
Hail the King (Personal)

An ordinary student accidentally traveled into another universe and became the king of a small kingdom. He had gotten a “Cheating Code” of life and was able to complete something extraordinary. This is the story about a king that was able to conquer continents and leave behind him an ultimate legend that will be recited between every generation to come. This is not my work, if this is your work you can ask me to delete it. Thank you.

Tushar_Vashishta · ゲーム
58 Chs

Ch 106 - Ch 110

Chapter 101: You Have Problems.

When Fei exited from the Diablo World, the sun had begun setting to the west. However, the sun was still warm; the golden light passed through the incense tree's branches and scattered all over the floor. There was still the sweet scent in the air.

He sat up from the bench, sleepily looked around, and noticed that the Princess Highness that previously had her eyes closed on the bamboo chair was now having dinner. On the stone table laid golden yellow barbequed meat, dozens of slices of grey rye bread, and a golden cup containing wheat oat soup.

This Princess Highness's dinner was very normal.

At her side, there still not wasn't even one guard. The female guard Susan that took Fei into the small yard never appeared again, and the blonde knight Roman Pavlyuchenko who always had a smile on his baby face didn't bother making an appearance. He didn't know where those two people went.

However, the 20 or so scents of powerful existences were still here closely protecting the princess. Fei could tell that about half of those scents were obviously different from before. Clearly, some guards had changed shifts.

"Ehh… I was asleep?"

This was Fei's first sentence.

He wiped off the shining drool that flowed down during his sleep on the corner of his mouth, and without any formal or anxious expressions, he asked with a grinning face as if asking an old friend. Then, Fei stood up and stretched himself, and then rudely sat down on the stone chair across from the princess, and then leaned over to sniff the smell of the grilled meat…

"Umm… Smells really good, let me try some!"

When he picked up the knife and fork beside the silver plate and started skillfully cutting the golden brown meat with honey juice, Fei could clearly feel that the 20 or so scents hidden in the shadow intensified, just like 20 siege crossbows aimed at his back and ready to launch… Then, Fei saw the First Princess waving her thin hands as if shooing away flies, and then immediately after, the guards concealed their scent again and hid quietly in the shadows.

"Hey, this dinner isn't prepared for you."

This was the first time that the emperor's First Princess who had beautiful and deep eyes spoke to Fei in front of him. Her voice was a little hoarse, but the feeling it gave was a very peaceful one – so peacefully quiet that it was a bit cold as if rejecting Fei a thousand miles away.

But Fei could clearly feel it; this feeling of apathy came from the bones, without any pretentious elements. It seemed like the owner of this pale white and weak body had gotten use to speaking to everyone with this attitude.

"You are the Princess. You don't have to worry about food and clothing, so why are you so stingy?"

Fei just laughed in front of the Princess's scolding, didn't care at all, and the knife in in his hands shined under the sunlight, gently slicing the meat, and then putting another golden juicy barbeque meat into his plate.

The royal crowning emissary group brought their own chefs, and their craft was clearly a lot better than the ones at Chambord City's royal palace. Fei enjoyed the meal very much, and at the end, he took the delicious oatmeal soup in the golden cup and took a sip.


A slight tone of mood swings rarely appeared from the First Princess. Her sapphire-like eyes glanced at the golden cup that Fei had drank from, and saw the soup stains and a clear lip print on it. Suddenly, she reached out, and then poured the rest of the soup onto the ground, and then stared provocatively at Fei.

This scene almost dropped the jaws of those guards hiding in the shadows. Some people even almost revealed their traces. This was really incredible; they had all been old guardians for Princesses Tanasha for a long time now, but when had they ever seen Princess Tanasha, who had been secretly known as the "ice asura" by the Saint Petersburg aristocracy, show such a childish side of her?

Unfortunately, Fei didn't know all this.

He just kept on slicing and putting more meat into his plate. He didn't even look at the oatmeal soup on the floor and just focused on chewing the meat on his plate. His eyes were smiling, as if saying, "I've already drank it, so I don't mind the rest getting poured out."

Her Royal Highness First Princess was shocked for a second.

Then, she started doing another thing that almost made the guards in the shadows bite off their tongue: she started fighting for the meat with Fei.

The two started a "war".

The knives in their hands touched together every now and then, issuing a "tink tink" sound. Princess Highness's body was skinnier and weaker, and her strength was also almost non-existent. She indeed didn't know any martial arts, just like a vulnerable normal human. No, to be more precise, one should say that she might even be physically weaker than a normal human being, seeming a little bit morbid.

The "war" obviously ended in Fei's victory.

He successfully dragged ¾ of the roasted pig onto his plate, and Princess Tanasha had about 1/8 in her plate, and the remaining 1/8 were eaten by Fei before the "war" even began.

Then, the two didn't talk, and stared at each other and began the meat-eating competition.

This time, the Princess actually won. Although Fei ate at a faster rate, he had a lot more meat on his plate. After the Princess Highness finished her plate, she stared for a second, and then reached out her knife and began pillaging the meat on Fei's plate. Ding ding dong dong ding dong dong. The waves of sounds of knives colliding sounded quite nice.

For the guards hidden in the shadow, at the moment, their heads had long been in a blank state.

