

The story follows Akimitsu, a student who is desperately trying to to make his ends meet in a time when Japan is at its worst and faces severe crisis but everything takes a turn for the worst when he survives a deadly encounter with his long lost brother and learns a secret which may set to change the course of his life;he isn't a human but something else entirely:he is a monster

Hadie_Khan · ファンタジー
39 Chs

Back At Home

''Fumiko's definitely gonna ask about it''

Akimitsu told Ahihito with a worried expression.

''Relax, tell her you got into some boy problem.I'm sure she'll understand" Ahihito reassured him" and stop whining already You've been complaining about it for an hour"

To Akmitsu's relief,he had gotten a week off.The only time he was home was when he had to sleep.Now he could relax for some time.

''Here's your stop.You know what ?Put a good word for me to Fumiko' 'Ahihito teased his friend with a smirk.

''Enough of it Ahihito,Get lost" he shouted at him before he drove off "He seriously gets on my nerves,that moron''

It was true that he was an ass but they had both saved each other's life couple of times.Akimitsu couldn't trust anyone else.

He stood outside his house. It wasn't big but it was hard to get a house in these troubled times when there was this economic crisis in Japan.

It all started 16 years ago when yakuzas started to emerge and everything went downhill.The numbers grew and so did their manforce. Majority of people lived in slums and streets .

He was lucky to have even this house and since he was known around the neighborhood, nobody even tried to damage his property.

He opened his door and took a peek into the living room.He saw Fumiko watching some movie.

He could see her face from the tv light.

Akimitsu wanted to go upstairs quietly.

It was because he was scared of her and he also didn't want her to worry about his broken arm.

He was almost upstairs and he hoped it wouldn't creak at the stairs but it was bad luck for him that day.

And it did creak.He looked down at the stairs and heard her coming toward the stairs.

"Who the hell is over there.You did a..."

His heart skipped a beat.

He saw her at the stairs holding a knife in her hand.

She must've recognized him because she lowered the knife.

''For God's sake,tell me are you doing drugs these days .Your so...oh my god.What happened to your arm?"her tone changed.

.All the anger he saw in her face was replaced with worriness.

He hated making her worried because she had already gone through a lot.

''What happened to your shoulder.Is it ok?''Akimitsu didn't know what to say.

''Let me have a good look.You know I work in the hospital.I can help'' she made him sit come down and sit on the sofa.

Fumiko used to work part time as a nurse.She certainly knew what she was doing.

As much as he wanted to say no,he wanted to be close to her.

She took off the bandages a little bit and asked if it hurt.

''A little bit''he replied.

She put his arm back down and then wrapped it from top to bottom.

''What in the God's name were u doing?.It's a gunshot wound.You could have died.Why do u have to do such things?Tell me what would I have done then...'' she said sobbing.

''I don't wanna lose you too'',she said crying.

''Hey listen,no matter what happens I'm not gonna leave u okay?Iam never gonna let anyone harm you.As for this wound,I'll tell you later.Not right now please''.

''You know you are special to me right?''she wasn't looking at him but he knew she meant it.

Plus she had never said something like this to him.

"Was he special to her?"that thought went through his head.

He must've been blushing because she was looking at him.

She chuckled at him,which made him blush even more.She cleaned his wound and wrapped the bandage on it.

"Ok,Akimitsu I am going to sleep.See you later" she waved a goodbye at him.

"Hey,if you wanna talk,I am here okay?"he told her.He didn't want her to feel like she was alone.

"And i thought I was the one taking care of you,Akimitsu. If I need something.I'll tell you,ok?"she told him and went off to her room.

Akimitsu's arm wasn't gonna be okay for a few weeks.

He then started to think about his and Fumiko's past.

It was terrible.He first met her when he visited her with his mom.They had a lot of fun those days.They were just kids with normal lives.

But soon everything turned upside down.

Fumiko's mom dies of some disease.

Since she didn't have anyone to take care of her,Akimitsu's mom took her in.

He still remembered his mom telling him to take care of her no matter what.

But he wasn't gonna take care of her cuz his mom said so.

He was gonna take care of her because he himself wanted to.

A few months after that his mother also died.It was like she knew she was gonna die


Some time later,Fumiko's father came and had them thrown out of the house.

Fortunately,he still had that ring of his mom's and in those unfortunate times it cost a lot.

He didn't want to sell it but what choice did he have?

He remembered livin in the streets for a few days with Fumiko.It was the worst thing that had ever happened to them.

Fumiko was an independent girl and skilled in everything but he was gonna protect her over his life.

That was one thing he was never gonna compromise over.

''Hi guys! So this is my first fanfiction.Sorry for writing so late but I'll be updating atleast once in every four days.Thanks for supporting me.

This work entirely belongs to me and is not to be published without my consent on any website.Its only available on wattpad and webnovel.Pls inform me if its somewhere else.Thank you.

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