
Gun Wounds

In the city of Boston, meet the fabulous yet terrible fate of two men who met by chance. Linked by an everlasting love and surrounded by lies, do you think they will survive?

Bleakeas · 都市
18 Chs

Saved by a Goddess

Tonight, Sunday 4th.

When he noticed he had nothing else to do at Taradara's Night Club, he went back to the food service part to undress and get back to his real clothes. On his way back to Michael's place, his mind is empty and lost. He's quiet, jaded, pensive. He almost look invisible in the streets because of his lost look.

He arrives close to Michael's building and receives a text from Stella indicating various information on Tom Holmes. Roméo quickly reads them but decides to send a real report to Théo the next day, he is too exhausted and dizzy from the party that right now, he is not in his right state to do something right. He replies to Ally and enters Michael's building with only the envy of sleeping and fleeing from this awful situation he is in.

She chose to switch her job with Roméo's and now, she must take responsibility for her words. Alone in a hotel room especially made for sex and the worst kinks, what happens behind these walls remains behind these walls. Georges Dawkers arrives in this dark room where Stella was waiting for him. He sits on the bed and starts to graze Stella's skin gently yet in a perverted way. She feels disgust and hatred toward him and every men of his kind but that is the mission she chose to do. In the end, Stella closes her eyes and hopes this night will end soon. They are alone.

At the same time, Ally walks out the hotel she spent some hours in with Tom Holmes and wanders in the middle of the night, alone and slightly drunk. She walks in the streets surrounded by all sorts of citizens but isn't caring for any of them except.. that boy. She finds a boy, passed out and covered with bruises, in the middle of the sidewalk lying down among garbage cans and dust.

Although Ally is slightly drunk and not totally clear of mind, she feels a need to help this boy. He was ignored by every passerby around him, even glared by some and laughed at by others. It's like he was part of the scenery of the worst part of Boston, a center of attention and a source of pity, Ally couldn't leave him.

She picks him up and carries him in the night to a taxi. This taxi leads them to Ally's place, a lost equipped warehouse next to the docks of Downtown district. She puts his unconscious body on her couch and walks away. She undresses in her room, puts on more comfortable clothes, walks to her bathroom and brings medicines, bandages and ointment for his bruises.

While he was asleep, Ally tries to heal him as much as she could and reduce his pain to a minimum. Then, she stands up and walks to her kitchen to cook something for her and the unnamed boy she just rescued. Some minutes later, apprised by the smell of cooking, the boy slowly opens his eyes and starts to wake up.

- E-eh.. where am I..

Ally hears his voice and walks to the couch, she lays her arms on the top of the couch and stares at him from above.

- Yo! How was your dream, Sleeping Beauty?

- E-EH! W-who are..!

- That's my line. Who are you lost boy?

- I-I'm.. My name is Carl but, woah. Where am I? Why am I here?

- Well then Carl, I found you in the streets all bruised and passed out and I brought you to my place.

- W-why?..

- What do you mean "why"? As THE queen, I can't let such a cutie pie boy breathe one's last in these dirty streets all alone. Can I call your family to come pick you up?

- I don't really have.. I-I mean..

- Hm, don't wanna talk about it, huh? I understand. Well that's okay, I don't mind letting you crash at my place for a while, I feel lonely living here aaaall alone.

- W-where are we, M-miss?

- We are in Downtown district, I found this place inhabited years ago and decided to live here. By the way, my name's Ally Spellman young boy, no need to call me Miss.

- Thank you so much for your hospitality M-mis-- Ally. I-I'm Carl Horton.

Ally chuckles and pats gently Carl's hair.

- What a cute name!

Her tender smile is enough to make Carl at ease in this enormous equipped warehouse. That night, Carl got saved by a true Goddess even though he didn't noticed how lucky he was to meet such a woman on such a lonely night.

Roméo enters the apartment, he walks directly to the couch and collapses on it. He is exhausted and is running on empty, he thinks back on James' situation with Théo and David, he wonders if Stella managed to do her job, he's stressed about his next missions and finally, he is scared of not seeing his sister nor his country again. All of these thoughts are mixed in his brain, he is lost between fear and nervousness.

But then, even as exhausted as he is, he can't get to sleep, he can't close his eyes without thinking of what will happen next day. So he gets up, he turns on the living room TV and takes the remote control, he lays down the couch and covers himself with a warm blanket. For a while, he searches the best show to watch and finally finds a good and calm series to binge-watch during the rest of the night.

Attracted by the noises of the TV, Michael unlocks his bedroom's door and walks out of his room to go to his living room. He sees Roméo lying down the couch quietly and peacefully watching a series on the TV. Michael looks surprised to see him.

- So you're finally back.

Roméo raises his gaze to Michael and nods his head up and down.

- Too tired to talk?

Michael walks to the couch and pushes Roméo legs off the couch.

- Hey! What are you doing?

- I'm sitting on my couch, your legs took up all the space.

- E-eh? You want to watch that series with me..? I mean, I didn't think you'd..

- Sure, the sound of the TV woke me up and I can't get back to sleep. I guess that's why you're still up so late.

Roméo looks away and doesn't answer. He lets Michael sit on the couch and due to his presence, Roméo sits next to him and cover him with the blanket too. He turns his head away to hide his red face from Michael's sight.

As the episodes flashed up on the TV, Roméo started to let his head fall on Michael's shoulder and relax his body. His eyes were slowly closing by themselves but he remained awake. Michael sighs deeply and places his head above Roméo's.

-.. how was your mission?

-.. it was exhausting. I had a weird night.

- Nothing happened to you?

- I'm okay.. just tired. I learnt things I would have rather never hear of. So right now, I'm just lost.. and tired.

- If anything were to happen to you, tell me or text me right away. I will do something.

- Why..

- Hm?

- Why are you so concerned about me?.. Why so caring.. I'm just a random guy.. why..

- I.. don't really know. Why don't you push me away?

- I don't really know..

Roméo ends up hugging Michael's arm tightly as his eyes closed.

- Hold my hand, please..

Michael stays silent and execute Roméo's cute request, he holds his hand tightly all night long, he never let go of his hand. They both fell asleep on the couch as close as they could be.

"I don't know why but when I'm close to him, I just want him to touch me, to make me feel protected or just.. not alone. I like to hold his hand, I don't know why. I can't push him away, I don't know why. Why do I want him? I.. I don't know why." is what Roméo thought.

Next Chapter: Guests.