They almost couldn't believe everything they were seeing right now: the highly and cold as ice "Ice Asura" had disappeared, and what was presented in front of everyone's eyes was a childish girl. Who would've thought that the Princess Highness would have so much "fun" with a lowly little king? Was this still the emperor's female saint, whose wisdom was like the sea with a meticulous mind, whose one word could save thousands of lives and with one thought could destroy a noble family?

Fei didn't know about all of that.

He thought that this princess was quite interesting.

After a hearty meal, Fei looked up and down at the woman in front of him, and then his face gradually became serious. He stared right at the Princess's face for awhile, and then finally asked in puzzlement, "You got a problem?"

This sounded completely like swearing.

Sure enough, her Royal Highness Princess rose her brows, and a hostile scent flashed through her eyes.

At that moment, Fei suddenly had an illusion that the woman who sat in front of him had suddenly changed into another person. It was no longer the plain woman that was joking around with him like an old friend, but rather an ice cold peerless female hero that could control tens of millions of lives with a single thought.

"King Alexander, I commanded Susan to summon you because I want to ask about the coronation in three days. How's the preparation going?" The Princess's voice resumed its coldness from before, looking at Fei like a stranger, revealing the majesty of the Imperial Princess.

Fei heard and smiled, got up from the stone chair, and then lazily stretched himself.

"The coronation's preparation… Well, it has been going on well, but I'm not too clear on this task. Later, I will let the herald Best who's responsible for this to come report to your Royal Higness Princess. Hehe, you guys know each other anyways."

Fei was the typical type of person where soft treatments worked on him, but tough treatments wouldn't. Seeing how the princess was acting high and mighty now, he knew things wouldn't be fun anymore. To be honest, he really didn't care too much about Zenit Empire, so he just lazily answered the question and turned around to walk away.



*Sou sou sou sou* Four quick sounds broke the air, and 4 purple armored guard charged out from the side and cut off Fei's path. These people were about the same in height and weight, and they were all wearing the unified purple light armor. The long swords at their waists were half-drawn from the scabbard, reflecting a cold light. They were all emitting a powerful force; everyone was at least at the peak 2-star level.

"Ignorant savage, quickly kneel down and beg for forgiveness from her Royal Highness Princess." The bodyguards shouted, with their eyes coldly staring at the little king as if the moment he moved unexpectedly, they would be prepared to fully draw out their swords to kill him.

"Hehe, just you guys? You can't stop me."

Fei lazily raised his eyebrows, and a much stronger force came out of his body. The invisible pressure weighed down heavily onto these 4 purple armor guards. Not to mention drawing out their swords, they couldn't even move, or even talk with ease. Even the other guards that were still hiding in the shadows were tightly locked by this sharp force, not even daring to breath heavily.

"It's okay… Let him go."

Her Royal Highness Princess who was watching all of this silently suddenly waved her hands and withdrew her guards.

At the same time, Fei smiled as he withdrew his force.

The four purple armor guards suddenly felt the pressure on them disappear, and they looked at each other in horror, completely not expecting this lowly king in their eyes to actually have such a terrifying level of power. If they really fought, they were afraid that even if all the colleagues hidden in the yard came out, they would still not be this "little" king's match… The four guards all bowed to the princess and then disappeared.

Fei then started heading out taking big steps.

After taking a few steps, he thought of something, suddenly stopped, then threw out a little purple bottle onto the grass in front of First Princess Tanasha, and then proceeded to leave without even looking back.

"I'd say, proud Princess, your problems don't look that light, and it looks like you can't hold out much longer. For today, seeing as how you accompanied me for dinner, take this bottle of liquid medicine. Perhaps it will provide some help to your frail body."

These were the last words Fei left her.

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Chapter 102

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Chapter 102: Elites One After Another

Looking at the little purple bottle that fell on the grass in front of her, the First Princess seemed to not have expected this scene. She suddenly wanted to laugh; this little king wasn't that big, but his temper was quite large.

However, the next instant, the princess's face restored its calm.

To her, ever since her 12th birthday when the maid that had been serving her for years was killed by that brother of hers, she had never felt so powerless. From that instant, besides her cold and emotionless face, any other expressions were a luxury for her. Ever since then, no matter where or when, she constantly reminded herself to maintain her calm in front of her subordinates.

Only this kind of expression would make her look powerful, and those who dared to challenge her would tremble in fear.

God had given her a prominent life and an intelligent mind, but denied her the right to live as a healthy person. Everyday at midnight, that never-ending pain would torment her… However, even after being diagnosed by the royal family's doctor to only have six months of life left, she still never showed any expression of pain in front of anyone. Even when she was alone in the palace, she still couldn't relax at all.

But today, it happened.

At that instant, that sleepy-eyed look of the little king under the sun suddenly brushed aside the dust and uncovered distant memories, and that picture reminded her of an afternoon many years ago, which was also in autumn… she didn't know why, but for the first time, she took off her disguise, and then fooled around with this king for a bit like kids. in front of him and her hidden guards, for the first time, she had revealed too many expressions that should never have been hers.

Could this be a one-time indulgence before the end of her life?

The Princess's fingers lightly tapped on the stone table.

Her eyes lowered.

She saw the little purple bottle Fei tossed on the ground. It was just quietly lying on the green grass; the bottle's smooth body had a bright luster on it.

Hesitating for a few seconds, she didn't know why, but the princess suddenly got a wild idea.

