
Haikyuu: A Twin's Choice

In a vibrant high school community, Aubert Hiro was an incredibly talented and passionate volleyball player, destined for greatness. However, a pivotal match shattered his dreams when he failed to receive a crucial spike, leading to a heartbreaking loss and overwhelming blame from his teammates. Devastated, Aubert Hiro left volleyball behind and discovered solace in tennis, drawn to its distinct challenges and a desire to distance himself from his painful past. With innate athleticism and unwavering determination, he honed his skills and found purpose on the tennis court. While immersed in the captivating anime series "Haikyuu!" centered around volleyball, Hiro's love for the sport reignited, but it was still not enough for him to play volleyball again. Years of relentless dedication led him to become a tennis legend, but tragedy struck when his life was cut short. Reincarnated as Shoyou Hinata's older twin brother, Aubert faced a life-altering choice: Should he embrace volleyball or reclaim his past as a tennis legend? ============================================ Disclaimer: This fanfiction is based on the Haikyuu!! series by Haruichi Furudate. It is a creative interpretation and not intended for commercial use. Reader discretion is advised as it may deviate from canon and contain mature themes. The original characters and settings belong to their respective creators.

WeighingSwing_35 · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs


After giving their club application, Daichi told them that there would be a 3v3 match to determine their skills with 2 other first years.

The trio walked through the school's hallways, the tension from their earlier confrontation and exchange of skills still lingering in the air. Shoyo was in the middle, and both Kageyama and Sora flanked him, but the silence between them was palpable.

As they continued down the corridor, Sora eventually reached the point where he had to split off to his assigned classroom. He gave Shoyo a reassuring smile and ignored Kageyama before parting ways.

"Good luck in your class, Shoyo," Sora said with a wink, trying to ease the awkwardness.

Shoyo nodded, returning the smile. "You too, Aniki. See you later."

Sora then turned to Kageyama and made a "tch!" sound.

Sora's "tch!" sound and the dismissive gesture didn't go unnoticed by Kageyama, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration.

With a wave, Sora turned down a different hallway, leaving Shoyo and Kageyama to continue their journey to their respective classrooms.

After a while, Sora now stood outside the 1-4 classroom, gazing at the door with a contemplative expression.

"So, this is where they've placed me," he thought to himself.

Sora possessed the academic prowess to qualify for class 5, a tier reserved for students aiming for college admission. However, given his intentions of not pursuing higher education, it made sense that he found himself assigned to class 4 instead.

"Hey, you're blocking the way," Sora heard a voice behind him.

Sora's thoughts were interrupted by a voice from behind him. He turned around to find two familiar faces:

Kei Tsukishima, is a tall and lean young man with sharp features, tousled blond hair, and a perpetual air of indifference in his narrow, calculating eyes. He sported the standard school uniform, making him appear both casually stylish and distant.

Beside Tsukishima stood Tadashi Yamaguchi, who had grayish-green hair with a flyaway piece of hair sticking up at the top. He has large eyes with small, amber-colored pupils. Yamaguchi had a softer, more approachable demeanor.

Sora's eyes widened with realization. 'Oh yeah! I forgot you two are in class four!' he thought to himself.

Yamaguchi, ever polite, chimed in, "Tsukki, you shouldn't be rude."

Tsukishima, however, responded with his usual nonchalance. "Shut up, Yamaguchi."

Yamaguchi lowered his head slightly. "Sorry, Tsukki."

Sora saw this as the perfect opportunity to build a friendship with them, considering they would be classmates for the entire year.

With a warm and welcoming smile, Sora extended his hand and initiated the introduction. "Since we're going to be classmates, let's introduce ourselves properly," he began. "I'm Sora Hinata, nice to meet you both!"

Tsukishima, on the other hand, simply regarded Sora with a cool, detached expression, not immediately reciprocating the introduction.

The lack of response from Tsukishima created an awkward atmosphere, leaving Sora and Yamaguchi in an uncomfortable silence.

Feeling the tension and wanting to ease the awkwardness, Yamaguchi extended his hand toward Sora with a small, nervous smile. "N-Nice to meet you, I'm Tadashi Yamaguchi," he stammered, finally introducing himself.

Sora's face lit up with a friendly grin as he shook Yamaguchi's hand enthusiastically. "Nice to meet you too, Yamaguchi!" he replied warmly. "Looking forward to being classmates."

