

" Long ago, long before the Earth was created, the universe was a big mash-up of galaxies without a definite boundary. Queen Celestia ruled them all alone. She had no one to keep her company except for Morea, the universe herself but she was unpredictable. Years passed by and her solitude increased so she decided to create creatures to keep her company. So she set to work gathering fire from the sun, air from her castle, soil from the strongest place she could find, water from her tears, and a bit of some energy from Morea."

" Eww, her tears?"

" Yes, now let me finish."

" So, she created the first creature by blending the elements. The creature looked a lot like her; two arms, two legs, a body, and a face. The similarity ended there. The creature had constant green eyes. She was awed from the moment she saw him. She began running her hands over his muscular biceps while he stood rigid and chanted some words into his ears. The moment her mouth met his-"

" Eww, dad stop" the little boy clamped his hands over his ears.

"Okay, So after-" he heard a protesting whine "- whatever, the creature breathed his first word; Celestia and she named him Luke. Luke became her favorite person, her eyes sparked whenever she saw him. Basically, she was in love with him. Even though Luke never showed it he was madly in love with her too, always brightening up slightly whenever he was near her or he would always attempt to hold her hand. The two lovebirds became a really interesting thing for Morea, she would come almost constantly just to watch them two. Ah," the man sighed dreamily.

The little boy have learned not to disturb his father whenever he was having moments like this. He knew he was thinking about his mother, her sweet flowery scent, her bright smile lighting every room, or her flowing red hair always braided with vines and flowers. He knew that his father loved her with all his being and didn't still get over his grief from her death.

" I am sorry, kid." The boy just nodded.

" So, where were we? Oh, yeah Morea" he chuckled as if remembering a joke " She loved watching them. So she suggested that Celestia creates other creatures like him. Celestia readily agreed for she was thinking the same. So she set to work again with Luke by her side. She felt powerful, she thought that she could do anything with him there. She gathered the same elements but in more quantity this time, and they blended them together. The bowl shook and several other creatures came out divided as females and males. Celestia breathed on all of them but none spoke her name like Luke did. She have accepted the fact that Luke's eyes were constant green but it shocked her again when she saw constant blue, brown, hazel,-"

"- green, grey, purple."

" Good boy" he ruffled his hair.

" She didn't measure the elements like she did with Luke so they all had different personalities some were hot headed like fire, some were smart like water, some were laid- back and gentle as the wind, some were stubborn and loyal like the ground, the ones that had Morea's energy in more quantities were divided into two; the optimistic ones and the pessimists. Celestia was proud of their work and she gifted them all with talents. They became her most faithful subjects and they built her a magnificent castle. Then she thought about creating new creatures each with a single element. Red creatures emerged form the fire, blue ones from the water, grey ones from air, brown from the ground, white from the positive energy, and black from the negative energy."

" Luke and Celestia ruled the kingdom happily, till she met Illusios."

" But, father she didn't meet you still. How could you know that they won't rule happily then? And is she coming?"

" Yes my son she is coming"

" Yay!! I am going to meet someone. Does she have children so I can play? Can I play with them?"

" I am afraid that she doesn't have kids but you can play with her horses."

" Are they fun?"

" So fun"

" Can you finish the story?"

" Oh yeah, so they ruled happily. They were the dynamic couple. Even though Celestia is the wisest of them all no one will deny the fact she was a tad crazy. Merids, ghostly looking maids, claim to catch her laughing and talking all alone or dancing alone in the ballroom fully dressed in gowns while Luke would watch her with sad eyes. Someone started the rumor that Luke was controlling her with dark magic creating illusions in her mind-"

The boy looked up with wide eyes and the air dropped seventy degrees, the man started to shift uncomfortably.

" Y-Y-Yes... it was me, I like playing with her mind but believe me she is crazy."

" Father, she is your sister."

" I-I-I know but... I just like playing with her mind" he muttered the last lines in a low voice.

The boy knew that his father was probably a million years older than him but he held his gaze. " Ok fine, I won't play again". He released a breath of relief he didn't realize he was holding.

The man muttered things like Cleto...her son... her replica... how could he do that?.

" Dad," the boy persisted.

" Back to the story, where were we again? Oh yeah, everyone heard that rumor in dark alleys or from a drunk man in the bar but it was never said openly for people always feared her power. Well anyways that rumor is still alive just re inventing itself, people fear that he will betray her and unleash her wrath just to destroy them all, but it is known that the rumors started just because they were jealous of him for being the first one to be created and to be the one who held her heart."

