
Gun Evolver

Mark, an experienced soldier was transmigrated into the body of a young boy in a new world where Mages and Qi cultivators reign supreme, However, it seems like his fate was not tied down to this planet and the the resolution of getting stronger with the help of His mysterious soul artifact will lead him on an interesting journey through the universe. With a Gun in hand, He suppresses all races. Note: This is my first novel.

Duan_Ling_Tian_2381 · ファンタジー
37 Chs

Course selection

Mark parted ways with Jackson. and Nathan and trudged slowly to his class which he found out was class C4.

Reaching the class he found some students already seated, He found a seat at an inconspicuous place in the middle of the classroom and sat down quietly while other students chatted noisily with themselves. Soon a male student came by and sat beside him, Mark looked at him and identified him as Eric Dossien, Nathan's roommate.

Mark stretched out his right hand and they exchanged a an handshake

After waiting for a while, A beautiful young lady entered the class, seeing that she was not in a school uniform, it was obvious she is an academy instructor.

She stood in front of the class and knocked on the table in front to call the attention of the students.

"Hello and welcome to the Kinas Royal Academy, I am Charlotte and i am your class advisor for the next three years of your stay in this Academy, I'm also taking you guys history for your first year".

"Now you shall all introduce yourselves one after another; Your Full Name, Power specialisation, and your Power Level, we shall start from here", She said and pointed towards the left side at the front.

A skinny boy stood up and started his introduction;

Hello fellow students, My name is Paul Evans, I am a Qi cultivator and I'm at the first step of the first level of the Meridian Opening Stage.

The next person was a slim girl who seemed shy to face the class, However the teacher was quick to reprimand her coldly; "Please would you stop that act and introduce yourself quickly, we don't have all day"

The shy slim girl cowered in fear and started to introduce herself, although her voice was not loud enough for everyone to hear, Including Mark, however it seems he heard that she is a Mage with wood affinity.

 After introducing herself she sat down and the process continued.

 Soon it was Eric's turn, He stood up and said; "Hi everyone, I'm Eric Dossien, I am a Qi cultivator and I'm at the First step of the second level of the Meridian Opening Stage"

 Shocking!, That was the only word to describe the expression of the students in the classroom and the student began murmuring among themselves, even the usually expressionless Mark was suprised.

Everyone one was wondering what he was doing in Class C if he has such level of talent.

Teacher Charlotte, quietened down the students and turned to face Eric while asking; "What's your Qi sensitivity talent"?

"Lower level Blue Talent", Eric answered, 

"No wonder you are placed in this class", The teacher mumbled and called out; "Next person please".

Mark stood up and went straight to the point; "My name is Mark Thompson, I am a qi cultivator, and my cultivation level is the second step of the First level of the Meridian Opening Stage".

The other students introduced themselves and it turned out that nobody has a power level higher than that of Eric even among mages.

After the all round introduction, Teacher Charlotte snapped her fingers and a stack of papers appeared in her hand, she waved her hand gently and it floated to the front of each student.

 "It seems she is a wind affinity mage", Mark thought.

"This is your course form and you are required to fill it out now and submit it, You are required to enroll for all three compulsory courses, while you can choose Four out of the remaining elective courses and be careful not to choose courses that clash with each other in respect to time, I'll give you guys Ten minutes to think about it".

She sat down on her chair and crossed her beautiful long legs.

Mark picked up the course form and read it's contents, Just like Teacher Charlotte said, there were Compulsory courses and a whole lot of Elective courses

The compulsory courses are; Combat class, herbology and History.

While the elective courses include ,Basic Magic class, Basic Qi cultivation, Pill making, Rune Smithing, Magic Array/Formation learning class, Beasts Taming, weather forecasting, Elements control courses for each element and so on.

Mark looked through the courses and decided on which ones to choose.

He ticked the three compulsory courses and chose Basic Qi cultivation, Runesmithing, Magic Array class and Lightning Element control course.

He chose this courses after some careful thoughts, Basic Qi cultivation, is a must for all Qi Cultivators, and he chose Rune Smithing and Array or formation learning class, so he could have them as a second profession, while the Lightning Element control course was chosen due to his affinity to lightning element, although he would not be able to use it now, it will be better to have an hang of it earlier, morover he has the Mutated Bear lightning physique bullet from Black Prime.

He noticed someone glancing at his course form and noticed it was Eric.

"You actually chose an element control course in the first year", Eric asked in a suprised tone.

"Yes, I have my reasons for that". Mark replied 

"Ohh, i . just thought you should choose weather forecasting or some other Lifestyle based courses since that's the norm". Eric said.

Mark smiled and said; "Well I've made my choice. 

Eric shrugged and continued filling his course form.

Soon the time given to them by Teacher Charlotte was up and she waved her hand and the forms flew to her hand, she then kept them in her space ring.

" Alright, That's the class for today kids, you guys have the rest of the day to yourselves, Bye

She walked out briskly while some male students still had their eyes fixed on the doorway for a while even when she was gone.

Mark greeted Eric goodbye and walked out of the class with the other students.

 Coming out of the class, Mark saw Jackson and Nathan under a shady tree in front of his classroom, It was obvious they were waiting. for him.

My discord link; https://discord.com/invite/YQ4sKmeZ

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