She bent to pick up the bottle, then readily shook it several times and looked at the mysterious purple fluid inside the bottle. Then, she pulled out the cork, gently smelled it, and a light fragrance flowed out. After inhaling it, she suddenly felt an unprecedented feeling of ease.

Princess Tanasha quietly stuffed the cork's back expressionlessly, but she secretly thought, "Could this really be effective?"

"Such a rude maniac. Your Royal Highness Princess, why don't you kill him?"

A quiet voice suddenly passed through her ear.

At the same time, a purple flame suddenly cut through the air, and in the next instant, the purple flame converged, and a purple clothed beautiful girl appeared out of the thin air and stood beside Tanasha.

Her figure was curvaceous with slender legs and flawless skin; her facial features were exquisite, and she has a pair of seductive eyes that could take a man's soul. She wasn't wearing any armor, just a light purple cloth; she was obviously extremely confident in her power. Her purple long hair was tied into a pony tail, just like a waterfall freely falling behind her head. In her hands was a peculiarly designed thin green short-sword that had no scabbard, and the blade was directly exposed to the air…

If Fei was here, he would definitely be surprised. At least from the entrance she made and her scent, this 16 to 17 year old little girl was definitely an unfathomable elite.

"Keep him, he's still useful. We can't fish without bait."

At the instant the purple clothed girl appeared, the First Princess Tanasha restored her original calm state, slightly closed her eyes, and then started lightly tapping the stone table. This was her habit. When she started to think, she would subconsciously start to lightly tap with her slender fine fingers to a rhythm, sometimes quick and sometimes slow. The pair of hands felt as if they had the power to frighten people's souls. At Saint Petersburg, everyone that feared her all gave her a name based on this kind of light rhythmic tapping —– [Death Finger].

After a long time, First Princess Tanasha finally opened her eyes and asked, "Ziyan (TL: which means purple flame in Chinese), tell me, what did you find?"

"I just found a pile of useless garbage. None of the hounds came."

The girl named Ziyan softly replied.

She saw that the Princess didn't want to talk about that little king, so she no longer bothered to continue discussing about him. After all, small roles like such were no different than thin air in her eyes, so it didn't matter whether they talked about him or not. Just like how the godly phoenix from the heavens wouldn't have any contact with a worm on earth, Ziyan didn't think anything would happen between the little king and the Princess in the future.

"Didn't come? Hehe… that's impossible."

Her slender white fingers tapped at a strange beat, slightly hitting the stone table, sometimes slow sometimes fast, and then her ocean-like blue eyes bloomed out a look of disdain. "Based on my understanding on him, he definitely won't let go of a chance like this. That guy wants me dead so much that he could go crazy, so those obedient dogs of his have definitely already come here and set up."

The purple clothed girl slightly frowned, and then thought of something. She was puzzled, "Does your Princess Highness mean they used some kind of technique to avoid my search? How is that possible? No single star-level warrior could avoid the god artifact [Sky Vision]'s search, unless they sent moon-level elites this time. But the three moon-level elites of Zenit Empire are all at the capital right now."

"In this world, nothing is absolute. Maybe he found a way to help his hounds avoid [Sky Vision]'s search, or maybe he recruited a new moon-level elite, or maybe he has other ways to kill me… All in all, he will make a move for sure, and that's unquestionable."

"Then what should I do next?" The purple clothed girl accepted the Princess's judgement. In fact, no one dared to doubt the elite of this emaciated body, because she had never been wrong a single time.


[Death Finger] started tapping her unique rhythm, and her blue eyes shined with a unique brilliance, "Whatever he hopes I do, I will do. We both know perfectly well about this kind of battle; it's all about who has more cards… But, it's just that for this poor Chambord City, I'm afraid that after this battle, not much will be able to remain standing."

"That arrogant little king was being that rude just now, so even if the whole city is destroyed, we are still letting him off easy." Ziyan was cold like an iceberg, completely uncaring about people's lives and deaths. There had already been countless people that lost their lives to her hands. In the midst of this chaotic world, lives were as worthless as dirt, and no one deserved pity.

"We will dismiss this topic. You've work hard recently, so go rest. From today onwards, you don't have to activate [Sky Vision] to search anymore. Make preparations, and three days later, everything to come to light."


Ziyan still wanted to say something, but she saw Her Highness close her eyes and wave her hands, so she had no choice but to stop. She lowered her head, and then a purple flame exploded into the air without any heat. When it disappeared, so did the girl.

Princess Tanasha got up and walked to her room.

No one saw, but that purple bottle of potion had now been taken into her palms.

At the same time.

At a Chambord city guest house, in a relatively secluded stone courtyard.

"Your Highness, after those women entered the back mountains of Chambord city, they never came out. Your subordinate noticed that there are actually many guards set up near the prison in the Chambord city's back mountain. The security level is very high, and it will be very difficult to get in without alerting them. Your subordinate is afraid that going in hastily might startle the enemy and hinder your plan. Therefore, I arranged a few soldiers to monitor the situation on the peripheral regions, and I personally came back to report the situation to you."

In front of Thrace Country's blonde prince Aobina, the soldier that was sent during daytime to follow Elena and the nun Akara was kneeling on the ground to report the whereabouts of those female rogues.

"As for the that bald fatty's identity, I also got some information. He is Chambord city's warden Oleg, currently one of the favorite underlings of the king. He has a one star-level warrior's strength, and is just a small character… The strange thing is that those women's origins are very mysterious; it seems like no one in Chambord city knows where they came from, nor did they previously appear in the city," The guard reported.

