
Chapter 58 – Edited Video

"Hello everyone! Your favorite streamer, Flexy, is here! Surprise, surprise, there is something special in today's stream!"

The video started with Flexy's introduction as he appeared alone in his lobby. It was when both of them were preparing for the streams. However, there was something different.

"Let me introduce you to today's guest, Breeze!"

When Flexy said that, Max's avatar appeared behind him from the air, landing perfectly like a superhero, it was dramatic and was given some effect to make it look better.

Following that, they made an agreement to attack the Fort Siege together, and the scene flashed, changing perspective immediately to Max's. He had sent the VOD to Flexy as requested just right after the livestream ended that day.

The previous 1st POV turned into the 3rd POV immediately, giving a clear idea of what happened when Max massacred the first batch of enemies they faced for Flexy's viewers.

First kill!
