
chapter 8


Six years goes by and Johnny had become both an Olympic and world super heavyweight champion at three hundred and thirty pounds. He was less than four percent body fat, while being in the on-season. Johnny was a little sad that his family hadn't come to the Olympics this year.

He spoke to himself,"It is not like them to not call me, when at least one person from the family can't come to see me compete. No one would answer any of their phones for that matter. I have decided to not take my paid vacation this year and go straight home. I have got to know what is going on with them. It makes me nervous for such a long time between phone calls."


It had been several years and Jopo, Funky Mumkey, and Wildrun had not found Johnny. They were afraid that the real members of the five families would find that they allowed someone with some of the mafia's trade secrets to leave without been murdered in exchange. It was blood in and blood out, when it comes to joining and leaving the mafia. The only exception to that rule was that you were too broken down to work for the family. Some of the such mafia members were called back to do tasks, as was needed.

The trio of associates would not have any quarter from the Corbello family that they were working for. All the money that Jopo, Wildrun, and Funky Mumkey, but what they skim off the top.

If the crime family would investigate them, it would come out to what they had been doing to cheat the mafia. They would sleeping with the fishes, if they didn't rid themselves of the escapee in a short manner. It was a miracle that the mafia had not found out about it already.

Wildrun was laying on the old cum stained couch watching the Olympic events half paying attention, when his spit comes flying out of his mouth.

Jopo spoke,"What is your problem, you slut! You are supposed to swallow, like a good hooker.

Isn't that right, my stoner friend?"

Mumkey spoke,"Yeah, dude! I beat the last slut that did that to me. You can't waste the man

milk, like that! It just isn't right!"

Wildrun stood up and yelled,"It is the brat on TV! We found him that son of a dog loving whore!"

Jopo spoke,"Quit your bull crap, Wildrun!"

Mumkey put his joint down in a run over ash tray and walked over to get a good look at the TV

screen. His jaw hit the floor, when he looked at the picture.

Mumkey spoke,"Is it the opium or is that same brat all grown up and built, like a hummer?"

Wildrun spoke,"It is him alright, he has that the same scar over his left eye. He has the same fierce look on his face, when he was serious as a boy."

Jopo spoke,"You are both high and drunk! Remind that mother and let me see it with my own eyes!"

They rewinded the video and it was Johnny alright standing in a wrestling singlet with a gold metal wrapped around his muscled neck.

Johnny was given a chance to speak and he grabbed the microphone out of the interviewer's


"I would like to thank my Momma, back at my hometown in Redwater, one hundred miles away from Dirty City. She runs the local We are a Family Orphanage, along with five of the sweetest ladies in the entire. She saved me from being a mafia goon. Those Corbello punks ought to be put in

their places for allowing those three associates. The sissies are named Jopo, Wildrun, and Funky Mumkey and they abused me in every way possible. They made me do things that would make a

hooker blush."

The interviewer tried to take the mike from Johnny, but was pushed unto his back for his interference.

Johnny spoke,"Guy, don't try to do that again, since I will break your pencil neck! I was forced

to have all my holes filled with things that still make sick just thinking about it. They worked for the

Corbello crime family and they branded me, like I was an animal. I wish that I could kill everyone

of those pieces of cow dung! I would do it in front of their toddlers and wives. I would like to behead all the bosses and barbecue their meat to their family, while I am wearing their skin!"

The microphone cut off, as Johnny stormed off to get back home.

The announcer spoke,"Oh, what words does our gold medalist have! Let us go to the other

weight class's award ceremony."

Back at the national sponsored hotel, Johnny went to his room to get clean up, for his return back home. He has his clothes lined out and then he dressed into his simple street clothes. He goes to

the closet to get the dress clothes, he wore to the press conference leading up to the event. He opened the door and someone jumps out at him with a butcher knife.

Johnny was taken by surprise as he struggled to keep from getting stabbed by some weirdo in a

rabbit suit.

Johnny spoke,"It is ether the infernal bunny man, or his cohort the serial rabbit! What the..."

The killer sliced Johnny on his face, which left a shallow cut on his right cheek.

Johnny grabbed the knife out of the assassin's hand, and stabbed the attacker in the neck.

The rabbit suited killer grabbed his neck out of pain, while Johnny punched him the jaw as hard

as he could.

The fiend was knocked down to the floor and soccer kicked countless times in the head.

Johnny spoke,"Your are helpless without your weapons and you know it!"

The killer grunted out of sheer pain that he was feeling.

The champion spoke,"How does it feel bunny man to get beat, by the better man.

The assassin shook his head in disagreement.

Johnny spoke,"You must be the serial rabbit then! Be prepared to get your arm snapped in two.

He put the rabbit into an arm bar and snapped his arm beyond what the surgeon could put back together.

The serial rabbit pulled out a flare gun from his unzipped top and fire it Johnny's face.

Johnny gets out of the way in time, as the flare gun goes right through the twenty-third floor window. The whole window glass was shattered by the attack. Johnny had got back to hid feet as the serial rabbit tackles him unto the broken shard of glasses, where the window glass, once was.

Johnny spoke,"let's find out how it feels to land on cement from out of a twenty-three window(at least two hundred and thirty feet). Tell me how it is, if you survive the fall!"

The gold medalist suplex him out of the window to the killer's death.

Johnny turned around to see that the rabbit assassin was gored by fifty foot flag pole, to his enjoyment.

He spoke,"If they are trying to get at me, then they will probably travel back home to get

home. I will wear my lucha mask that Fred had gotten me for a going away present to get on the plane without being notice on the way home."

Johnny got on the plane without any further incident.