"They actually went to the back mountain… that's strange!" Aobina's beak-like nose went up and down a few times, and then he asked again, "Did they all disappear in the back mountain? No one left during the mean time right?"

"Your Royal Highness, no one left the entire time."

"Okay, then that's good. Go deploy more soldiers. Tightly peg all the paths in the back mountain area. The moment they appear, immediately report back to me."

Aobina thought for a second that these women probably didn't have too big of a background. Although their strength wasn't ordinary, their clothing seemed a bit poor, and their armor was mainly made with beast skins. Other than that 4-star long bow on the back of that peerless red-hair beauty, there wasn't anything else extraordinary. Maybe they were a team of mercenaries from somewhere far away, hired by the young king of Chambord City to maintain order during the ceremony. Towards these kind of people, Aobina wasn't too worried about the consequences of robbing their long bow. Besides, these girls were all very beautiful, so if he could also find a way to capture them alive, whether it was for keeping them to himself or gifting them to the aristocrat families in St. Petersburg, both were very good options.

He decided to act the moment these girls made their next appearance, and first acquire that 4-star golden bow before he had to perform his real mission. With this extraordinary bow in hand, he would have more confidence about the mission he would be carrying out in three days.

The guard got his order and quickly left the stone courtyard.

At that moment, the guard named Okocha that Aobina sent earlier to investigate that mysterious elite that flew across Chambord city came in. He quickly walked towards Aobina, kneeled down and reported, "Your Highness, the mysterious elite went into the Chambord city's palace, and there have been no movements ever since. I waited and looked for almost half the day and still didn't catch any unusual events. It's just that the empire's First Princess's female guard Susan visited the palace and brought the little king Alexander to where the Crowning Emissary group is stationed… I suspect that mysterious elite, is very likely King Alexander himself."

"Alexander? That's impossible." Aobina was shocked for a second, but soon he shook his head and replied, "3 star-level is the highest this idiot can go. Although I don't know how he turned from an idiot to a 3-star warrior, if you're saying that he leveled up again to 4-stars in just three or four days, that's absolutely impossible. Even the continent's [Martial Art God] Maradona didn't train so quickly."

Pausing for a second, Aobina signaled Okocha to be dismissed.

He frowned and thought for awhile as he mumbled to himself, "It seems like this mysterious expert should be [Ice Asura], Princess Tanasha's man that was placed in the palace. She must have known something early on… But she purposely showed this card of hers… What's the real meaning of this?"

Aobina couldn't afford to hesitate the slightest.

He knew very well of the methods that this Princess Highness used.

Although Aobina was always arrogant and confident in his intelligence, and he indeed had some small clever tricks up his sleeves, he knew very well that his capability was only good enough to fool normal people. In comparison to Princess Tanasha who was known to be the [Ice Asura] and [Female Wisdom God] by the whole empire, he was completely no match for her. What he could do wouldn't even be enough for this princess to frown slightly. He didn't doubt that as long as this princess wanted to, just one idea would be enough for him to die hundreds of times without even finding out how.

"Luckily, this time someone will come take care of her, and I'm just running the errands."

After he stopped thinking about [Ice Asura], Aobina's attention returned to Chambord city's little king. Although he didn't agree with guard Okocha's judgement on the mysterious elite, he was the type of person that would always be cautious and alert. Thinking for a second, he said to a giant-like tall burly guard on his side, "You find an opportunity to test Alexander's strength. Don't get carried away; just retreat after forcing out his true strength. Spare his life, since it still has some use."

The big guard agreed, and a ball of yellow flame flashed below his feet. His giant body actually started sinking slowly as if he was in the water, and he ultimately disappeared from the stone floor, not even leaving the slightest trace behind.

Another elite.

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Chapter 103

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Chapter 103: The Deadly Back Alley

After Fei left the residence of the Royal Coronation Legion, he headed directly to the Chambord Civil and Military Academy. He had to meet with the military authority Gordon-Brook who was busy with the administrative duties at the academy.

The pressure that Fei felt at the residence of the Royal Coronation Legion made him more aware of the hidden dangers. He still didn't know what was about to happen, but it wasn't going to be something minor; even the elder princess of Zenit Empire had to guard against it carefully.

Therefore, Fei had to prepare in advance.

Chambord's Civil and Military Academy was located at Former Head Minister Bazzer's mansion. It was the biggest stone building in Chambord after King's Palace. Like all the other buildings in Chambord, this building was more than a hundred years old. Moss grew on all the slits between the white stones that formed the walls, and dried yellow vines crawled onto the wall. The building looked very aesthetically pleasing from far away.

Fei heard the cheers of the children on the outside of the academy.

After entering the building, he saw hundreds of kids practicing a set of simple punches under Lampard's guide. They were also practicing the horse-step stance (an ancient Asian method to train the legs) with their legs – the idea of the horse step came from Fei of course, and it was listed as one of the essential practices at the academy.

The little ones were putting all their efforts on the practice.

Drops of sweats slid off of their faces, and their clothes were all soaked. Although a few of the kids' legs were shaking, they bit their teeth and endured the pain. They all were children of ordinary civilians, and they understood their low social classes and the toughness of life. They knew that having this opportunity to learn and practice was already very fortunate. Therefore, each and every one of them tried their hardest to improve their strength to change their lives and their families' lives; none of them slacked off.

