
Group Chat of Misfits

[Welcome to the group chat!] [New Member - Not a Yakuza!] [New Member - Loony Lovegood!] [New Member - Straw Hat!] [New Member - Ms. Royalty!] [New Member - Solo Leveller!] Current Members: 5 A/N: I wanted to create a group chat ff, so I have. I couldn't think of a name so I thought of this one. Tags/Warnings/Etc will be in Chapter's as Author's Notes (A/N)

Rizzler007 · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Group Chat

A/N: This will be a quick start as I prefer getting straight into things, and I've learnt not to drag things out too much otherwise I'll just get bored. But not too fast.

If you guys want to suggest any characters to be added, comment here.


- Author PoV, 3rd person -

Laying on his bed was a dual-coloured long haired boy, with one side white and the other black, contrasting with one another. Similarly, his eyes were also different colour, but also the same colours: Black and white. He has a black cross earring on his left ear, as well as a fang. [Cover Image]

He could be seen scrolling on his phone, going through social media. This came to a stop however when suddenly his phone went pitch black.

"What the fuck!?" He complained, hitting the side of his phone against his palm thinking it would fix it somehow-

"Hey, it's fixed!" Nevermind...

His phone shined bright with a blue light, blinding the boy.

Seconds later, the light died down, allowing for the boy to grab hold of his phone.

"The fuck...?" He muttered, seeing a white text on his phone, which he read out as:

"Welcome to the group chat...?"

- MC PoV, 1st person -

Let me introduce myself, my name is Daisuke Aohitsugi. I'm a teenage boy living in Japan.

I'd like to think of my life as 'normal' but... yeahhh, that's not necessarily right. You see,

My family is known for being famous Yakuza. My older brother, Samatoki, is the leader of his own gang. My father took over the 'Katen Clan', our family's Yakuza group that's passed down. And my sister, well, she's a bit young to be involved in that stuff for now.

I, on the other hand, prefer staying away from that stuff. Don't get me wrong, I love my family whether they're Yakuza or not, and they love me, but I just prefer not being involved in that stuff personally.

I'm actually part of the Student Council at a school called Shuchi'in Academy, have a few friends, play a few sports, and am overall quite a normal student living a normal life.

Life is good, I'll be honest, and nothing's been to out of the ordinary fortunately... UNTIL NOW

I'm on my phone in bed, like any other day, when suddenly my phone just switches off randomly, like bitch?! Lemme read the recent gossip involving celebrities that have nothing to do with me personally.

Then, after abusing my phone, it suddenly switches on, and like some bloody fictional story, I read a text that says [Welcome to the group chat!]

- Author PoV, 3rd Person -

[Welcome to the group chat!]

[New Member - Not a Yakuza!]

[New Member - Loony Lovegood!]

[New Member - Straw Hat!]

[New Member - Ms. Royalty!]

[New Member - Solo Leveller!]

Looking at this "group chat", Daisuke read the names of the "members" with interest and waited.

[Straw Hat: Hey! Anyone know what this thing is? I tried eating it but my teeth broke. Shishishishi!]

[Loony Lovegood: Woahhh... what'd it taste like...?]

[Solo Leveller: What the hell happened to my phone?!]

[Ms. Royalty: Someone tell me what's happening this instant!]

Reading the messages, Daisuke already had an idea of their personality. The first two seemed like the dumb or oblivious type, the third one seemed normal, and the fourth one seemed to be a spoiled brat (The name totally doesn't give it away)

'I'll just wait 'till someone explains what this is' Daisuke stared at his phone patiently, looking as the other proceed to carry on sending messages.

[Solo Leveller: Hey @Not a Yakuza , you haven't said anything so far. Got an idea what this might be?]

[Not a Yakuza: A group chat]

[Ms. Royalty: Really??? Who would've guessed.]

[Not a Yakuza: Thanks for the sarcasm. Now, rather than spamming messages, how about we actually introduce ourselves, like you're meant to do in a normal group chat]

[Solo Leveller: Agreed]

[Ms. Royalty/Straw Hat/Loony Lovegood: What's a group chat?]

[Not a Yakuza: Doesn't matter. I'll start]

[Not a Yakuza: My name's Daisuke Aohitsugi, I live in Japan, and I'm 16]

[Solo Leveller: Sung Jin woo, Korean, 18]

[Straw Hat: Monkey D. Luffy, I'm gonna be the future Pirate King! Shishishishi! I'm 18!]

[Ms. Royalty: Noelle Silva, from the esteemed royal family of the clover kingdom. 15]

[Loony Lovegood: Luna Lovegood... 14...]


[System: Welcome to the Group Chat of Misfits!

This group chat is for you misfits from different worlds, in order to get to know each other and form bonds with one another while getting stronger.

This system has been programmed to be straightforward, therefore, I shall hurriedly explain the functions of this Group Chat:

- First of all, there is a Quest system. You may get quests at any time ranging from: Individual Quests in your own worlds, to a quest requiring all of you to travel to another world. Don't worry, you DO get rewards for these quests.

- Second of all, and my favourite: The gacha system-]

Reading this, Daisuke nearly threw up

[-The gacha is a daily function that is based off luck. Every 24 hours, you are able to use your spin to get a prize. Prizes are ranked based on the rarity: F -> FF -> FFF -> Etc -> SSS -> EX -> EX+ -> EX++ -> GODLY. Simple.

- Finally, there's the Trading/Borrowing function. It's quite self-explanatory but for the dumb ones: Trading allows for two people to trade things as long as they're worth the same rarity (An S for an S, etc). Borrowing allows for someone to give someone something to borrow (Duh), the higher the rarity, the less usage time for said thing given. (A/N: Hope that makes sense)]

The long message containing the useful information was read and understood by Daisuke, who looked at it with a smile.

'What the hell have I just been given... Not that I'm complaining'

[Members will be added at times to increase the number of this group chat. Get to know each other and form many great bonds of all kinds ;) Ciao~]

And with that, the system announcement-thing came to an end.

[Straw Hat: Gacha Used! - Meat (CCC) - The meat of an animal with amazing taste that you can never forget]



Daisuke chuckled a little reading this message.

'Doesn't hurt to try'

[Not a Yakuza: How about the rest of us press the gacha at the same time?]

[Loony Lovegood/Ms. Royalty/Solo Leveller: Sure]

[Not a Yakuza: 3]

[ 2 ]

[ 1 ]

[Loony Lovegood: Gacha Used! - Cooking Skill (C) - You're a good cook! Not the best, but definitely better than average!]

[Ms. Royalty: Gacha Used! - Pikachu (BBB) - A cute yet strong pokemon]

[Solo Leveller: Gacha Used! - Clean socks (E) - Atleast they're not dirty and old]

[Not a Yakuza: Gacha Used!]


A/N: Please put suggestions of things to put for the gacha ples (and their grade)

Thanks for reading

Hope you enjoyed

Have a good day

Any suggestions, etc, put in comments/paragraph comments

I do my best, don't be too harsh ples-

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