Tsukishima, still maintaining his air of indifference, finally spoke up with a hint of curiosity. "What's the 'Ice King' doing in this common school?" he asked, his tone carrying a touch of skepticism.

Sora arched an eyebrow in surprise, while Yamaguchi's eyes widened at Tsukishima's remark.

"T-Tsukki, you shouldn't be rude," Yamaguchi chided softly.

Tsukishima, as unapologetic as ever, responded with a curt, "Shut up, Yamaguchi."

Amused by the "Ice King" reference, Sora couldn't help but quip, "Ice King? I'm sorry, I think you've got the wrong guy. If there's a king here, it's Tobio Kageyama." He flashed a playful grin, trying to lighten the mood.

Tsukishima gave a subtle, wry smile at Sora's response. "I knew who he was, but you're definitely the 'Ice King' of Tennis," he remarked, acknowledging the reputation that preceded him.

Sora heard many people referring to him as the title "Ice King" of Tennis due to his remarkable ability to maintain a calm and composed demeanor on the tennis court, regardless of the intensity of the match. His reputation had spread across the tennis community because of his unflinching focus and exceptional skills, even under pressure.

Rather than taking it as an insult, Sora embraced the nickname with pride. To him, it was a testament to his mental strength and his ability to perform at his best when it mattered most. He found it cool to have a title that reflected his poise and expertise in the sport.

Sora was well aware that Tsukishima was attempting to provoke a reaction from him. However, he remained unfazed, recognizing the intention behind the "Ice King" comment and choosing not to rise to the bait.

"Long story short, I earned a scholarship to attend this school," Sora explained, a genuine smile gracing his face, reflecting his contentment and pride in his achievements.

Tsukishima's reaction remained fairly neutral, as was typical for him. He nodded in acknowledgment, acknowledging Sora's response without displaying any particular emotion.

Tsukishima, in an unusual display of goodwill, extended his hand towards Sora. "I'm Kei Tsukishima," he introduced himself, his tone slightly more cordial than before.

Sora and Yamaguchi both broke into smiles, their happiness evident. Yamaguchi was pleased to see Tsukishima being more amiable, while Sora could not contain his delight at having forged a connection with one of his favorite characters in real life.

Sora warmly shook Tsukishima's hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Sora Hinata," he greeted with genuine enthusiasm, appreciating the opportunity to connect with a fellow classmate.

The sudden interruption by a teacher drew the trio's attention. They turned around to find the instructor.

"Class is starting soon, get inside," the teacher instructed, prompting Sora, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi to quickly make their way to the classroom.



As Kageyama and Shoyo walked together, Kageyama couldn't help but broach the topic that had been on his mind. "Hinata, why does your brother hate me?" he asked genuine curiosity in his voice.

Shoyo paused, adopting a thoughtful pose as he considered how to explain it. "I think it's because of what happened last year in the volleyball match," he replied, his memory flashing back to the heated conversation between Sora and Kageyama during their first encounter.

"But he was creepily staring at me!" Kageyama added with a hint of exasperation, clearly still perplexed by Sora's strong reaction.

Shoyo pondered Kageyama's question before offering his perspective. "Maybe it was the way you called him out on it?" he suggested gently.

Kageyama looked puzzled. "What do you mean? I was politely asking him," he defended himself, not quite understanding where he had gone wrong.

"Uhh... I don't think it sounded polite from Aniki's point of view," he admitted, recalling the intense exchange between Sora and Kageyama during their first meeting.

Indeed, Kageyama had been quite forceful in demanding answers from Sora, which might have come across as confrontational rather than polite.

"I think it's a good idea for one of us to ask him about it," Shoyo suggested. "This is the first time I've seen Aniki so hard to read, too."

Kageyama nodded in silent agreement, acknowledging Shoyo's suggestion as they continued their walk, both pondering the best way to approach the situation with Sora.


Lunch Time...

Lunchtime had arrived, and Sora retrieved the club application for the Tennis Club.

As he prepared to leave, Yamaguchi called out to him. "Hey, Sora-san, do you want to eat lunch with us?"

Sora turned to see Yamaguchi and Tsukishima, the latter looking somewhat disinterested but still waiting nearby.

"I can't, I'm sorry," Sora replied regretfully, displaying the club application for the Tennis Club. "I'm heading to the tennis court to apply for the tennis club."

