1 Chapter 1

There's a rumor around the cell that prisoned the test subjects in the lab.  They heard that the hidden project called Ygdrassil was successful and there's also a rumor that Ygdrassil was going to bear the first fruit which can be cultivated into an elf body .

The scientists were so obsessed before that they decided to realize the fictional race called Elves' because of their fantasy obsession . In myths , Elves were said to be devastatingly beautiful and elegant . They have pure souls and righteous personalities , and they are the favorite sons of mother nature.

They are blessed with beautiful faces and body , talents and brain . They also live long and with good eye sights , making them the best snipers or archers of all. 

Because of these characteristics , the perfect obsessive scientists strived to realize these myths and create an artificial race created by humans. 

Once this project becomes successful , humans would be regarded as the Elves' gods .

Scientists then started kidnapping beautiful humans to get their genes and started a trial and error on making a beautiful being .

That was also the start of a certain family's demise. 

Test Subject 032's ancestors were very beautiful , and several people lamented and envied their genes.

But because of their beauty , it also brought disaster to the whole family.  Test Subject 032 experienced a lot of ups and downs in his life.  His whole family was obliterated due to the terrorist attack , he witnessed how his family members were raped .

Stripped off in front of his naked eyes and forced upon by ugly humans. He was still a kid at that time , pure and innocent . But his view of the perfect and safe world he usually thought of shattered when that disaster descended upon their family. 

032 was discovered by a scientist and got captured into the Research Institute.  He was tortured and tormented repeatedly and was injected by several suspicious serums that made his body transform into a monster that doesn't even have a normal consciousness. 

The scientists lamented at the failure of making him awaken the ability of thread manipulation . The genes that was injected to him was a gene from a mutated spider. 032 suffered, and his brain often aches a lot. 

032 even experienced hallucinations and becomes berserk regularly due to the pain throughout his body . He wanted to end his suffering through suicide but he miraculously awakened the ability . He kept it a secret and acts delirious regularly to remain the status of a failed subject. 

Until he heard of these rumors. 

He heard that the Ygdrassil was created through his family's genes and the scientists expect the Ygdrassil to create an elf from 032's parent's genes who have a heavenly beauty that everyone covets. 

032 calmly looked at the excited expressions on the people wearing white lab coats.  His gaze followed them and secretly blended through the crowd of scientists. 

Once the crowd arrived at the destination . They saw a gigantic majestic tree that exudes a lot of vitality . 032 lamented that such majestic mythical Tree was contained under a glass sphere. 

" I can't believe that Ygdrassil would soon produce the first Elf of the world.  I can't wait to witness it . " A certain little scientist sighed in admiration and excitement while staring at the Tree with awe and worship. 

" Me too , the Elf would probably look the best throughout the whole universe.  "

_ The best! Tsk , i would agree to you if only the scientists did not use my parents' genes. Wouldn't it basically just a creation born from my parents' genes? Don't tell me they will create a replica of me with enhanced features.  _

No one noticed the handsome man amidst the crowd.  It was mysterious how 032 avoided their notice but it can be attributed to his awakened ability .

" Brother "

032 looks at the tree in confusion.  He seems to have heard someone calling brother and he somehow feels that the call was directed to him. 

" Brother , it's me ... Ygdrassil.  "

This time , 032 could hear the childlike voice within his brain.  032's stoic expression cracked as his eyes widened a little and stared suspiciously at the majestic tree .

_ are you talking to me? _

" Yes "

_ stupid , Don't talk to me . There's a lot of scientists around me. _

" Don't worry , no one can hear our conversation ."

032 raises one of his brows.  _How come? Don't they observe some waves waves something?_

" No ...  No instruments can monitor my internal body . Nor instruments that can detect my voice , even if they have an instrument that can detect the brain waves of a human . Unfortunately for them , i am not a human and my brain is not the same as humans . " The childlike voice seems to have a tone of mockery towards the scientists. 

_ Then why did you call me , brother? _

" Because i was created from your parents' genes , so basically , you're my brother. "

_ No , you're not my brother . I cannot accept that . _

" Well , I can't do anything about your mentality.  For me , you're my brother.  Because of your parents' genes , i was completed . I have been suffering because of my body's rejection towards the gene of several humans , and only your parents' genes did my body no longer aches and rejects.  "

_ what's with my parents' genes , why did your body accepted their genes ?_

" Because of our compatibility and its powerful genes , and i heard from the scientists that your genes are beautiful . I had once saw your picture before , and to be honest ... I even saw those scientists secretly masturbating in front of your picture.  "

When 032 heard of Ygdrassil's words , He couldn't help shivering from disgust and creep . After a few seconds , 032 didn't dwell on that matter anymore and changed the topic immediately. 

_ i heard that you're giving birth? _

" I'm not giving birth!! Who said that? I'm just bearing a fruit!! One day , you will be expecting a new brother soon.  "

_ wouldn't your new fruit basically becomes my nephew , you said we're brothers.  Your son will definitely becomes my nephew . _

" ... Fcc , I didn't think of that.  "

_... _

The visit time ended , the scientists who wanted to observe the Ygdrassil have to go back and leave the tree alone .

032 gas no choice but to follow or else he'll be discovered .

" Brother , Don't leave me . " Ygdrassil called out in distress .

032 didn't stop from walking away , but ge secretly peeked while walking. 

_ i had to follow these stupid doctors , see you next time . _

" No! There's no next time! We have to escape.  "

032 was confused but his body is starting to get hit by the passing by doctors . If he did not keep up , hell surely catch their attention . 032 turned completely and started walking away from the laboratory room.

When he was about to completely exit the room . Alarms suddenly started ringing loudly . Red laser lights started flashing and passed through the bodies that passed by . 032 widened his eyes and wanted to slip up but the door suddenly closed. 

_ what happened?!! _

" I closed the door forcibly . " Ygdrassil answered in a childlike voice that sounded as if he did nothing wrong. 

_ fcc _

" Don't worry brother , i know how to escape out of here.  "

032 rolled his eyes and habitually bit his lower lips and licked it , signs of him contemplating about what to do . He even thought of destroying the annoying alarm at the upper ceiling. 

032 looked at the giant tree and asked out loud.  " What do we do now? "

The sphere covering the tree suddenly exposed a transparent almost unnoticeable rectangular shape that looked like a hidden door. 

" Brother , step inside.  I got your back.  " Ygdrassil childishly said and opened the glass door. 

032 helplessly washed his face with an imaginary water and stepped inside.  Once his body entered the sphere.  The whole building suddenly started shaking .

032 released a thread and sticked it unto the ground to balance his body.  " What's going on? " Asked 032 .

Suddenly , the several materials such as boxes of serums , books , documents , devices and equipments entered through the sphere and the whole sphere suddenly floated . 032 looked down from above and couldn't believe that he was floating together with Ygdrassil .

He couldn't understand what is the magical tree doing but he has a premonition that they will be successful on escaping this time.  032 obediently sit down and watched as the whole world suddenly blackened. 

Before the sphere completely disappeared , the scientists who was about to enter the lab suddenly heard a deafening shout of pain before it was swallowed up by the space whole .

It was clearly the voice of 032 who is currently experiencing the pain of his soul being scratched by space crack . Fortunately , Ygdrassil immediately helped him and protected his soul from being torn apart. 