Lampard was carrying his giant black sword on his back. He glanced through each of the kids and corrected their forms and mistakes as they occurred. This silent former number one warrior at Chambord didn't like politics or military very much; it seemed like he wasn't interested in anything. However, when he started to train the kids, he was full of enthusiasm; with the large amount of free time he had, he was now the headmaster at the academy, and was responsible for carrying out 99% of all the training programs. With his reputation as the former number one warrior in Chambord and his three-star warrior strength, he was the kids' favorite teacher right after Fei.

"Hi, Principal!"

After seeing Fei's arrival, looks of surprise and worship popped on all the kids' faces. They paused their practice, stood up straight and saluted to Fei in a military manner in unison.

"Hi, everyone!"

He tried to be majestic and saluted back.

It was the academy's rule that Fei should be addressed as the principal. After stepping into the academy, no matter who the person was and what kind of status the person had outside of the academy, he or she could only have one identity – a student or a teacher.

"Continue training!"

After hearing Fei's order, the kids went back to the horse-step stance and practiced the set of punches. The little ones were all excited and their faces got all red. They tried their hardest to stand out to Fei. If Frank-Lampard was their favorite teacher, then Fei would be their supreme idol, the supreme king. In this world that followed the law of the jungle, what Fei had demonstrated in the past conquered these kids who all had heroic dreams.

"Thanks for all your hard work, uncle Lampard."

Fei was very respectful in front of Frank-Lampard. This three-star warrior was the best friend to the old king and took great care of Alexander. Like the old handsome Bast, Fei treated him as his elder.

"Your Majesty!" Lampard nodded, and his solemn face cracked a smile.

He clearly felt that Fei's strength had increased. He could no longer estimate how strong Fei was, but one thing was certain – Fei had surpassed the threshold of the three-star rank. If not, Lampard would have been able to at least feel it.

"Uncle Lampard, these kids are the future of Chambord, if the academy needs anything, just let uncle Bast know, tell him that it's my order..." Fei looked at the kids as if a rabbit had seen carrots; he rubbed his chin and smiled, "I've got to let these kid grow up quickly."

Lampard nodded as he smiled. He thought for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, the academy has everything it needs except for good teachers and energy training scrolls. Some of these kids have great talent, and their talent attributes are solid. Metal, wood, water, fire, earth – all five energy attributes exists among them, and a few of them are good candidates for novice mages. It's too bad that there are limited energy training scrolls in Chambord. In total, there are total four or five energy training scrolls, but they are only one to two star ranked, and they are only for water and fire energy. Brook and I both have water energy, so..."

Fei understood.

The limited educational resources were an issue.

There were a lot of professions on Azeroth Continent, and there were a ton of training methods. Everyone had a different body type and different talent attributes. The only way to train and increase their strength was to train using the same attributed energy scroll or magic scroll specific to each person; if one used the incorrect attribute scroll, it wouldn't improve one's strength, and it could also injure oneself.

"Let me handle this!"

Fei said goodbye to Lampard and found Gordon-Brook who was training a bunch of girls. Because girls' bodies were a bit weaker, Fei didn't require them to train as hard as the boys. During spare time, they were educated on simple military knowledge by Brook. This was the area that Brook was good at. Although he wasn't spectacular, he was sufficient to enlighten them with the basics.

However, this situation made Fei aware of the importance of teachers for the academy.

Fei spotted Louise–Pierce's daughter–among all the girls. The girl was even prettier after the simple daily cleaning rituals. Her icy temperament was the reason why Fei was able to spot her in a group of over forty girls. The girls surrounded him and he was only able to get out after telling a few stories. He then called Brook aside and planned a few things.

After listening to Fei, Brook was surprised.

"Your Majesty, is this real..."

"It doesn't matter if it's real or not, from now on, send more soldiers to increase the investigation efforts. For people who dare to cause trouble, it doesn't matter who they are, lock them up in the [Little Black House]... remember, especially for people who are new and strange to us, investigate and keep close eyes on them. If they don't follow our rules, kick them out of the kingdom."

Fei was harsh this time.

The tense atmosphere at the residence of the Royal Coronation Legion gave Fei a bad feeling. Chambord might be under great danger, and this danger might be greater than what Chambord could defend against. It might even be greater than the disastrous situation that the black armoured troops put Chambord under.

Brook accepted Fei's order and turned around to tell the soldiers until…

"Wait..." Fei called him suddenly, after a moment of silence, he said, "Also, tell the soldiers to keep the guard up and be more alert. Increase their guard shifts during both the day and night. Also, notify the citizens that if the situation gets bad, they should be quick and leave the castle to hide temporarily."

Brook's face changed color. After hearing such a command, he really sensed the severity of the issue.

"Go, let's hope that it's just me thinking too much."



When Fei left the Chambord Civil and Military Academy, there weren't a lot of people on the streets.

Fei rode [Black Tornado], the giant dog and headed back in the direction of King's Palace. This big black dog was very intelligent. It walked slowly, and Fei was sitting on it thinking about all the things that he encountered today. He wanted to think everything through and find some clues, but he wasn't able find any. He felt that a dark shadow had enveloped Chambord, but he wasn't able to tell where the danger came from and why there would even be danger.

