collection of multiple Megaverse on other side. It's everything that exists, doesn't exist, anything in between, below, above, anything any being within All can imagine with a name,except us gods.

Those without an actual name technically exist outside the omniverse. This, and The Outside is all that is outside of the omniverse, in The noname verse All else is The Box, which contains all the omniverses

and finally....

The Box is.

Generally speaking, the Box is an extremely big (im)possible, (un)imaginable, (non)theoretical, (un/meta/pata)physical, or use(ful/less) set. If you can think of something, it's inside the Box. If you can't think of something, it's inside the Box. Anything that is even declared without thought, subconsciously, is in the Box. The Box is in the Box. Logic, and all permutations of logic, are inside the Box as well, which simultaneously allows it to contain itself as well as deny characters or -verses any sort of excuse by saying "it doesn't conform to the Box's rules". They aren't the Box's rules, they just happen to be in the Box too. The Box also follows this logic and contains itself an infinite amount of times

The box also follows all types of physical realm using all properties, including metaphysical realm and pataphysical realm.

It is impossible to define anything outside the Box, because by mentioning a fact about something, you have placed it in the Box.

The box has the Le Jorino Area inside of it. So, it is not really a verse, because it contains the Le Jorino Area. This is a contradiction, so the box should not be classified as a verse.

The Le Jorino Area is the area where there is no verse: Here's an example:

verse -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Le Jorino Area."she said

'so its the omniverses and the void in native terms huh well that is to expected' thought our mc

" well this is according to humans where you lived that survived after your nuking and when they reached in their peak age of technological development could gather because after that comes realm of immortals and the gods and so on,which is has a barriers so they could not see through it"

" we are at edge of void that is constantly changing due the entropy of the verses or realms it is constantly expanding , the all humans could gathered through their trail and errors covers entirety of realm of mortals but they lack knowledge of certain dimensions which are hidden and only available to us the origin gods which you will get only after you would be powerful enough" she said

"so what do you think isn't it amazing , i was certainly amazed by it when my parents thought me about it ,there are man...." while she was mumbling he said " cut the crap women now since you said you're going to make amends then stop mumbling answer my questions , now then are there universes like i read in fictional books, novels ,animes,manga, movies ,comics etc and if they do,do they have their parallel verses "

"uhh yes yes there are those verses and parallel ones too that was not a certain time ago but humans that ascended to godhood from your universe created them they even have fanfictional ones too ,just like the box if you think about a universe like Naruto and hope they that their is a alternate universe where there are many dojutsus ( eye bloodline powers) then it will exist as long as you dream about a certain one it will exist ,this is all due to dream and reality shaker gods that this is possible " she said happily

after considering for some time the different ways to achieve his dreams he came across a very good fun , overpowered and interesting idea .since his last life was way to fucked up he could not achieve the slice of life state in his previous life but he always wanted one and he would be an idiot to not milk up this opportunity

"i have decided i want ....."