" They had a child after so many years-"

" I thought you said that she doesn't have any children only horses?"

" Patience, my boy," he chuckled," The child was the diamond of the kingdom. Everyone adored her and no one could help but fell in love with her. She was the center of her parents life. On her first birthday Celestia pulled a line of stars from the sky and contained them in a glass crystal as a gift."

" She did that?"

" Yes she did"

" Wow!!"

The man felt something tugging in his heart. Whenever he saw the expectant look in his son's eyes every morning of his birthday he felt the hole in his heart expanding and getting deeper. He knew he couldn't do a thing to cheer him up, he was just a man with the powers to create illusions in people's mind unable to make his son feel loved or happy. He always blamed himself for not being powerful enough and his self accusation increased even more after Cleto's death, now that she wasn't here he realized that he doesn't know a thing about their son. He doesn't know his favorite color, his favorite food or his age... well that's harsh. But, he does appreciate the boy, Cleto's death have been hard for him and he couldn't imagine what it must have been for the boy.

" Umm, yeah"

"Is she here yet?"


An awkward moment of silence passed between neither of them knowing what to say.

" Dad?"

" Yes?"

" Do you ever miss mom?"

" Of course, I do. She was the only person that made me feel whole, feel like I was worth something. You should have seen the things she think about or the way she looks at the world. She viewed it with colors so vibrant and unique I couldn't describe them to you, she thought that everyone deserved a second chance and that we haven't discover half of the beauty of the world. She heard every secrets the winds carry, saw every hidden colors, felt the splash of every little drop of water on the ground, caught every rays of the sun. She had fire in her heart as well as stars in her eyes. She was magical."

The boy never doubted their love but he never heard his father say it aloud. This wasn't his first time in 7 years when he wished that his mother was alive for once so he could climb to her lap and sleep while she told him stories under the bright stars. It's not like he doesn't love his father but they weren't that close he wasn't sure his father even remembers his age. "Stop complaining" the same voice that had talked him to sleep every night, that had been there since he was born chided him. He always clung to the feeling that it was his mother's voice always urging him to do the right thing. He was sure it was a woman's voice cause it was light and musical just like chimes ringing in the wind yet it had an edge to it as if she was sad for everything. He never felt alone because it was a voice that spoke directly to his soul, a voice that carried the burden of all sorrows, a voice that calms the strongest tides, a voice that held all the whispers of the stars.

" She's here," he was waken out of his reverie by the sudden shuffling of feet from his father.

" But the story..."

" Kid, we need to make a good impression, especially you"

" Why? I never met her"

" Yeah but,... remember when I told you they had a daughter?" he asked as he crouched to straighten the boy's clothes.

" Yeah? is her daughter here?... I thought you said that she would only bring her horses?"

" Listen son," he grabbed the boy's shoulders " things started to get bad when Celestia began to feel Cryptos stirring. Her thoughts became more frightening and full of crazy things. The only thing keeping her sane and anchored to the ground were Luke and Dentia. Then came the prophecy about Dentia. She knew that Cryptos have heard the prophecy and was trying to get to them. So she created a magical barrier around the kingdom preventing anyone from going out or coming in. She ordered the best fighters to stand guard at the wall and prevent anyone from coming in or going out. She never thought that Luke would betray her, he was the only person she ever trusted fully. Million years never prepared her heart for the betrayal she felt when she saw Luke riding on a black horse, the symbol of Cryptos, with Dentia crying in his arms with the stars she have captured for her glinting in distance. She was never the same again. Her heart, soul and whole being was shattered into broken pieces."

"Is he crazy?"

" Son, mark my words. Only two kinds of people survive this mad world; those who made it mad and those who are sane in their own minds."

"I don't understand."

" You will when you grow up," a typical answer. "So she is unpredictable right now, so please stay with me and never let go of my hand because..."

I don't want to lose you too. He never said the words but they just hung between them unspoken but known to both.

Horses neighed as a loud thump was heard indicating that the chariot had landed. They both went out holding hands.

The boy have tried imagining what she would look like but the only thing he could conjure up from the words his father said was a psycho queen with multicolored eyes and a chaotic mind but he never thought she would be this beautiful. She was almost twenty feet tall, wildly floating golden hair, pale skin, and stormy grey eyes. She radiated such power that it was impossible to stare at her for too long. The man waved at her and she shrank to our level.

" Queen Celestia," the man bowed down so did the boy.

I know I have messed up my previous stories but I hope you like this one. I know that it is a crappy introduction but I promise to make the following chapters better, Thank you for your time.

Imagination04creators' thoughts