Yamaguchi smiled understandingly, even though he couldn't hide a hint of disappointment. "No problem, Sora-san," he said. "Good luck with your tennis club application. If you change your mind, feel free to join us."

Sora returned Yamaguchi's smile appreciatively. "Thanks, Yamaguchi. I appreciate it," he replied before heading out of the classroom.

Tsukishima's gaze followed Sora's departing figure with mild interest, a flicker of curiosity dancing in his eyes before he returned to his usual aloof demeanor.


Sora finally located the Karasuno Tennis Court, a typical Japanese high school tennis facility. It had a smooth green playing surface, surrounding fencing, a regulation net, and some bench seating, and was often surrounded by trees or greenery for a pleasant ambiance.

Sora entered the court area, hoping to find someone around, but to his disappointment, it was empty.

Sora couldn't help but mutter to himself in frustration, "Man, why did I come here during lunchtime?"

"Ice King?!"

Sora was startled by the sudden shout from behind, causing him to let out an unintentional "AH!" in surprise.

He quickly turned around, his gaze locking onto an attractive individual standing at 5'9". This guy had short, sky-blue hair that accentuated his chiseled features, with sharp, piercing blue eyes that exuded an aura of intensity and charisma.

The attractive guy couldn't help but laugh at Sora's startled reaction, while Sora, slightly embarrassed, scratched the back of his head in response.

"Sorry, about that," The guy said, finally managing to stifle his laughter. He then shifted his focus back to Sora with curiosity. "Anyway, what is the famous Ice King doing here?" he inquired, a hint of amusement still playing on his lips.

"Well..." Sora began, taking out the club application form and presenting it with a confident smile. "I'm here to join the Tennis Club."

The guy's smile widened in a warm and welcoming manner. "Great! Welcome to the club!" he exclaimed, extending a friendly greeting to Sora.

Sora was surprised to find out that he was already accepted into the club.

"Wait, do I have to... you know, prove myself in a match or something?" Sora inquired, seeking clarification about the requirements for joining the Tennis Club

The guy shook his head. "Nah, your reputation in the Tennis World is enough," he assured Sora. "Besides, the club needs more members. We currently have 3, and that includes you."

Sora was taken aback by the revelation that there were only three members in the Tennis Club. "Why are there only three of us?" he inquired, curious about the club's small size.

The guy shrugged, explaining, "Well, it's been a bit tough recruiting new members recently. Tennis hasn't been as popular as some of the other sports clubs. But we're hoping to change that, starting with you!" He flashed a hopeful smile, indicating his enthusiasm for the club's future with Sora on board.

Sora, feeling a bit unsure about the situation, simply replied, "Uhh... okay?" It seemed like he had some reservations about the club's current state and the responsibility that came with trying to boost its popularity.

"Anyway, since it's unfair that I know your name, I'm going to tell you mine," the guy remarked with a chuckle. He cleared his throat and extended his hand in a friendly gesture. "I'm Hideo Oujiyama, the current club leader and a second-year student in Karasuno, nice to meet you, Hinata."

Sora shook Hideo's hand with a friendly smile. "Nice to meet you too, Senpai," he replied warmly, appreciating the gesture and the chance to get to know his new clubmate.

"By the way, Senpai, I also joined the Volleyball club. So, my schedule might be whack." Sora admitted.

Hideo raised an eyebrow, mildly surprised by Sora's additional commitment. "Oh, you joined the Volleyball club as well?" he remarked. "How are you going to manage that?"

Fortunately, Sora already planned before coming to school. "Well, I plan to play Tennis on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, while Volleyball will be the rest of the weekdays."

Hideo nodded in understanding. "That sounds like a well-thought-out plan," he acknowledged. "It's great that you're so dedicated to both sports. We'll do our best to support you in the Volleyball club, even on your busy days with Tennis." He smiled, appreciating Sora's commitment to both activities.


Time Skip

As the school day came to a close, the setting sun painted the Karasuno High School campus in warm hues of orange and red. The sky was streaked with wisps of golden clouds, casting a serene and picturesque backdrop to the buildings and trees.

The school courtyard was bathed in the soft, fading light, and students bustled about, heading to their respective club activities or making their way home. The tranquil beauty of the sunset created a sense of calm and unity among the students as they went about their day.