Fei's eyebrows suddenly rose.

He sensed danger, as if he was targeted by a vicious beast. A deadly sensation locked onto him, as if a knife was pointed at his back.

"Is someone following me?" Fei thought. His face didn't show anything, as he lightly tapped the big black dog under his crutch.

This beast was almost too smart. It immediately understood Fei, and without any sign, it quietly changed directions and headed to a back alley that was almost empty.

This back alley was close to the dump in Chambord. The air smelled really bad, and mice and cockroaches were everywhere. Fei rode [Black Tornado]deep into the back alley, jumped off, patted its head to tell it to go aside and then stood there.

After more than ten seconds.

An orange, yellowish flame flashed in the dark back alley. Wherever this flame flashed, the mud, walls, and rocks all seemed to melt and became thick. Then, something amazing occurred. A yellow human figure appeared from the wall. After the flame went away, the yellow figure turned into a tall, strong man, and he stood in front of Fei.

"You intentionally led me here, didn't you?"

A joking expression appeared on the man's face. In the dark back alley, his tall figure seemed to isolate Fei from the outside world. His body emitted a sense of power as his eyes locked onto Fei. He didn't hide his murderous intent one bit.

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Chapter 104

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Chapter 104: Is My Act That Bad?

The man was more than 7 feet tall (210 cm), and he was very strong; his muscles filled up the leather armour, as if they were about to explode. He stood there, like a bear, like a giant wall.

The way he looked at Fei was like a cat looking at a mouse. With his lip lifting up, he didn't hide his joking expression.

There was reason for him to do so.

From the information that he received, the little king in front of him was only a three-star warrior. Also, Okocha was suspicious that the mysterious four-star warrior was this guy in front of him, but he didn't think so. No one in this world could advance to four-star rank from three-star rank in less than half a month.

It was impossible!

Therefore, when Okocha ordered him to test Fei's strength, he followed Fei tightly and didn't hide at all.

In his eyes, the fact that Fei led him to this back alley was like an insect jumping into a spider web.

But before testing this dumb king's strength, he didn't mind to shame the dignity of this king who appeared to be majestic. He was a little abnormal; nothing was more thrilling to him than ravaging the higher up royals and nobles.

Therefore, when he was talking, he didn't hide his strength at all. It didn't take very long for a cloud of energy to fly towards Fei – It was enough to shake the land. Wherever the orange, yellowish energy passed by, it was plated with a layer of yellow. Under such an environment, the man could control all the soil and rocks within 50 yards(m) from him.

He was an earth attributed master.

HIs name was Hershzen.

His strength was ranked number three in Thrace Kingdom.

In between his palms, numerous skulls were smashed into pieces; they belonged to defenseless kids, enchanting beauties, respectable elders, poor citizens, nobles, and more... He was even ordered to kill a prince of Thrace Kingdom. It was a masterpiece that he could never forget about. He let that little 6 year old prince wail for ten days and ten nights before he died. That poor thing, when he died, there wasn't a bone in his body that was left intact. By that point, his body had already turned into a pile of stinky, black meat paste.

Heshzen turned the little prince's skull into a wine cup and carried it with him, using it to drink.

Quickly, Hershzen saw the scene that he wanted to see – after he demonstrated his strength slightly, the king's confidence melted like the ice in a stove. His face changed color and his confidence turned into panic. Also, he tried to calm himself down, but Hershzen saw the king's leg shaking like crazy. He was already looking around and observing the terrain, trying to find the best opportunity to escape.

This dumb king was trash as he expected.

"You want to run?"

Hershzen stepped forward and the joking expression on his face became even more obvious.

"You... who are you? What do you want to do?" The king said in a shaky voice. What made Hershzen mad was that this guy covered his chest with his hands, as if Hershzen was about to do something inappropriate to him.


After seeing this, he was more confident with his guess. He chewed on a grass stem that he put in his mouth and whispered the words out in between his teeth disdainfully, "Little guy, daddy here is a killer. I will kill anyone if the price is right. What do you think I'm here to do?"

He tried to scare the hapless king in front of him even more.

"Ah...you...kill...kill me?" The little king trembled like a timid rabbit. He screamed as his faced turned pale. He stared at the man in shock, "Do you know who I am? I'm the king of Chambord. Do you dare to kill a king?"


Hershzen was too lazy to say anything more to the little king.

Some people lacked even the basic self-awareness and lived in the world that they constructed for themselves. The privilege that they were born with made them arrogant. Not knowing that without their privilege, they were nothing… how sad was that?

"The little king in front of me is this type of naive and sad person."

Hershzen walked closer step by step.

He definitely wasn't going to kill this little king. After all, this king was an important part to the plan that was about to initiate. If the king died, it would destroy that person's plan, and he couldn't handle that.

All he wanted was to enjoy the scene of a king struggling and wailing in front of him.

"Ahhhhhhhhh...You...You, don't come closer...what do you want?" The little king took many steps back. His face was as pale as a little rabbit that was pushed into a dead corner by a big wolf. He asked cautiously, "Why do you want to kill me? Who sent you? Tell me... there must be some misunderstanding!"

Hershzen stepped closer and closer.

The orange, yellow flame flickered around him. The strength of a four-star earth attributed warrior was fully exerted. Wherever he stepped, even the hard rock would become a thick liquid, as if it turned into a swamp – this was the power of a four-star warrior; he could change the surroundings and create a battlefield that was the most suitable for him.

