
Haikyuu SI Hinata

A very normal man gets reincarnated as his favourite character with 2 interesting abilities, wonder what could happen?

Aun_Aqeel · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs


Hello, my name is Nathan. I'm what you call a quite normal human being. I have amazing parents, I have good grades, I have amazing friends and I'm 19 years old, I'm 6'0 with nice black hair has some nice orange eyes.

I really love my orange eyes, most people get weirded out when looking at them but they get used to it.

Overall, I can't find fault in my life even with my love for anime. Of course many people love anime but I love it a lot more. The anime I love the most is Haikyuu. I just love that show, there is so much to love about, from the characters to the animation, its just really good.

Well, I was walking one day back home from school. The new episode of Haikyuu came out today and I just had to watch it. Of course I could just read the manga but I want to finish the show first then I will read the manga. While I was rushing home, I got to a cross road where, I so some old man crossing the street, very normal right, till I saw a massive lorry going at high speeds straight at a old man. I don't know why I did it but I ran and pushed the old man away and let myself get hit.


I was hit very hard. I was dying. I could strangely feel it somehow. I could hear some screams mainly being 'call an ambulance' though from the enclosing darkness I could tell that it wasn't going to work though it seems fine to me, the darkness is weirdly comforting.

Silence, that was all there was, I had no idea how long I was there for, I just couldn't tell. I began thinking about my life, as I mentioned I had a good life but there are some things I regretted mainly never having a girlfriend. WAIT, wait a damn minute, I missed the newest episode of Haikyuu shit shit shit! I shouted in my head. Then suddenly I hear a voice.

"Are you done yet?" the voice asks

I stop. "uh, hello who are you?" I ask.

"oh who am I, I'm just your average normal person" it states in a jovial voice.

"ah okay, so your some kind of god who will reincarnate me for some purpose, like to defeat some demon lord or something" I reply to the voice.

"uh, no well yes kinda, I am going to reincarnate you however there is no 'demon lord' to defeat kid, why would there be, I'm fucking God. Why would there even be something that could kill me or hell even if it did exist why would I create or allow something that could harm me to exist." it replies back to me.

"Fair enough, ye that makes sense. So what are the options of this reincarnation?" I ask

"Well, you get to choose what world you reincarnate into and you get to choose 2 wishes." it explains.

"Wait really so any world at all?" I ask

"Yep any world, but no godlike ability okay" it replies.

"Okay give me a couple of minutes to think about it" I state. After 20 minutes of deliberating I came to my chose. "I chose to reincarnate as Hinata Shoyo from Haikyuu, specifically, after his loss against Kageyama." I tell him.

"Fine, what are your wishes?" it asks.

"I wish for the ability to enter the Zone from Kuroko no Basuke and I wish to have Kise's Perfect Copy ability." I explain.

"Well I guess that's fine. Get ready I'm going to send you." It explains.

"I'm ready whenever you are, actually WAIT!" I exclaim

"What" it replies.

"I never got your name, what is your name?" I ask. It started laughing.

"HA HA HA HA, my my oh my after years of reincarnating people they have never asked for my name, well young one I'll tell you my name and because you have asked me that question I will allow one extra wish, but that wish better not be over the top okay." It tells me.

"Okay, well for the extra wish could I have greater intelligence?" I asked.

" Intelligence? Well okay that's fine also my name is Akashi and goodbye." It relies as my world starts spinning and the light consumed me. 'Well here we go.'