Since it was Tuesday, Sora had his sights set on the volleyball gymnasium. He rose from his seat, gathering his belongings as he prepared for the volleyball club later.

With his belongings neatly packed, Sora exited the classroom and made his way through the school corridors. The soft glow of the sunset bathed the hallways in a warm, welcoming light as he headed toward the volleyball gymnasium.

As Sora approached the volleyball gymnasium, he noticed that the sliding doors were already open. With each step he took, the familiar sounds of shoes squeaking on the polished gym floor grew louder.

"It seems someone is already playing," Sora muttered to himself as he stepped inside the gymnasium.

As he entered, he was greeted by the sight of Kageyama skillfully setting the ball to Shoyo, who launched himself into the air and delivered a powerful spike.


The ball descended with incredible speed and precision, landing squarely on the opposite court. The resounding impact filled the gymnasium, a testament to the intense practice session in progress.

"I told you I improved!" Shoyo exclaimed, a triumphant grin on his face as he turned to Kageyama.

Shoyo's triumphant declaration was met with a typical Kageyama response. "That was slow! Move faster!" Kageyama critiqued, his competitive spirit shining through as he pushed Shoyo to continually enhance his performance.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" Shoyo exclaimed in mock exasperation, though there was a playful glint in his eyes.

Sora quietly observed the interaction between Kageyama and Shoyo. "It seems me being here also changed the way they interact," he mused to himself, noting the camaraderie and constructive feedback instead of the heated arguments he might have expected based on their reputation from the manga.

Sora's gaze swept across the gymnasium, confirming that the other members of the volleyball club hadn't arrived yet.

"Aniki, watch out!" Sora heard Shoyo's warning, snapping him into alertness.

He swiftly tracked the incoming volleyball, ready to make the catch. However, just as he reached out to grab it, he found himself surprised as someone else intercepted the ball, snatching it from the air before it could reach him.

The one who caught the volleyball was none other than Kei Tsukishima. He stood there, calmly bouncing the ball in his hands, his characteristic stoic expression giving away nothing about his thoughts or intentions.

"Nice catch, Tsukki!" Sora heard Yamaguchi's voice as he entered the gymnasium, acknowledging Tsukishima's swift and precise interception of the volleyball.

'When did they arrive?!' Sora thought to himself, surprised at Tsukishima and Yamaguchi's sudden appearance.

Shoyo and Kageyama quickly ran near Sora with worried looks on their faces.

"Aniki, are you okay?!" Shoyo asked with genuine concern, reaching out to touch Sora's face and inspect for any signs of injuries. The memory of the traumatic nightmare from months ago still haunted him, making him extra cautious when it came to the well-being of his older brother.

Sora let out a sigh and gently took hold of both of Shoyo's hands. "I'm fine, Shoyo," he reassured his twin, offering a warm smile to ease any lingering worries. "Just be careful next time."

As Tsukishima observed the interactions between Sora and Shoyo, he couldn't help but notice how Sora's protective and caring attitude toward his twin reminded him of his own older brother. The way Sora looked out for Shoyo and reassured him resonated with Tsukishima on a personal level, evoking memories of his sibling taking care of him in a similar fashion.

Tsukihishima couldn't help but respect Sora.

Tsukishima's smirk remained firmly in place as he turned his attention to Kageyama and posed the question. "So, what's the King doing here?" His words carried a hint of malice, and it was evident that he was relishing the opportunity to tease or provoke his fellow teammate in some way.

"What?" Kageyama scowled in response to Tsukishima's teasing question. Dealing with Sora earlier in the morning had been challenging enough, and now he found himself confronted by a person he had never met before. The accumulation of these encounters was starting to wear on him.

First, in the morning, he had to deal with Sora. Now, he has to deal with a person he never met before.

Shoyo leaned in closer to Sora's ear and whispered, "Oh god, there's another one," expressing his own exasperation at the situation.

Tsukishima then also looked at the Sora and Shoyo. "This match on Saturday, I know it's an important match for you all. But it's nothing for us."

"What?" Shoyo inquired.

"I don't care if we win or lose," Tskushima's then gave a close smile, "If you need to win, we'll go easy on you."

Kageyama and Shoyo felt offended by Tsukishima's attitude, their competitive nature pushing them to prove themselves despite his indifference.

Sora, who had read the manga and knew Tsukishima's character, was unsurprised by his initial apathy, understanding that this was just the beginning of his development.