"Who sent you here?" The little king trembled even more. Under the cold, murderous intent, his conscious seemed to collapse and that was the only thing that he was shouting.

Unfortunately, it didn't matter how overconfident Hershzen was; he didn't answer any questions.

After all, he wasn't really going to kill the king.

But at this moment, something strange happened –

When Hershzen was less than ten yards from the king, his expression changed.

He suddenly saw the trembling king's expression changed from panic to ... disappointment.

Yes, it was the disappointment that kids would have when they didn't get any comfort from their parents for crying or throwing a tantrum.

Before he could react, he heard the little king say, "Sigh, this isn't fun. I didn't get anything useful out of this... Hey, blacky, tell me, was my act that bad?"

"Bark! Bark! Bark!"

The big black dog that had laid behind Fei yawned and barked out of boredom. It's big shiny eyes glanced at Fei, as if it was urging – "Let's go back to the palace after you quickly finish this, I haven't had any dinner yet."

"Whatever..." Fei looked at Hershzen in dissatisfaction. The timid expression was nowhere to be found. He instantly turned from prey to predator. His knuckles popped as he held on his fist tightly, shook his fist and said, "If you aren't willing to cooperate, then I'll change up my methods – I'll let my fists do the talking!"

Hershzen's face turned cold, and he said in a disdainful voice, "Just you?"

Fei didn't say anything back.

He started stepping forward.

Hershzen's face soon turned ugly.

Every step Fei took, the powerful sensation that his body emitted grew stronger. The sensation grew from peak two-star up; when Fei took his fifth step, the sensation was not weaker than that sensation that Hershzen's four-star earth attributed energy emitted. Although there were no flashy energy flames, this explosive sensation gave Hershzen a sense of danger.

"I was tricked!"

Hershzen's heart dropped.

It was this moment that he knew that he f*cked up.

He thought he had the dominance from the beginning and was laughing at the king for not having enough self awareness, but who knew that this king was acting and that damn dog was watching the drama.

Especially that giant black dog, the scornful look that it gave him made him feel like he wasn't even worthy to the dog.

"You — are — dead!"

When the string of inferiority and pride in his heart was triggered, Hershzen fell into a state of total violence, as if the anus of a bear was plugged up with a stick by someone. He roared as the orange-yellowish energy shot all around like a high power light bulb and lit up the dark back alley. Then, his body turned into a bullet and flew towards Fei as he threw out a punch.

Fei stepped forward and answered the punch with a punch.


The fists met in mid-air.

At this moment, it seemed that even time paused for a while. Then, the whole back alley starting shaking and that orange-yellowish flame started to crack. A tiny visible wave appeared on Hershzen's fists and moved towards his arms...

What followed the wave was a series of bone cracking noises.

Then, it was Hershzen's body. It was like a broken bag, he tilted and flew back at a speed that was faster than his initial charge.

Blood spilled everywhere.

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Chapter 105

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Chapter 105: A Man and a Dog Was on the Loose

Hershzen felt like he was in a freezer.

He couldn't believe what had happened. His eyeballs almost fell out. The unstoppable anger had turned into a deep sense of fear.

"HOW...It couldn't be!"

Hershzen trained and exercised earth attributed energy. For earth attributed warriors, strength and defense were their advantages. They were known for earth-like thickness and rock-like tenacity. Their physical bodies were harder than any other attributed warriors of the same rank; it was that fact that allowed him to use his fists to initiate the attack.

However, the cold hard truth destroyed his confidence.

The little king in front of him shattered the four-star earth attributed energy that he was proud of with a simple punch. Then, an unknown vicious force entered his body and cracked the bones inside his arms.

"How? Is he a five-star warrior already?"

It only took a little time for his confidence to crack down. After getting his pride and what he relied on destroyed, this huge gap in the real strength between them caused Hershzen to subconsciously amplify Fei's power. It was that thought that scared the soul out of him. He no longer had the courage to fight. As he was flying back from the initial contact, he utilized all the energy he had and the orange-yellowish flame flashed through the dark back alley again. Like how he appeared, he suddenly turned into a pile of mud that had a human figure and disappeared as he drilled into the soil.

"Yuck, this coward!" Fei spit onto the ground as he yelled, "How could a coward like you become an assassin?"


This man had to know the things that Fei desperately wanted to know. Therefore, how could the king let go of such an important clue? Fei waved at the back, and the big black dog who was lazily lying there and counting the stars roared, jumped up, and rushed towards Fei like a tornado. Fei jumped up and mounted it as it chased the smell that the man left behind.

Fei had to admit that the stealth technique that earth-attributed warrior used was very effective around such a terrain; especially for people like Hershzen who were four-star ranked, their trace under the stealth technique was very hard to track down. On top of that, Hershzen seemed to spend a lot of time on the stealth technique. When he merged with the soil, nothing was visible from the outside, as if what happened in the back alley was an illusion, and there was never such as a person named Hershzen.

Unfortunately, this man was injured, and he wasn't able to use the perfect stealth technique.

Fei also had locked Hershzen's presence down, so there were traces. Fei carefully sensed the earth-attributed energy that was surging through the soil as he sped up [Black Tornado]to chase after him.

Hershzen was very tricky.

