
Gun Evolver

Mark, an experienced soldier was transmigrated into the body of a young boy in a new world where Mages and Qi cultivators reign supreme, However, it seems like his fate was not tied down to this planet and the the resolution of getting stronger with the help of His mysterious soul artifact will lead him on an interesting journey through the universe. With a Gun in hand, He suppresses all races. Note: This is my first novel.

Duan_Ling_Tian_2381 · ファンタジー
37 Chs

Chapter One

Chapter One:

 He was a random foot soldier, one that has gone through all specialized trainings to become a foot soldier, He only has his slightly better Marksmanship, and his experience over the last six years as an edge, He really didn't intend to become a soldier at the early stage of his life.

 He was an ambitious youth with lofty aspirations but his father's death when he was 18, changed everything, as his mother slipped into the unfortunate hands of coma, leaving him with his Four younger siblings, he decided to join a gang to get money for his immediate family, which he did successfully and was providing for his family though not that much as when his father was alive.

 Everything changed three years later, when is country was swept into the ongoing world war and he was forcefully drafted as a soldier, he was more than happy to take the position as their wages was really mouth watering and his current income couldn't more or less keep up with his and his siblings expenses, he received a year's specialized training and was sent to the battlefield, as an infantry division soldier, There he spent six years.

 He has been through many life and death situations and he is currently a killing machine, he has even been promoted twice though he is still a foot soldier, and he sends all the money to his siblings in the capital, and they are doing well, all the money he saved up in the past years were enough for him to live an average but enjoyable life.

 Mark sighed as he laced his boots, Now, today is the final confrontation, he heard that there will be peace talks after this battle and that the countries already came to an agreement earlier, the battle today was just going to be a show, though that does not mean he should underestimate his enemies, Soon he got to the training grounds where the bus was parked and entered along with every soldier, they sang along the road to boost their morale and soon reached a plain where a forest could be sighted ahead, 'This is the battlefield' the commander said and discussed the adopted strategies with his soldiers, they chanted a few war songs to boost their morale, after which they were assigned to their strategic locations.

 Mark carried his assault rifle as he ran across the forest deploring his experience in killing without alerting the enemies, Soon he saw a soldier from his country running ahead when the soldier saw him, he threw something to his direction and ran as silent as possible the other way, Mark face turned red with rage, this is a blatant betrayal, before he could think much he was surrounded by about ten soldiers, He didn't even have time to react before he was shot straight in the forehead, before he died he saw a Golden pistol also shot at the same spot he was shot, His body slumped down and he died.

Mark stood up with a jerk as he suddenly finds himself on an unfamiliar bed.

 He looked around and found out that he was in a room that looks like that of a teenage boy, with celebrities posters hanged around the room, he looked at hands and found them to be smooth without any of the calluses and injuries he had while serving in the army, and they looked younger.

 He quickly jumped off the bed and stared at the mirror, it took him a while to get accustomed to the changes, he saw a young teenager with jet black hair, and serene blue eyes looking back at him, He thought for a while and knew he has been transmigrated, even though he doesn't care much about them before his father died he was a great fan of movies and novels before his father died and definitely knew about stuff like this, He walked to the table and checked one of the books there, he soon found a name written on one of them, 'Mark Thompson', immediately he read that name, a huge influx of memories rushed to his brain and if not for the military training he had he would passed out from pain.

 He found out that he is in a world where the strong preys on the weak and the power system here is similar to those in the cultivation novels, there were even some that have innate talents like special physiques, bloodline talent or soul bound artifacts. The planet he was is called the Juman Planet, with six continents separated by three oceans. It is rumored that there are powerful sea monsters in the oceans, The continent he was is called the Kinases continent which can also be referred to as the Kinases Empire. and is Ruled by the Emperor, whose Grandfather unified the continent after the humans won the war against mutant beasts. Mages and qi cultivators were the main force of the world.

 Mark stood up after sorting out the memories of the body's former owner, even though there's still some gaps, he could more or less understand most of the information in the memories, He is one of the heirs of the Thompson Dukedom, one of the eight dukedoms in the Kinases Empire. He came to accept the fact that he has transmigrated, soon he heard a knock on the door, He raised his head and said; 'come in', the door was opened and a young beautiful lady with wavy black hair dressed in a maid outfit entered, Mark remembered that this was his personal maid Cynthia, who is a 3rd Circle Dark mage. Using the memories he inherited from the previous body owner, he stood up and ordered: "Tell the guards to prepare the car I'm going out.

'Young master you are up' Cynthia said enthusiastically, She was really worried about the Sixth young master, his position holds a lot of responsibilities and expectations, however when Mark went through the awakening ceremony, he was confirmed as a Qi cultivator however with a Green talent which is just immediately above the last talent tier which is the yellow talent, morover he didn't show any special talent, which basically confirmed that he is next to talentless, since then Mark has locked himself up and refused to talk to anyone, for the past one week. She nodded hurriedly and bowed to him before going out hastily.

 Of course Mark knew the reason behind her excitement, however he refused to make a comment and stood up to prepare himself.