"Whether or not you take it easy, I'm still going to win." Kageyama shot back, his glare unwavering.

Shoyo quickly corrected Kageyama, saying, "You mean us!"

Tsukishima chuckled. "Such confidence, a true king indeed!"

Kageyama scowled. "Tch! Don't call me that-"

Before Kageyama could respond, Sora covered Kageyama's mouth. "Okay! That's enough!" His actions made others surprised.

Sora already knew what was about to happen in this scene and decided to just stop it. Besides, he already teased Kageyama earlier in the morning, so he just wanted to make Kageyama rest...for now.

"Tsukishima, I would like you to know that you're not allowed to do that here," Sora said. His tone is firm but not confrontational.

Kageyama was surprised that Sora decided to help him even though he had been insulted by Sora earlier in the morning. Did Sora have a change of heart?

Before he could respond, Sora added with a hint of humor. "The only one who is allowed to bully Kageyama is me!"


Tsukishima couldn't resist making a remark, a trace of amusement in his tone. "Well, it appears the Ice King and I share a certain understanding."

Sora chuckled and nodded, saying, "Agreed."

From Shoyo, Kageyama, and Yamaguchi's perspective, it almost seemed as though Sora and Tsukishima had sprouted devil horns, with flames of determination blazing behind them.

The sight sent shivers down Shoyo and Yamaguchi's spines. They couldn't help but feel relieved that they had strong bonds with one of them. However, Kageyama, couldn't share in their relief, as he knew he was not on the best terms with either of them.

Shoyo turned his gaze towards Kageyama and silently mouthed the words, "I'm sorry, Kageyama."

Tsukishima then looked at Kageyama and Shoyo again. "Anyways, as I was saying before, we're going to beat the King on Saturday."

Tsukishima lofted the ball high into the air, and to the astonishment of everyone present (except for Sora, who anticipated it), Shoyo soared into the air, snatching the ball with incredible agility and precision.

As Shoyo landed, a determined glint in his eyes, he addressed Tsukishima directly. "You talk about the King. But don't forget about me! I'll also get you back!"

Tsukishima was taken aback by Shoyo's unexpected challenge. "What?" he exclaimed, not expecting such a bold response.

Shoyo couldn't help but feel a hint of intimidation, but he was far from backing down. He casually dropped the ball and threw a challenging gesture. "What's your deal? You itching for a fight?" he questioned, his confidence shining through.

Sora's eyes widened in surprise at Shoyo's hand gesture. He had encouraged his twin to be more confident, but he hadn't anticipated that Shoyo would take it to this level of confrontation.

Luckily, Tsukishima brushed Shoyo off and smiled at him. "Don't take it so seriously. Let's enjoy ourselves." He then continued. "Besides, it's just a club activity."

"Just a club activity?"

"That's right. See you," Tsukishima reiterated before he and Yamaguchi began to make their way out of the gym.

However, Shoyo couldn't contain his curiosity and called after them. "Wait, who are you?" he asked.

The two turned around, and Tsukishima introduced themselves. "Kei Tsukishima, first year, class four," he began, with Yamaguchi following, "I'm Tadashi Yamaguchi."

"We're your new teammates. Wait, opponents," Tsukishima corrected himself, his tone carrying a hint of amusement. "I look forward to the King's toss," he added, acknowledging Kageyama's skills as a setter.

"Bye," Yamaguchi bid farewell as they exited the gym.

Sora couldn't help but offer a comment on the situation. "Well," he remarked with a hint of amusement, "that just happened."

He couldn't help but reflect on the difference between witnessing the scene in person and experiencing it through the pages of a manga or the screen of an anime. It was a reminder of the unique and unpredictable nature of real-life interactions, even when they involved familiar characters from stories.

"Those two are really obnoxious!" Shoyo couldn't help but express his frustration with Tsukishima. Their unexpected encounter had left quite an impression on him.

Shoyo's determination flared up as he looked at both Sora and Kageyama. "Aniki, Kageyama, let's practice! I'm even more hyped up to beat them now!" His competitive spirit had been ignited by the encounter with their new teammates/opponents, and he was eager to channel that energy into their practice.

"Sure," Sora agreed with a casual shrug of his shoulders. "You two go ahead with your practice while I warm up," Sora decided, ready to prepare himself physically for the upcoming training session.