After he merged into the soil, he tried to minimize and hide his presence as he slowly recovered from the damage that Fei dealt to him.

It wasn't the first time that he had to escape.

He had successfully escaped from the chase of a six-star master before.

Therefore, after the initial panic, he had already calmed down. There was nothing in the world that would point to the true strength of the little King Alexander – a five-star warrior. This surprise shocked him, but he also felt very fortunate, "Thank god I reacted fast. After one encounter and knowing that I wasn't his match, I didn't hesitate, escape quickly and didn't fall under the hands of that little king."

"I have to inform His Highness Okocha as soon as possible. Otherwise, this may affect the plan."

Hershzen traveled underground with some difficulty. The injuries in his arms had affected his traveling speed.

Fortunately for him, his mission was accomplished. He didn't have to worry about not being able to face the prince's questions and punishment.

But at this moment, danger emerged –

"Boom! Boom!"

Two loud noises sounded. They took Hershzen by surprise and he didn't know what was happening. Before he could react, he felt two enormous forces break open the firm soil on top of him and continue to smash down.


That little king had caught up.

"He is using his brutal force to disrupt the ground to attack me? But...How did this damn king sense my existence underground?"

At this critical moment, Hershzen couldn't think too much.

He gave up on protecting his injured arms and tried his hardest to rush forward. His travelling speed increased and he puked up a mouthful of blood as he did so. All of this effort was just enough to help him to escape from that attack. The two forces struck deep down into the ground and they missed Hershzen's back by less than an inch (2 cm).

Before Hershzen could react, he heard another two booming sounds and another two forces struck the ground. The forces were aimed at Hershzen; they didn't miss his location at all, as if that little king had X-ray vision.

Hershzen was scared to death.

His only option was to speed up and rush forward as quick as possible.

On the surface of the ground.

The big black dog[Black Tornado]really did turn into a tornado. It formed a strange route as it run forward. Fei continuously jumped into the air and punched at the ground. Under the dust, a series of fist marks were ironed into the soil and the forces from the punches cracked open the ground and formed numerous "spider webs" that spread to the surroundings.

Fei's fists contained the monstrous physical power of the level 21 Barbarian. The power was sent deep into the ground and forced Hershzen to run around like a mouse.

Actually, more than ten seconds ago, Fei almost lost the man.

But at this moment, [Black Tornado]demonstrated the tracking ability that surprised Fei – after the enhancement of the [Hulk Potion], this beast didn't just increase in size and physical strength. The dog's ability to smell things was amplified as well. During the high speed chase, [Black Tornado]only needed to sniff the ground once to locate where Hershzen was; it hadn't made a single mistake yet.

The beast was like a GPS.

One man and one dog were like cats teasing a rat, chasing after Hershzen on the ground.

At this point, Fei could easily capture the man who was previously acting like a dumbass. However, he suddenly realized that he should trace through the vines to find the fruit. He might be able to find more people who were hiding in the dark and more surprises if he followed this man. Therefore, Fei only tried to harass the man and not end his life.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Each punch that landed on the ground had just missed Hershzen's body. As if Fei was playing a game of whack-a-mole, one man and one dog were having a lot of fun, and everything was going along Fei's plan; where Hershzen was headed was getting clearer by the second.

He was headed to the inn/caravansary region at Chambord.

It was the place where all the emissaries from all the kingdoms lived.

"Sh*t, so it is these foreign people that are causing all the trouble... I want to see which of these people dare to f*ck with me!"

Fei continued the chase.

It was already dark, and there were only a few people on the streets; however, there were Chambord soldiers guarding this region. After hearing the loud booming noise, they formed into a line as they yelled and tried to stop Fei.

"Back off!" Fei yelled as he approached them, "I command all of you to withdrawal from the caravansary region, this region no longer needs protection!"

"Ah... It's Alexander His Majesty!"

The soldiers quickly recognized that the person mounted on the big black dog was King Alexander, but they didn't know where the enemy is. But after hearing the order, they didn't hesitate and withdrew from the caravansary region like a tide.

Fei didn't pause and rushed into the caravansary region.

There were about twenty emissaries from all the kingdoms and they were all concentrated into this region. Fei didn't have the chance meet with all the princes and emissaries so he wasn't too familiar with the surroundings. He just let [Black Tornado]do its thing and follow the smell of Hershzen.

This quickly alerted the guests who were staying here.

"Who dares to cause trouble here?"

"How dare you, His Highness is already asleep, do you want to die?"

"Arrest him..."

A series of high pitched angry shouts sounded from the building on both sides of the street. However, Fei and the dog were too fast; normal people couldn't tell what was happening at all. They could only feel a wind blowing through them as the booming sounds passed by. Some star ranked warriors and mages saw what was happening, but the sensation that the man and the dog emitted extinguished their curiosity and will to follow.

After chasing another two hundred yards, Hershzen traveled into a large stone building and stopped escaping.

"It looks like we found the source."

Fei rode the dog and they jumped over the four-yard high wall easily. After getting into the yard of the building, many guards rushed out and surrounded them, but the most powerful warrior among them was only a one-star warrior. Under the enormous, ocean-like sensation Fei emitted, all of them had trouble standing there and breathing; none of them could yell or stop Fei.

"Bark! Bark! Bark!"

The dog sniffed and started barking at a location in the stone building.

With a smile, his eyes focused on Pierce.