

Dike_Peters · ホラー
10 Chs

Chapter 4: I Know What you Are

Location: Time's Senior High

Placement: School's roof shed.

***A figure sat on top of the school's roof shed. On his face was a well bandaged nose. His dark hair swayed in the wind. Up here was calm. The most natural place to him. Up here, he got a very nice view of the city. Drone performing their daily tasks of delivering goods,  humans going about their normal lives, and vehicles moving to their assigned destination. Everything felt normal up here. This was the only place he came to take a time out usually.

Jacob:"What the hell are you doing here?" A cute girl climbed up a ladder that led to the ceiling of the shed. After which, she walked up to Jacob and sat behind him.

???:"I came to see you. Sorry about what happened earlier in class."

Jacob:"I never recalled ever asking you to side for me."

???:"Yeah, I know. I did it for my own benefit."


???:"Yeah, you heard me. Look...I know what you are." Jacob slowly turned his head around.

Jacob:"Who are you?" Jacob rose a brow when he looked at her. "(No demon in sight. Is she....Is she pure?)"

???:"Sorry I didn't get to introduce myself earlier. Well, I'm tasha. No need to introduce yourself. I already know you." She extended her right hand for a handshake.

Jacob:"And why are you here?" He ignored the handshake.

Tasha:"I'm here because I want us to talk. Though this can't be the idle place."

Jacob:"You want us to talk? About what if i may ask?"

Tasha:"About you."

Jacob:"I'm sorry, but I don't relate my personality with others."

Tasha:"Oh really? I thought as much. Okay then, but luckily for me, I came prepared."

Jacob:"What do you mean?" Tasha took a deep breath. She was sure she had gained his attention.

Tasha:"You know, I do ask myself, do you gain pleasure from pain? Cause, everytime...everytime they bully you, you don't seem to retaliate nor fight back. Its not as if you are weak, cause I'm sure you can defeat all of them if you wanted. But err...that's a matter for some other time. The real deal is you see them, don't you?"

Jacob:"See what?"

Tasha:"Demons. Look, you can't deny it. I've been waching you for some time now. And I know you are different from your mates. You are blessed with super human capabilities. Wondering how I know?" She smirked. Jacob still had an indifferent face."No need to worry. I'm not your enemy. Let's be friends, and I'll tell you how I know." She smiled at him.

On The Way Back Home.

***Jacob was on his way home. He already signed an absence leave from school for some days. It wasn't because of his bullies that he decided to be absent, but rather, he needed time to think.

Jacob:"(How did she know?)" That was what his mind was fixed on. It was impossible for someone to see through him. But she was entirely different. And now, she was willing to be his friend and claims she isn't an enemy. How could he trust her."(Not only that. I'm also being watched.)" Jacob paused his movement...he stood there a bit, trying to listen and grasp his surrounding. "(Nothing....no one seems to be following me. In other words....if the case isn't physical, then it's spiritual. I clearly don't have to underestimate her. If she knows me....then there's a possibility she's far stronger than I am. But come to think of it....)" He pondered. "(She was pure. No negativity in her. How's that possible? Damn! There's got to be a plausible explanation. In that case....she isn't normal.)" Jacob continued his walk. He decided to walk home to think more about this. If he's being watched...then he just had to play along for now and keep his eyes on the lookout. Possibly a secret organization is on his tails.


***In the ladies ease room. A young girl/teenager locked the door and at that precise moment, an air pod materialised at the side oh her right ear.

Tasha:"Seriously...out of all the God forsaken times you decide to call me now?! I'm in school you know." A voice replied back.

???:"You know me already. I've to be informed on hourly basics. So, Is he hostile?"

Tasha:"No, he isn't. And he isn't possessed. He's just blessed, naturally."

???:"So, what else did you gain from him?"

Tasha:"How do I put this...if we wanna recruit him, it'll be nearly impossible. He's a loner, and I don't think he's easily moved by things. Not to mention, he has a cold hearted personality."

???:"Oh really! This seems fun."

Tasha:"Like you care to know how this line of work is. All you get to do is to dish out orders and chill behind that desk of yours."

???:"Well, obtain a higher standard and get promoted once again. You're just s step away from chilling where i sit on today."

Tasha:"Forget it...you've called, I've told you what i have to tell you. I'll brief you when i get more intel."

???:"Alright...well, have a nice day in school. Haha!"

Tasha:"F**k off dick-head." The air pod dematerialized. Now, her mind drifted off to Jacob. If she wasn't smart enough, she couldn't tell if Jacob was shocked. And she was sure that no other person could tell how he feels usually. He was dangerous. "Those bullies of his really jave nerves." She remember when her last words before they both departed.•Let's be friends,  and I'll tell you how I know• After which, Jacob jumped down the roof of the shed and headed for the outlet door. Tasha couldn't help but frown....he was indeed a loner, but the real truth is,  he wasn't looking for any friends. Tasha smiled when she looked up looked to the ceiling.

"(Hmmm! Tough nut to crack, Jacob...I don't give up easily. And incase you don't know....this might as well be the best case I need to handle.)"

Knock! Knock!

The knock on the door interrupted her thoughts.

Tasha:"This spot isn't vacant."

At home.

***Jacob arrived back home and tossed the bb(basket ball) on the couch. He immediately took off his shoes,  and at that precise moment, ALEXA came online.

ALEXA:'Welcome back home Jacob. Though you arrived rather early. Hold on a minute what happened to your nose?'

Jacob:"If you don't mind, I'll be busy in the washroom."

Minutes later.

***The bandage on nose was taken off. Though it was swollen. In just a few hours, It'll be back to normal. He managed to straighten the bone in there. It tingled a bit, according to him.

Note: Jacob isn't a masochist(a pain lover.) With all the things he faced during his childhood, his body couldn't feel pain any longer. He was numb to it.

***After which, he came out of the washroom after he had his bath. He took out the toast he prepared earlier  and went up to his room. But before that...

Jacob:"ALEXA, when did mother conclude her arrival period?"

ALEXA:'A week. She won't be back until a week. Tough time in the hospital this days, that's what she said.'

Jacob:"Alright." Jacob headed for his room.