Yamaguchi quickly chased after Tsukishima, sensing something was bothering him. "What's wrong, Tsukki?" he asked with concern.

Tsukishima sighed, his usual stoic demeanor faltering slightly. "I don't like overly passionate players," he admitted. "Neither the King nor that shorter Tangerine." His aversion to players with intense passion and enthusiasm was evident, and it left Yamaguchi feeling concerned for his friend.

His thoughts then wandered about Sora. There was something about Sora that made Tsukihsima feel like he wanted to protect. "There's also him, he's making me feel weird."


As Sugawara and Tanaka made their way toward the gymnasium, they began to hear the familiar sounds of shoe squeaks echoing from inside the building.

"Someone's practicing already," Sugawara muttered as they continued to approach the gymnasium.

Upon entering the gym, Sugawara and Tanaka witnessed the ongoing practice. Kageyama skillfully set the ball to Shoyo, who executed a powerful spike. Sora, with his agility, effortlessly received the spike.

Kageyama prepared to set another ball, but the comments about being the "king" from both Sora and Tsukishima continued to replay in his mind, creating a momentary distraction. As a result, he accidentally set the ball too high, making it challenging for Shoyo to execute a successful spike. The mental pressure seemed to have affected his precision momentarily.

"Kageyama, the ball was a bit too high," Shoyo pointed out, his tone polite but with a hint of concern.

"Oh, sorry," Kageyama apologized, his tone reflecting his self-directed frustration. His intense gaze made Shoyo shiver, emphasizing the seriousness with which he took his role as the team's setter.

Shoyo couldn't help but reflect on the changes in his demeanor since interacting with Sora and Tsukishima earlier. He had become noticeably more nervous and self-conscious during practice.

Shoyo's gaze shifted across the net to where Sora was positioned. Sora quickly picked up on Shoyo's stare and couldn't help but question it.

"Why are you looking at me like I murdered someone?" Sora asked with a bemused expression, unsure of the reason behind Shoyo's intense scrutiny.

Shoyo pointed toward Kageyama, who was in the process of picking up a volleyball. Sora, noticing the gesture, raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"What? You want me to apologize?" Sora questioned, a hint of playful incredulity in his tone.

Shoyo nodded with a smile, conveying his request.

Sora let out a sigh of mock exasperation. "Okay, fine," he conceded with a good-natured grin, understanding that Shoyo wanted to defuse any tension or nervousness that had arisen during practice.

Sora recognized that it had been enough teasing directed at Kageyama. He was aware that Kageyama didn't have the easiest past, and it was important not to push too far or create unnecessary discomfort for his teammate.

As Sora's thoughts settled, he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of guilt. He questioned himself, thinking, "What was I thinking?" It dawned on him that he had been aware of Kageyama's challenging backstory and the difficulties he had faced. Despite this knowledge, he had still insulted Kageyama earlier. The realization weighed on him, and he felt genuine remorse for his actions.

Sora decided to take action on his feelings of guilt and approached Kageyama under the net. He called out to him with a more serious tone, saying, "Hey, Kageyama."

Kageyama couldn't help but shudder slightly, his expectation bracing for another round of Sora's mockery. However, he found himself surprised when he faced Sora, who had a different demeanor altogether.

Sora took a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking sincerely to Kageyama. "I'm sorry about what happened earlier this morning," he apologized, expressing genuine remorse for his previous actions.

Kageyama, who had anticipated a more hostile encounter, was genuinely taken aback by Sora's apology. He had initially assumed it would take much longer to establish any kind of friendly terms with Sora.

With a hint of surprise and gratitude in his voice, Kageyama replied, "Uh, sure," keeping his response concise but conveying his appreciation for Sora's apology and his own willingness to move past their earlier discord.

Sora smiled softly and extended his hand as a symbol of friendship and a fresh start. "Let's start over. I'm Sora Hinata, first year, class four. Nice to meet you," he introduced himself warmly.

Kageyama's earlier tension seemed to ease as he accepted Sora's hand and shook it firmly. "I'm Tobio Kageyama, also a first-year in class two. Nice to meet you too," he replied with a more relaxed demeanor, ready to move past.

Sugawara and Tanaka exchanged smiles as they observed the exchange between Sora and Kageyama.

"Character development," Tanaka commented, appreciating the growth and positive change they were witnessing in their teammates.